Below the dungeons though, lies a deadly secret. A colony of kuo-toa has taken root here and is attempting to tunnel into the sewers and make contact with the Temple of Umberlee to form a monstrous alliance. (Perhaps some of the maps for the kuo-toa colony could be lifted and rearranged from the BG2 Sahuagin city.) Ultimately, the kuo-toa are attempting to bring an avatar of Blipdoolpoolp into the Realms in the form of a kuo-toa leviathan, a hideous monstrosity that the party can only defeat with the help of sea elves who are attempting to thwart this plot. Some critical areas for the quest are accessible only with Rings of Water Breathing or similar spells obtained from them (probably can be coded via script if nothing else). Alternately, an evil party can side with the kuo-toa and destroy the sea elves (headed by an aquatic sorceress of great power), and possibly the Seatower garrison as well, who are trying to contain what little they know of the menace. Ultimately the Fist will probably send in reinforcements to at least hold off the kuo-toa, if not defeat them (assuming the party does not do so).
Yeah, something similar to that has probably been done too, but like I said, what hasn't.
Just an idea that sort of stems from this.
Could the Kuo-toa have been responsible for Baldurans ship being shipwrecked off the werewolf island (mendales quest i think in UB). and because you don't find much evidence that Balduran was on the island, could the Kuo-toa have 'kidnapped' him, they've been torturing him and gleaning enough info over the years for them to build underneath the seatower, as they plan on invading BG and destroying everything/one in their path.
Temple of umberlee could be involved with it, as in their narrowminded atitutde to everything being beneath them, theyre mistakenly worshipping/aiding and abetting the Kuo-toa in their BG domination plans, and maybe umberlee sends a genuine worshipper to your party so you can address the balance.
sorry if this sounds like a dumb idea, im having a blonde one today

Edited by Escape1sm, 20 May 2007 - 01:46 PM.