For the details I hope you will include in this thread, the General Details will be...
- KKRomance Value - either 1 or 2
check the Global Variable "KKRomance", and put it's value down here.
If your KKRomance value is still 0, it's probably a good idea to wait till it's either 1 or 2 before commenting on this thread, but if you want to comment still, that's cool
If you want to quicken the interaction between them in the Beta, it's probably best to use Ctrl-I.
Alternatively, if you don't want to look up the Variable
Stage 1 begins when Kova thanks Kiyone for believing in him
Stage 2 begins when they agree to be friends
- Personality Description
This basically is YOUR Description of the NPC, based on what you perceive. There can be more than one Description, to capture how differently you perceive Kiyone as you get to know her better.
- Sentiments
This basically is your Feelings/Views towards the NPC. You can have a few different Sentiments corresponding to each Personality, but it'd be nice to have an overall idea of how you feel towards Kiyone and how you'd compare your Feelings for her with your feelings for Kova, if you wish to compare.
For those wondering, I'll be starting a separate thread for Kova as well Hopefully, if the response to this thread is reasonable (well I don't know how good it will be since nothing ever really seems to fly on my forum, lol, especially when initiated by me...)