BPv177 bug reports
Posted 13 June 2007 - 02:05 PM
--Bereth Darkides--
Posted 20 June 2007 - 10:28 AM
*is considering making his own topic for bugs instead of triple posting in this one...*
Anyway. I did some tests and found that an issue i reported over at the BGT forum is actually caused by BP - more precisely, by the boots of gravity introduced by BP at Horred's lair.
If you have these equipped and a dragon activates its wing ability, the character will feedback that strange line
"And they would only sniff when I tell tell them thats it's how it is *always* done. A half-breed stays with its *mother*. Why am I supposed to be better than others?"
Similarly, as I have not mentioned it in this forum yet, but pro5 confirmed that the beholder hive mother will feedback
"I see that the song Eldoth sang yestereve, glancing at you and me ever so suggestively, touched your heart." due to an issue with BP.
Oddly enough, I am using the German version of BP and all those lines are English.
Oddly enough, Horred always tried to claim ignorance as to "why did it do that, or I didn't make it do that gee I dunno". I have had my run in's with Horred in the past and thanked him for his efforts but also gave him what for for making a mess of some things to that were more annoying than anything.
In essence, he knows plenty about programming but NOTHING about D&D or game balance.
He never liked that kind of scrutiny!
Posted 24 June 2007 - 02:47 AM
1/ Dunno if its a bug or a balance issue but mindflayers have a feat ("psychic drain" i think) which kill any target without save and regardless of most of the magical protection of the target: death protection, chaotic commands and illithid potion do not work against this. I believe this even go through magical resistance and maybe magical defense (spell trap and the like...).
Only 2 item (in soa without any other mod) can protect against this power: greenstone amulet (but you need to go in the totally broken beholder lair to get it...) and magic pro scroll (only 2 in the whole game without cheese...).
This power is currently too cheesy and frustrating in my opinion. I would suggest one of these tweak:
.Allow a save (with penalty if you like).
.Or give it a casting time so we can get a chance to stop it.
.Or allow chaotic commands, death protection and illithid potion to work against this power.
Besides, i would suggest to not allow them to cast disintegration without incantation. I dont really enjoy reloading 7875 times because they spammed 456465 unavoidable disintegration on minsc. (i know death protection works but still... the non resurection part of disintegration is disgusting...).
2/ Again i dunno if these report are really bug or if it was done on purpose:
.Some beholders (gauth mainly) are able to cast ray while being disabled (web, time stop, fear, confused, etc..). I guess they should not be able to do this.
.The gauth can see through invisibility (non detection doesnt work) while spectator and director can not. I didn't test for dead tyran and elder orb (i was so pissed by all the bugs in beholder lair that i just crtl-y all of them...).
.Spectator give only 4000 xp and are insta killed by death cloud.
.Each director in the beholder lair drop a fire resist ring (the 40% one).
.Some gauth (only them i think) are immortal even to a drain attribute kill attempt. The only way i found to get rid of them is to time stop/imprison. And its kind of pissing to see the mage doing this die because they cast 67796 serious wound while being time stopped.
Currently, the beholder lair is utterly impossible without major cheese for a normal party in soa (no other mod installed): the beholder are just too much and the unkillable gauth really really make it hard and painfull.
Aside of bug, i find the balancing of the beholder was really poorly done. Instead of buffing the already owerpowered beholder, it would have been better to nerf the items which totally waste them (baldurian shield, cloack of mirroring, magic pro scroll with clone abuse and the like). Currently, the changes done to beholder just make the fight against them more cheesy and boring...
3/ I see a lot of priest cast iron skin (even good old hobgoblin shaman master this lvl 5 spell while my jaheira could'nt cast one yet at this moment :/). Bug script or is it an extra for insane difficuly?
4/ In spellhold, in the troll room at the end of the maze, the big troll (who is supposed to give the head) wasnt here. Instead, i had 1 spectral troll, 1 snow toll and 1 normal troll. Additionally, the mage who is supposed to take me away of this area was not here aswell so i was trapped in. I tried to reload at the auto save spot (after minautor statue) but i was still blocked. Improved asylum wasnt installed.
5/ The runnic assasin are buggy. First they see through any kind of invisibilty just like planetar. And when i fight them i see a lot of "item empty" prompt. I guess this is because they are trying to go invisible but do not have potion in their inventory. Besides, i have observed they only go once in invisibilty in bp while they were doing multiple backstab attempt in vanilla soa. But honnestly, im glad they forgeted how to backstabb since they already eat my minsc in 1on1 for breakfast...
Hope to see a new version soon :/. Despite the bugs, bp is still a very good difficulty enhancer mod on his own. Hope my english wasn't too bad, sry if you went crazy after reading me

Posted 24 June 2007 - 06:45 AM
Some of what you wrote (e.g. "lot of priest cast iron skin") is not bugginess at all but is the style of BP tactics enhancement. Those are the challenges you must overcome.
Few of what you wrote (e.g. "runnic assasin...see through any kind of invisibilty just like planetar", and "non detection doesnt work") is actually standard in the game, without using any mods. And these are not modified by using any mod, even g3Fixpack.
What's left might be bugs, but also might be because of your installation order or using mod versions that are older or incompatiable.
So, go thru your topics again, search the forums about these, and study people's comments. You'll learn about why certain things are as they are, and how to deal with them.
Posted 31 July 2007 - 01:59 PM
1) In Promenade If in some way I attack Ribald or make him hostile the Amnish guard randomly attacks either him or me but usually attacks Ribald till he kills him and then stops attacking completely so im free to go.Extra guards never come by the way thats imba unrealistic since the single guard never calls for help and just sits and dies lal. ( i think the same goes for all guards in game in buildings for sure)
2) Btw dont know what happened to the old Ribald's script but he used to do True sight when a thief hided in shadows so it was harder to pickpocket him. It seems that now he never does it again. One of the times he even managed to attack the party melee instead of spellcasting which just led to his instant death ofc. Silly and funny at the same time

3) It seems that instead of just Ribald having a neutral robe of archmagi, lucy the wyvern also dropped one in adventurer's mart and the dwarf thats next to Ribald same thing another one. 3 robes... lolen
4) Ribald's first 5 items of his regular store that he sells are blank entries that cost 0 gold and if bought are unmovable.
5) Entering the slave compound, the priest of cyric cast a spell and became completely untargetable no matter how much time passed till he was the only alive.Thank god he died fast cause the npc members killed him automatically by themselves without requiring any clicks from me.Thats probably a divine remix untargetable bug though so i posted it there too.
Thats it for now any help appreciated.
PS1 : THis is more of a petition not a bug.(just because i love this game with mods and i only dislike one thing atm in my games.) I heard that u plan to soon finish the 1.80 version of bp. Just a suggestion if I may.And this goes to most modders no matter what mod they make :
Some times in the game don't u feel its incredibly unrealistic that a big room has for example 3 groups of people/monsters or a big hallway has 4 or 5 groups and they actually never call each other for help even though they die fast and they see it very easily?(just kill each group one by one even though they are few yards away).Even if for example its like 10 hobgoblins and another 10 like 10 yards away, a veteran player can easily step to them yard by yard and lure them 3-3 at a time while the others never come.Only those that can see you can come... How easy and unrealistic does a game become cause of that i ask? I mean linking groups/creatures and giving option to actually do call for help from other monsters how hard can it be?
I'm ONLY playing on hard and insane difficulty always with reduced xp mod and still the game is a breeze

I try to play with as much addons as I can tbh but i really never EVER encountered a really good AI mod that really DID give attention to cooperation and pnp smartness not even one in all those 1000 mods. Don't the hobgoblings (generally intelligent creatures like bugbears) hear the swords ringing and the axes swinging while their comrades get blown to smitherines by a fireball or something? geez :/
That's the only thing that lets me down atm. AI cooperation. I wish BP implemented it some day cause It really feels like my enemy is a jack ass in these games

"Just a gamer's wish"
PS2:Sorry for long post.
R@D@g@st The Brown
Posted 04 August 2007 - 08:44 PM
I have to disagree. "bastard you killed my friend" is BP's thing. And Dragon Fear was cast by a lich, so anyway something's wrongSalvanas didn't attack me ( not BP problem) : but Bolivar will keep fighting you if you attempt to fight him ( in order to make him join your party) you end up killing him (10 out of 10 times tested)
Dragon Fear,,,, if you know your Dungeons and Dragons Rules,, was never considered a castible spell/or inate 1 time castible spell. Dragon Fear is ongoing and the rules state that anyone under lvl 9 will bolt every time (unless immune to dragon fear). Dragon fear is based on their existing aura and is always active.
The Problem; IMHO is that everybody looks to the dragon as being the supreme thing to kill in D&D and has always been so. Later it becomes "how many Dragons have you killed,, lol.
Too many DM's "Ground" their dragons and limit their actual abilities and purposely missplay a dragon NPC to make it easier to kill. My Proof of this argument goes back a few years to when even AD&D did not add the 3rd lvl spell "Fly" to the "Players Handbook" ( yes yes Iknow, I'm a Dinosaur). With that removal it removed arial combat with Dragons, taking away the true threat of dragon ( with a movement rate of 30/45 at dive/180Degree arch in 1.5 rounds) This translates into a breath weapon attack every time he attacks you in flight if your on the ground (This rule applies to almost every Dragon type).
Dragon Fear???? If you ask me, it sounds more like a fix!
this is something I didn't know, so that's alright.Actually, these "ARE" considered special undead, and always have been(D&D officila rules),, same thing with other types of "Hags"...In my opinion, it's another fix!
a bug is a bugWell I've been asking for a fix like that for years,, best kind of bug I say!
Edited by Gort, 04 August 2007 - 08:46 PM.
Posted 30 August 2007 - 10:16 AM
That's what I see on the screen :
// Forged at <CHARNAME>'s request by interlocking red dragon scales with a suit of enchanted elven chain mail, the Incarnadine Elven Chain provides a superior combination of protection and freedom of movement. Rogues and wizards can still practice their trades while wearing this light suit of armor. STATISTICS: Fire Resistance: 25% bonus Stealth: 10% Penalty Lockpicking: 5% Penalty Find/Remove Traps: 5% Penalty Pick Pockets: 20% Penalty Armor Class: 0 Weight: 15 Requires: 5 Strength Not Usable By: Druid
PS : also the gauth saw through time stop and invisibilities of any kind. and the spectators were low level and subject to the death fog death effect.
Edited by Radagast-The-Brown, 31 August 2007 - 07:03 AM.
Posted 30 August 2007 - 06:52 PM
Posted 31 August 2007 - 07:05 AM
cloak of mirroring should protect only from damage, not from other effects
ye sorry that was a mistake on my side. There was another cloak with same effects as shield of balduran but I seem to have forgotten it's name

Posted 31 August 2007 - 01:01 PM
Sounds like a dialog.tlk error that is not caused by BP solely, but your megamod install/incompatibilities. That might go in megamodhelp bug report. Although it does not sound crucial, that string reference of what the Spectator should say may be close in number to what he did say. I have a couple wierd ones too that broke quests and I have to edit the mother f*****. Not my cup of tea, but oh well.DisplayStringHead(Myself,100660)
That's what I see on the screen :
// Forged at <CHARNAME>'s request by interlocking red dragon scales with a suit of enchanted elven chain mail, the Incarnadine Elven Chain provides a superior combination of protection and freedom of movement. Rogues and wizards can still practice their trades while wearing this light suit of armor. STATISTICS: Fire Resistance: 25% bonus Stealth: 10% Penalty Lockpicking: 5% Penalty Find/Remove Traps: 5% Penalty Pick Pockets: 20% Penalty Armor Class: 0 Weight: 15 Requires: 5 Strength Not Usable By: Druid
PS : also the gauth saw through time stop and invisibilities of any kind. and the spectators were low level and subject to the death fog death effect.
"If you think that a size of the mod indicates an amount of bugs that it introduces and their severity you're totally wrong...
Try not to use next time a load of shitty "super-mega-improving-tweaking-revising" small mods that you have installed and try to meet Wulfgar once again." - King Diamond

"Finding food and a place to sleep is your own business. I imagine Paul the Cat should have some fun with you, too" - Potencius in The Darkest Day
"You have been warned, little bastard!" -Khelben to a young <CHARNAME>in Check the Bodies
There are those who will snivel, and offer nothing in return except criticism, meanwhile never lifting a finger to do other than to cut other peoples labor down simply for the fact that they lack the capability to put anything of their own together. -erebusant
Posted 16 September 2007 - 07:46 AM
CtB replaces the entry to the cave (AR2602) with the Mana Bow+4 in it with the entrance to the Cult of the Dragon Stronghold. Coincidentally TS uses that cave for a quest with Coran/Ribald/Jaheira.
Moreover the TS Coran has the weird habit of trying to initiate party banters. With that I mean that he suddenly stops, turns in the direction of the party member he wishes to speak to and then absolutely nothing happens.
Additionally there are two bugs in the Cult of the Dragon areas: screwing up the lore values of your party (can be fixed with a reload) and ridiculously high amounts of gold dropped by enemies. I'm talking about 55000-66000 gold.
Edited by 10th, 16 September 2007 - 07:47 AM.
"I grab his deceased spirit and piledrive it back into his body, duplicating raise dead." - Psyren Oots board
Posted 16 September 2007 - 08:43 AM
Then again, evreyone else is posting non-BP reports here, so Welcome to the Party!
Posted 16 September 2007 - 08:58 AM
Edited by 10th, 18 September 2007 - 01:05 PM.
"I grab his deceased spirit and piledrive it back into his body, duplicating raise dead." - Psyren Oots board
Posted 04 October 2007 - 11:28 PM
FYI, in RR v3.8, there's a new component which restores the proper PnP spell progression to Bards and fixes this bug as well. BTW, all changes that RR makes to MXSPLBRD.2DA are being patched-in, the file is not being directly overwritten.
Edited by aVENGER, 04 October 2007 - 11:56 PM.
Posted 05 October 2007 - 02:00 AM
Game Over Only on Party Dead (BGT/EasyTuTu/BG2)
WTP Familiars(BGT/BG2)
Posted 05 October 2007 - 02:12 AM
EDIT - I just checked, the Tweaks version fixes the bug (since it expands the rows up to level 50) while the Song and Silence version does not (since it merely overwrites the file with its own version).
Edited by aVENGER, 05 October 2007 - 03:31 AM.
Posted 03 December 2007 - 11:09 AM
Posted 03 December 2007 - 01:11 PM
Go to one of your earlier threads, I put a link to BP components in there.
Edited by Azazello, 03 December 2007 - 01:12 PM.
Posted 10 December 2007 - 06:34 PM
In essence, he knows plenty about programming but NOTHING about D&D or game balance.
He never liked that kind of scrutiny!
Hmm...why wouldn't he like that insulting kind of scrutiny, I wonder...maybe cause he started throwing dice way back in 1979. Were you even born then?
Don't like it? Don't play it. Nobody twisted any arms, and/or forced any fingers on the downloads button.
You know---I actually came here to look into bug reports, and to try and help---for the first time in well over a year. Haven't even had BG2 installed for well over a year, cause I got so sick of snivelling, non-productive crap like this one, that I lost the desire to even play the game I once loved so much. Nice to see things haven't changed.
Think I'll stick with NWN modding, where people are mostly civil, and/or at least attempt to act like adults--even when reporting issues they experience, however dismal. Even when they don't like your ideas. Sorry I wasted 5 minutes even taking a look. Sorry I wasted years of my life, making myself miserable in trying to make people happy, that are incapable of such emotions. I'll be sure not to make that mistake again.
Now, I'm going to attempt to play my first game in many many months. Unless somebody wishes to spoil the fun of that, for me as well? If you try hard enough, I'm sure you can find a way.
P.S: Sorry to those that actually do care about this, and have helped out over the years--even those that offered constructive criticism. This was not intended with you in mind. You guys were great. Couldn't thank you enough for all the kind words and assistance. But you can thank ones like *points above*, and their ilk, for my departure from this scene. Things like that just break my heart--and heart was the only thing pushing me to perservere, for many of the latter years I was involved in this.

-- An ex-BG2 modder, now fully retired
Edited by horred the plague, 10 December 2007 - 06:42 PM.
Couldn't forget to thank those that deserved it. Cause they don't deserve this, any more than I do.
Posted 10 December 2007 - 06:52 PM
Well stated. I don't understand why some folks can't get a grasp on this concept, as easy as it is to understand.Don't like it? Don't play it. Nobody twisted any arms, and/or forced any fingers on the downloads button.
I've not played BP (yet) but I'm sure for every detractor, there are dozens or even hundreds who appreciate it. You're just more likely to here those who whine, and precisely because they whine. Such is the way of the world, sadly.
Infinity Engine Contributions
Aurora * BG1 NPC * BG1 Fixpack * Haiass * Infinity Animations * Level 1 NPCs * P5Tweaks
PnP Free Action * Thrown Hammers * Unique Containers * BG:EE * BGII:EE * IWD:EE
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"Infinity turns out to be the opposite of what people say it is. It is not 'that which has nothing beyond itself' that is infinite, but 'that which always has something beyond itself'." -Aristotle