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BPv177 bug reports

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#61 OldVeteran

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Posted 21 February 2007 - 02:56 PM

*is considering making his own topic for bugs instead of triple posting in this one...*

Anyway. I did some tests and found that an issue i reported over at the BGT forum is actually caused by BP - more precisely, by the boots of gravity introduced by BP at Horred's lair.
If you have these equipped and a dragon activates its wing ability, the character will feedback that strange line
"And they would only sniff when I tell tell them thats it's how it is *always* done. A half-breed stays with its *mother*. Why am I supposed to be better than others?"

Similarly, as I have not mentioned it in this forum yet, but pro5 confirmed that the beholder hive mother will feedback
"I see that the song Eldoth sang yestereve, glancing at you and me ever so suggestively, touched your heart." due to an issue with BP.

Oddly enough, I am using the German version of BP and all those lines are English.

#62 OldVeteran

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Posted 22 February 2007 - 10:12 AM

Flydian (the NPC that tells you about trademeet at the Athkatla city gates) is automatically dropped into the BP Sewers area below, thus you can only actually find him if you have the key to the City gate sewers even though he is supposed to be on the surface of that area.

#63 younes

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Posted 12 March 2007 - 09:45 PM

I can confirm what guest is describing. Ritual scroll doesn't work for me either. Gotta kill Odren or Demogorgon

I also confirm that the Ritual scroll does not work: Spell ineffective it says!!!
Another oddity: After casting tyhe spell, my character could not move because uncumbered. So I cheched my inventy and saw that the Ritual scroll was still there, with 65,431 of its little friends!!. For some reason, it ultra-duplicated.

Any input on this one?


#64 Bereth Darkides

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Posted 26 March 2007 - 08:39 PM

The more you guys try to alter, what works fine, the more bugs you make,,, I'm starting to thing WTF is the point if I can never play the game from start to finish..!

6 years guys,,,6 years!

#65 Salk

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Posted 30 March 2007 - 06:05 AM

Was it not enough to start your own topic to complain ? :huh:

#66 Azazello


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Posted 30 March 2007 - 07:27 AM

S/he did.

#67 ronin

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Posted 30 March 2007 - 09:50 AM

The more you guys try to alter, what works fine, the more bugs you make,,, I'm starting to thing WTF is the point if I can never play the game from start to finish..!

6 years guys,,,6 years!

Make it yourself then.


*** edit ***

you dont want to know what i originally posted.

Edited by ronin69hof, 30 March 2007 - 09:52 AM.

#68 --Bereth Darkides--

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Posted 07 April 2007 - 07:36 AM

i have something to add. I was hoping to go through entire game and than do a bug report, but if you say we have to hurry, so here is my current buglist:

all summons (even like rabid dog or dire wolf) can speak (i serve only lord ..., who is your lord?)
- it makes no sence to me

the same thing happens with many other creatures - like one of two lesser clay golems says "bastard you killed my friend" when another is killed. Werewolves, gibberlings, golems call me barbslinger, undeads (who are immune to poison) cry "magic cloud has engulfed me" and try to run away from cloud. There are many inconsistences

Priestly candle of knowledge is usable by all

Haerdalis attacks party instead of enemies when portal is being opening

Salvanas said "bastard you killed my friend" and attacked me when i killed Lethinan

Dragon fear ignores protection from magic

Gauths see invisible and even sanctuared creatures and can cast spells on them

lower resistance does not trigger acid backslash from kuroisan's katana

lich and his command who keep staff of magi were VERY stupid, even easier than in basic game

orc archers in red dragon lair do not shoot, and each of them drop A LOT of plate mails

strohm guardian could be killed by acid backslash even without strohm's mask

lich in docks (near renal's guild): when she tired of wasting her spells on two my protected from magic party members, she just went outside (what these two can't do until she is dead) and killed rest of my party (they were waiting near the door). I suppose "party required" flag needs to be added, or lich must be restricted from passing through door

I did not find giant troll (his head needs to be placed on altar) in asylum, and even when i cheated head to me and placed on altar - nothig happened. I get out from asylum via CLUA

mind flayer's ability detonate hits the entire party even when the victim is on another area side from others

i have some other mods installed - BG2FIXPACK, unfinished business, sola, D0QUESTPACK, some of BG2_TWEAKS, but i'm pretty sure these bugs are caused by Big Picture

#69 --Bereth Darkides--

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Posted 07 April 2007 - 07:55 AM

i have something to add. I was hoping to go through entire game and than do a bug report, but if you say we have to hurry, so here is my current buglist:

Salvanas said "bastard you killed my friend" and attacked me when i killed Lethinan

Dragon fear ignores protection from magic

i have some other mods installed - BG2FIXPACK, unfinished business, sola, D0QUESTPACK, some of BG2_TWEAKS, but i'm pretty sure these bugs are caused by Big Picture

Salvanas didn't attack me ( not BP problem) : but Bolivar will keep fighting you if you attempt to fight him ( in order to make him join your party) you end up killing him (10 out of 10 times tested)

Dragon Fear,,,, if you know your Dungeons and Dragons Rules,, was never considered a castible spell/or inate 1 time castible spell. Dragon Fear is ongoing and the rules state that anyone under lvl 9 will bolt every time (unless immune to dragon fear). Dragon fear is based on their existing aura and is always active.
The Problem; IMHO is that everybody looks to the dragon as being the supreme thing to kill in D&D and has always been so. Later it becomes "how many Dragons have you killed,, lol.
Too many DM's "Ground" their dragons and limit their actual abilities and purposely missplay a dragon NPC to make it easier to kill. My Proof of this argument goes back a few years to when even AD&D did not add the 3rd lvl spell "Fly" to the "Players Handbook" ( yes yes Iknow, I'm a Dinosaur). With that removal it removed arial combat with Dragons, taking away the true threat of dragon ( with a movement rate of 30/45 at dive/180Degree arch in 1.5 rounds) This translates into a breath weapon attack every time he attacks you in flight if your on the ground (This rule applies to almost every Dragon type).

Dragon Fear???? If you ask me, it sounds more like a fix!

#70 -Guest-

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Posted 09 April 2007 - 04:54 AM

*that* Dragon Fear was cast by a lich

#71 --Bereth Darkides--

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Posted 10 April 2007 - 06:28 AM

Haerdalis attacks party instead of enemies when portal is being opening


While you are fending off the creatures, have 1 character attempt to talk to Hear' Dalis and keep initiating dialog while you fight with creatures.
There is an aparent delay between dialog mode and when Haer'Dalis attacks, but even if he starts casting and if your beside him just initiate dialog to interupt the spell casting. Once the creatures are dead, hear'dalis wil be gone and you can continue as normal.

(notice he doesn't turn red)

#72 --Bereth Darkides--

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Posted 10 April 2007 - 07:08 AM

oh, i've forgotten: spirit trolls and spectral trolls are considered undead.
Chevalier: is it really too much work do not add dialogs to certain creatures at all?

Actually, these "ARE" considered special undead, and always have been(D&D officila rules),, same thing with other types of "Hags"...In my opinion, it's another fix!

#73 --Bereth Darkides--

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Posted 13 April 2007 - 10:37 AM

-Temple Sewers North part: Tarnor is FRIENDLY for some weird reason and can be commanded and even if you talk to him and he says he will kill you, he stays friendly and his companions neutral.

Not A problem with BPv177,,

I have installed, TDD, TS, SOS, Fixpk, Redemp, Item up as well, and no problem at all.

I am finding that there errors are not woth BP,, but rather the "Compatiblity" with the other mods..
This is one of the reasons, that After I am done I will be posting what I have installed and my complete bug report here.
My aim is if "MY" install works well enouhg without major bugs... The Moderators can "Sticky Post" the topic and call it "The Compatible BP with SoS, TS, TDD" works just fine.

Now that is oganization,, and leaves it at something to keep, and play!!!

Later,, if the other mods, want to be added and cause problems (which is the exact issue as noted above),, then you can better filter the problem where it truly occures without changing anything that works perfectly well on its own!!!!

= GAME STABILTY,, and in the end creates FAR less work for the moders!!!

#74 --Bereth Darkides--

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Posted 13 April 2007 - 11:03 AM

Lasaonar, drow swordsman (the first pit fight) doesn't fight when 4 other drow attack him.

What's the reason for changing UDLESA.BCS, anyway? The original script triggers work perfectly fine here.

unless i'm confused from banging my head against this problem for too long, BP doesn't change UDLESA.bcs - which is why it makes no sense that it doesn't work. of course if i am confused, and BP does change it, then there's a simple bugfix for me (and i'll wonder why i've spent so long on both weidu and non-weidu BP trying to fix it).

This is simply due to the fact that instead of altering the "MOD" going "into" BP,,, moders keep trying to alter BP instead, creating version after version after version after version after version after version after version after version......
Am I making my point yet?

Moders,, change your mod to "Fit into BP" not the other way around. I appreciate the game and all the efforts,,, but again were having to wait for yet "Another" version of BP just in order to work past problems created by adding yet another mod. We need to alter the mod to fit, so search the mod and find out why the change realy occured again!

If the shoe fits, and looks nice but you don't like the laces,, are you going to go out and buy a new pair of shoes or will you just get new laces?

#75 --Bereth Darkides--

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Posted 13 April 2007 - 12:09 PM

Err, no. :) That fix is for the duelmaster not recognizing the fact that the duel is over (which is caused by "Set All Dialog To Pause" from BG2 Tweaks), although it involves changing same file.

The "fix" for Lasaonar would be to remove all changes BP introduces to his script, because it already works fine the way it is.

Is this info in the bked up Dialog.tlk file?

#76 --Bereth Darkides--

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Posted 14 April 2007 - 07:46 AM

one more thing: there are a few drow in the temple of Rillifane, and they drop usual drow adamantine equipment, not destroyed by sunlight.

Well I've been asking for a fix like that for years,, best kind of bug I say!

#77 maximus2001

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Posted 15 April 2007 - 01:41 PM

The lizardmen under the Copper Coronet cause a crash whenever their shaman casts a spell. (not sure which spell though) My own solution after numerous reloads was to sneak in and cloudkill them. Any area effect spell should work nicely, don't let em see you or the shaman will cast away.

#78 --Bereth Darkides--

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Posted 23 April 2007 - 12:15 PM

The lizardmen under the Copper Coronet cause a crash whenever their shaman casts a spell. (not sure which spell though) My own solution after numerous reloads was to sneak in and cloudkill them. Any area effect spell should work nicely, don't let em see you or the shaman will cast away.

Not a problem with BP,,, It must be an issue with another mod..

I have installed : TDD, SoS, TS & BPv177, fixv2.

#79 maximus2001

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Posted 28 April 2007 - 12:02 PM

Perhaps it is TDD material. The same mod also added troglydytes to Windspear Hills.

I also have TDD, SOS, TS, ROT, NEJ2, and BP177. You should see it in either of these two areas. Unless its from one of the small mods FR/ROV etc. <_<

#80 --Bereth Darkides--

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Posted 26 May 2007 - 09:31 AM

Confirmation of plate mail drop in windspear.