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BPv177 bug reports

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#1 Gort

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Posted 08 November 2006 - 04:44 AM

i have something to add. I was hoping to go through entire game and than do a bug report, but if you say we have to hurry, so here is my current buglist:

all summons (even like rabid dog or dire wolf) can speak (i serve only lord ..., who is your lord?)
- it makes no sence to me

the same thing happens with many other creatures - like one of two lesser clay golems says "bastard you killed my friend" when another is killed. Werewolves, gibberlings, golems call me barbslinger, undeads (who are immune to poison) cry "magic cloud has engulfed me" and try to run away from cloud. There are many inconsistences

Priestly candle of knowledge is usable by all

Haerdalis attacks party instead of enemies when portal is being opening

Salvanas said "bastard you killed my friend" and attacked me when i killed Lethinan

Dragon fear ignores protection from magic

Gauths see invisible and even sanctuared creatures and can cast spells on them

lower resistance does not trigger acid backslash from kuroisan's katana

lich and his command who keep staff of magi were VERY stupid, even easier than in basic game

orc archers in red dragon lair do not shoot, and each of them drop A LOT of plate mails

strohm guardian could be killed by acid backslash even without strohm's mask

lich in docks (near renal's guild): when she tired of wasting her spells on two my protected from magic party members, she just went outside (what these two can't do until she is dead) and killed rest of my party (they were waiting near the door). I suppose "party required" flag needs to be added, or lich must be restricted from passing through door

I did not find giant troll (his head needs to be placed on altar) in asylum, and even when i cheated head to me and placed on altar - nothig happened. I get out from asylum via CLUA

mind flayer's ability detonate hits the entire party even when the victim is on another area side from others

i have some other mods installed - BG2FIXPACK, unfinished business, sola, D0QUESTPACK, some of BG2_TWEAKS, but i'm pretty sure these bugs are caused by Big Picture

Edited by Gort, 08 November 2006 - 09:17 AM.

#2 GeN1e


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Posted 08 November 2006 - 05:09 AM

As per Kuriosan's katana - it is the same one from Tactics and it deals great problems to everybody (it took some time for me to understand why poor Kachi died in a moment when she hit mage protected with fireshield), so I'd suggest to leave it alongside with Kuroisan's body.

Edited by GeN1e, 08 November 2006 - 05:10 AM.

Retired from modding.

#3 Gort

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Posted 08 November 2006 - 05:19 AM

my Valigar, wielding this katana, is fully protected from fire so genies and efreeties die instantly=)

#4 Chevalier


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Posted 08 November 2006 - 05:42 AM

all summons (even like rabid dog or dire wolf) can speak (i serve only lord ..., who is your lord?)
- it makes no sence to me

the same thing happens with many other creatures - like one of two lesser clay golems says "bastard you killed my friend" when another is killed. Werewolves, gibberlings, golems call me barbslinger, undeads (who are immune to poison) cry "magic cloud has engulfed me" and try to run away from cloud. There are many inconsistences

I talked to horred about it, too much work to do each creatures with own dialogue. If you want to code it I bet seanas would add it to BP.

orc archers in red dragon lair do not shoot, and each of them drop A LOT of plate mails

I can conferm this.

Haerdalis attacks party instead of enemies when portal is being opening

Yep the old is back in 177.

I Ride for the King!

a.k.a. Chev

#5 Gort

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Posted 08 November 2006 - 09:06 AM

oh, i've forgotten: spirit trolls and spectral trolls are considered undead.
Chevalier: is it really too much work do not add dialogs to certain creatures at all?

#6 Chevalier


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Posted 08 November 2006 - 12:28 PM

No, but form what I understand you need code for each creature and not just point to the same file.

I Ride for the King!

a.k.a. Chev

#7 dragonian

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Posted 12 November 2006 - 08:48 AM

when are you planning the release seanas? I`m not hurrying you only asking because i don`t know if i`ll have enought patience to wait for the 1.78 release :)

#8 Salk

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Posted 13 November 2006 - 02:43 AM

when are you planning the release seanas? I`m not hurrying you only asking because i don`t know if i`ll have enought patience to wait for the 1.78 release :)

Ditto. Now that the BG2 Fixpack has finally exited Betastage and that BGT 1.02 is also out, what I am really missing is just BP-178... :cheers:

#9 rebelst

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Posted 24 November 2006 - 09:27 AM

AR1900.ARE gets overwritten, which breaks Holly the Elf quest from CTB.

#10 erebusant


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Posted 24 November 2006 - 11:22 AM

AR1900.ARE gets overwritten, which breaks Holly the Elf quest from CTB.

So basically as a temporary fix you could copy the AR1900.are from BP177/ARE directory to your override directory just after completing your "26498 Patched" basic install, then run BG2 Fixpack to fix the area, and comment out the COPY ~BPv177/ARE/ar1900.are~ ~override/ar1900.are~ line from the BP177.tp2 to fix this, right?

It takes a village...

#11 ronin

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Posted 24 November 2006 - 12:26 PM

Unless I am blind it appears that BP is copying over the ar1900 for no reason. I compared the BP area with the default area and dont see any difference. So commenting out that section in BP should cause no problems.


ps.... I have been known to be blind before after a couple of beers

#12 pro5

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Posted 25 November 2006 - 12:26 PM

Unless I am blind it appears that BP is copying over the ar1900 for no reason. I compared the BP area with the default area and dont see any difference. So commenting out that section in BP should cause no problems.


ps.... I have been known to be blind before after a couple of beers

Several new spawn-points are added, and at least one existing modified.

#13 ronin

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Posted 25 November 2006 - 12:59 PM

Unless I am blind it appears that BP is copying over the ar1900 for no reason. I compared the BP area with the default area and dont see any difference. So commenting out that section in BP should cause no problems.


ps.... I have been known to be blind before after a couple of beers

Several new spawn-points are added, and at least one existing modified.

Then my original is screwed up cause I looked at them again and they are identical... guess its time for a new install, although my override is a copy from a fresh install..


#14 -Guest-

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Posted 13 December 2006 - 12:38 PM

Not to rush anyone, but I'm just wondering whether there's any word on when the next version of BP might come out? I'm planning on waiting for it...

#15 pro5

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Posted 14 December 2006 - 04:27 AM

BG2 Fixpack adds a separate ETTIN race to allow Crom Faeyr slay them instantly per description.
BP in current version is changing Ettin's race to GIANT.

Any chance this will be adjusted in next release?

#16 Gort

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Posted 15 January 2007 - 04:20 PM

after a long break, I finished SoA at last, and have bugs to add:

Merinid, drow in tavern of Ust Natha, does not fight when Tathlyn attacks him

Lasaonar, drow swordsman (the first pit fight) does not fight when 4 other drow attack him. I had to ctrl-y them

Githyanki in Underdark (after meeting in illithids' lair) don't initiate dialog themselves

Jae'llat house guards AI: incredibly stupid. Stuttering, walking around. Same for Quilee house AI

Drizzt's party: very easy to kill. My lone sorcerer took them out without a scratch.

Bodhi's lair last fight: all allies die very quickly from level drain. I'd suggest to protect paladins, Drizzt's party and thieves from level drain. Drizzt himself doesn't fight at upper level, just follows PC (when facing Bodhi, he is ok). Tanova, the main vampire at the upper level, does not fight also, although her circle is red.

Suldanesselar: golems just don't want to get closer for melee. Their movement rate is normal, but it's very difficult to make them come closer to party. Not a problem, of course, but seems weird.

Fire shield (blue) ignores protection from magic - don't know, if it's right or not

Gauths, some spiders cast thier spells even during time stop (they stopped, but still cast). I'm not sure, maybe some other creatures also.

Well, and the last fight with Irenicus. My party was slightly overpowered, but I killed him without any serious injury. I got damage only from his fire shields. Didn't even used any of sequencers, contingecies, any spells with level higher than 6

All that on "insane" difficulty.
Will add something else, when ToB is finished, I think.

Edited by Gort, 04 August 2007 - 08:34 PM.

#17 OldVeteran

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Posted 16 January 2007 - 05:48 AM

I can confirm many of the bugs Gort posted actually.
Also, All creatures I've encountered so far will activate spells and start casting like crazy when you only get into their sight erange (ie you start seeing them) even if you got improved invisibility on yourself. They'll also use their "there is an enemy" shouts then. Shouldn't they only be doing that if they actually can see the PC or his crew?

Domination is too toned down from the basic BG. I remember before any mods, when a NPC dominated people from my party, they'd become nasty enemies till I dispelled them or killed them. Now, they just stand around doing nothing after being dominated - they also don't stop being dominated after being attacked by the dominator.

The summoned fire elemental seems to lack from AI scripts. Not sure which of them it is, but I think its the small and medium versions you can summon as a druid at 7th level. (or was it 6th?)
What happens is it gets summoned and stands around and doesn't even hit back if it is attacked. The huge version (low chance) is just fine and attacks automatically.

#18 Sandman

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Posted 16 January 2007 - 11:01 PM

Haerdalis attacks party instead of enemies when portal is being opening

I had the same problem with Haerdalis, but after searching through all the items I was bagging around, I found I was carrying Shazzellim +1 (SW1H50), which is scripted to make bards go hostile? Common item to have at that point if you hoard items. Anyway, I gave up the sword and no more hostile Haerdalis. This on a BP177 megainstall ala erebusant. Concur on the other issues. Appreciate all your efforts seanas!! :cheers:

#19 Gort

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Posted 17 January 2007 - 01:03 AM

one more thing: there are a few drow in the temple of Rillifane, and they drop usual drow adamantine equipment, not destroyed by sunlight.

#20 OldVeteran

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Posted 17 January 2007 - 02:28 AM

The duergar in Ust Natha doesn't talk to you on his own as he normally would.
In Quile's home, only one servant goes hostile but she and the others stay neutral. If you talk to Quile then (manually) she will turn hostile.
The rest of her servants will stay neutral even after you killed Quile and you tried talking to the remaining servants.