In that sense, then yeah, that's probably beyond even hacking the .exe, since you'd have to tell the engine what to do with your new table. Maybe you could do it with some ugly scripting or something, I dunno.With hardcoded I mean if you simply could create an mxsplint.2da which would grant bonusspells based on intelligence for wizards.

BPv177 bug reports
Posted 04 January 2008 - 03:50 PM
Infinity Engine Contributions
Aurora * BG1 NPC * BG1 Fixpack * Haiass * Infinity Animations * Level 1 NPCs * P5Tweaks
PnP Free Action * Thrown Hammers * Unique Containers * BG:EE * BGII:EE * IWD:EE
Player & Modder Resources
BAM Batcher * Creature Lister * Creature Checker * Creature Fixer * Tutu/BGT Area Map & List * Tutu Mod List
"Infinity turns out to be the opposite of what people say it is. It is not 'that which has nothing beyond itself' that is infinite, but 'that which always has something beyond itself'." -Aristotle
Posted 11 February 2008 - 03:16 AM

And of course, i suscribe Graoumf words. Furthermore, i'm specially pleased for the BP upgrades you made in order to respond to my nonconformity about the managment of some cloud/area effects by the AI. Oh, and for the orignal solution to try to counter the "cast of area spells out of sight" trick.
Overall, i'm sure you did your best, and you did a lot.
Best wishes

Edited by SirLancelot, 05 November 2008 - 06:31 AM.
Posted 11 February 2008 - 10:14 AM
And to the dips that slam or slur you, I say keep your opinions to yourself. Many of us here rely on folk like Horred, Acension64, Salk, Miloch, King Diamond, and the such for these mods. They put into them all the time that they can spare from real life, and you want more? Each and every mod has a bit of the life of somebody in it. The time that was invested, the sore fingers and wrists from typing, the sweat and soul of the modders are in it. If somebody does a huge amount of work on something and doesn't have a chance to finish it, then somebody else takes up the slack a bit. But don't sit there and say that the original person was lax, or bored, and doesn't finish things for those reasons. Take into account that they have another, sometimes more pressing, life outside the community. When I was into modding MOO3 and working with some of the folk there on a few mods, there were times that I had to drop the modding to deal with things like a son, or a wife that was sick. But all in all, I did not get slammed for it. People there actually offered words of support. And when I just got overloaded with all of it, they all said thanks for the help, we will carry on and you can pick it up shen you get back. Try using some compassion, and understanding.
Horred, I hope that you are here to stay. I, for one, think that any work that you do on these projects is helpful, and downright generous, considering you are giving the only commodity that is unrenewable to each. Time. Thank you and I hope to see more of you.
To all the rest, I apologize for the long ramble-thon.
Sherman - The Half-Orc Cleric/Fighter NPC for BGT(currently in dialog and scripting ALPHA phase, still due to Comp crash)
To say thanks to the modders that worked on this and other mods check this link and add your thanks to it.
Check this link for a thank you to the modders
Posted 11 February 2008 - 10:45 AM

But to be honest, I knew it. You wanna know why? Because I've just felt it in my blood

Great news, in fact!
--Bereth Darkides--
Posted 13 February 2008 - 01:47 PM
In essence, he knows plenty about programming but NOTHING about D&D or game balance.
He never liked that kind of scrutiny!
Hmm...why wouldn't he like that insulting kind of scrutiny, I wonder...maybe cause he started throwing dice way back in 1979. Were you even born then?
Don't like it? Don't play it. Nobody twisted any arms, and/or forced any fingers on the downloads button.
You know---I actually came here to look into bug reports, and to try and help---for the first time in well over a year. Haven't even had BG2 installed for well over a year, cause I got so sick of snivelling, non-productive crap like this one, that I lost the desire to even play the game I once loved so much. Nice to see things haven't changed.
Think I'll stick with NWN modding, where people are mostly civil, and/or at least attempt to act like adults--even when reporting issues they experience, however dismal. Even when they don't like your ideas. Sorry I wasted 5 minutes even taking a look. Sorry I wasted years of my life, making myself miserable in trying to make people happy, that are incapable of such emotions. I'll be sure not to make that mistake again.
Now, I'm going to attempt to play my first game in many many months. Unless somebody wishes to spoil the fun of that, for me as well? If you try hard enough, I'm sure you can find a way.
P.S: Sorry to those that actually do care about this, and have helped out over the years--even those that offered constructive criticism. This was not intended with you in mind. You guys were great. Couldn't thank you enough for all the kind words and assistance. But you can thank ones like *points above*, and their ilk, for my departure from this scene. Things like that just break my heart--and heart was the only thing pushing me to perservere, for many of the latter years I was involved in this.
-- An ex-BG2 modder, now fully retired
Horred ... i know u can't be serious ... just some words from an unknown guy cannot touch you.
U have (and WILL have) always respect by all of us, thanks to your hard (and great) work. Your departure from modding community was a big hit indeed ... and still the community suffers and miss you.
I really hope u're gonna having your BG game now ... enjoy it! And if ever u want to come back to BG community ... u know, u're MORE than welcome. (Honestly ... u're back would be needed, but i say it just in my mind ;-) )
Respect and hat for all your work,
--Bereth Darkides--
Posted 13 February 2008 - 02:10 PM
I am happy that Horred is back, so that maybe things will finally get done, but, regardless what is thought of me won't change the obvious.
We all love and have loved the game for years and as such have waited VERY patiently for something to be finaly finished.
In comparison with other games, moders have finished projects from games released much later than SOA.
Understanding my frustration, is also respective of how many active members take the time to come back here to see if anything has been done! Would you care to look at my first post made back in 2000 at the teambg board. Easy to find in there archive because I haven't changed my name at all!
I started playing this game when I was 8 years old, (thats 31 years for the DMF's).
Respect? I have more respect for Horred than most a** kis***** here could possibly fathom, and even more than Horred realizes. My point is and has Always been, love ya, but by god will you finish this thing please!
Critcism in any context here has been viewed as hateful spam of the ignorant, but little do you know how long I have followed this game and those responsible for the moding.
I Beta'd this game and was one of the first owners of this game in canada. So trust me when I say, I know Exactly what I am talking about.
I played Czar, in fact I DM'd it.
I'm also the 3rd largest collector/owner of TSR's game "Spellfire" in Ontario.
What else do you want me to say?
I'll wait for another 3 years?
Pretty soon our OS's won't even be able to "run" the game, so I'd say it's more than High time to finish it!
Don't you? Lets get real here!
Posted 05 April 2008 - 12:32 AM
Posted 03 May 2008 - 08:38 AM
10th said it belongs tp BP, so I will let you know.
http://www.shsforums...showtopic=32224BP. They streamlined the Trolls and everyone of them got a minhp item and a script to remove it. Unfortunately that doesn't work for Torgal or the troll which is attacked by two De'Arnise Guards inside the keep after you lowered the drawbridge. The reason is that both of them have custom scripts attached which don't contain the required code.
Greetings Leomar
Edited by Leomar, 03 May 2008 - 08:38 AM.
but you have more choices or paths through the game.
- Chevalier
BiG World Project - Big Baldur's Gate World
Posted 03 May 2008 - 09:02 AM
So you have the informations on the right place.
Here follows the description of the fixes in our guide:
20.2.2 Replace the files oAR1002.bcs, nAR1002.bcs, oAR2601.bcs, nAR2601.bcs, ODEMNAB1.bcs,
bcs in your directory ...\BPv177\SNIP with this ones of the same name from the folder BiG
World Fixpack.
20.2.3 Replace the files wa2dak.itm, wa2dak2.itm, wa2dak3.itm, wa2dak4.itm in your directory
...\BPv177\ITM with this ones of the same name from the folder BiG World Fixpack.
20.2.4. Replace the file OVAMPIR1.bcs in your directory ...\BPv177\SNIP with this one of the same name
from the folder BiG World Fixpack, but only, if DoS is installed before.
Here follows the fix descriptions:
BPv177 oAR2601.BCS IF OnCreation() Global("DrizztEncounter","GLOBAL",0) THEN RESPONSE #100 Explore() SetEncounterProbability("AR2500","AR0020",0) <-- this line was added SetEncounterProbability("AR2500","AR1300",0) <-- this line was added SetEncounterProbability("AR2500","AR1304",0) <-- this line was added SetEncounterProbability("AR2500","AR1700",0) <-- this line was added SetGlobal("DrizztEncounter","GLOBAL",1) CreateCreature("c6drizz",[692.332],2) // Drizzt CreateCreature("c6wulf",[673.256],2) // Wulfgar CreateCreature("c6catti",[752.294],2) // Catti-Brie CreateCreature("c6bruen",[790.337],2) // Bruenor CreateCreature("c6regis",[741.225],2) // Regis END nAR2601.BCS IF OnCreation() Global("DrizztEncounter","AR2601",0) Global("MetDrizztInForest","GLOBAL",0) THEN RESPONSE #100 Explore() SetEncounterProbability("AR2500","AR0020",0) <-- this line was added SetEncounterProbability("AR2500","AR1300",0) <-- this line was added SetEncounterProbability("AR2500","AR1304",0) <-- this line was added SetEncounterProbability("AR2500","AR1700",0) <-- this line was added SetGlobal("DrizztEncounter","AR2601",1) SetGlobal("MetDrizztInForest","GLOBAL",1) CreateCreature("c6drizz",[692.332],2) // Drizzt CreateCreature("c6wulf",[673.256],2) // Wulfgar CreateCreature("c6catti",[752.294],2) // Catti-Brie CreateCreature("c6bruen",[790.337],2) // Bruenor CreateCreature("c6regis",[741.225],2) // Regis END IF OnCreation() Global("MetDrizztInForest","GLOBAL",1) THEN RESPONSE #100 CreateCreature("RERAK01",[488.558],10) // Reisender CreateCreature("RERAK02",[500.454],10) // Reisender CreateCreature("RERAK03",[552.476],10) // Reisender CreateCreature("RERAK04",[427.548],10) // Reisender CreateCreature("RERAK05",[525.591],10) // Reisender CreateCreature("RERAK06",[585.542],10) // Reisender END ODEMNAB1 IF See([GOODCUTOFF]) THEN RESPONSE #60 AttackOneRound(LastSeenBy(Myself)) AttackOneRound(LastSeenBy(Myself)) RESPONSE #20 ForceSpell(LastSeenBy(Myself),TANARI_VAMPIRIC_TOUCH) AttackOneRound(LastSeenBy(Myself)) RESPONSE #15 ForceSpell(LastSeenBy(Myself),TANARI_PARALYZE) AttackOneRound(LastSeenBy(Myself)) RESPONSE #5 ForceSpell(LastSeenBy(Myself),TANARI_DEATH_GAZE) AttackOneRound(LastSeenBy(Myself)) END was changed to IF OR(4) See([GOODCUTOFF]) See([GOODCUTOFF.0.DEMONIC.0.0.0.LAWFUL_EVIL]) See([GOODCUTOFF.0.0.TANARI.0.0.LAWFUL_EVIL]) See([GOODCUTOFF.]) OR(2) !See([0.0.DEMONIC.0.0.0.LAWFUL_EVIL]) See([GOODCUTOFF.0.DEMONIC.0.0.0.LAWFUL_EVIL]) OR(2) !See([0.0.0.TANARI.0.0.LAWFUL_EVIL]) See([GOODCUTOFF.0.0.TANARI.0.0.LAWFUL_EVIL]) OR(2) !See([]) See([GOODCUTOFF.]) THEN RESPONSE #60 AttackOneRound(LastSeenBy(Myself)) AttackOneRound(LastSeenBy(Myself)) RESPONSE #20 ForceSpell(LastSeenBy(Myself),TANARI_VAMPIRIC_TOUCH) AttackOneRound(LastSeenBy(Myself)) RESPONSE #15 ForceSpell(LastSeenBy(Myself),TANARI_PARALYZE) AttackOneRound(LastSeenBy(Myself)) RESPONSE #5 ForceSpell(LastSeenBy(Myself),TANARI_DEATH_GAZE) AttackOneRound(LastSeenBy(Myself)) END NDEMNAB1 IF See([GOODCUTOFF]) !GlobalTimerNotExpired("MAULER","LOCALS") THEN RESPONSE #60 SetGlobalTimer("MAULER","LOCALS",0) SetGlobalTimer("BPT","LOCALS",0) AttackOneRound(LastSeenBy(Myself)) AttackOneRound(LastSeenBy(Myself)) RESPONSE #20 SetGlobalTimer("MAULER","LOCALS",THREE_MINUTES) ForceSpell(LastSeenBy(Myself),TANARI_VAMPIRIC_TOUCH) AttackOneRound(LastSeenBy(Myself)) RESPONSE #15 SetGlobalTimer("MAULER","LOCALS",THREE_MINUTES) ForceSpell(LastSeenBy(Myself),TANARI_PARALYZE) AttackOneRound(LastSeenBy(Myself)) RESPONSE #5 SetGlobalTimer("MAULER","LOCALS",THREE_MINUTES) ForceSpell(LastSeenBy(Myself),TANARI_DEATH_GAZE) AttackOneRound(LastSeenBy(Myself)) END was changed to: IF OR(4) See([GOODCUTOFF]) See([GOODCUTOFF.0.DEMONIC.0.0.0.LAWFUL_EVIL]) See([GOODCUTOFF.0.0.TANARI.0.0.LAWFUL_EVIL]) See([GOODCUTOFF.]) !GlobalTimerNotExpired("MAULER","LOCALS") <-- I'm unsure about this position OR(2) !See([0.0.DEMONIC.0.0.0.LAWFUL_EVIL]) See([GOODCUTOFF.0.DEMONIC.0.0.0.LAWFUL_EVIL]) OR(2) !See([0.0.0.TANARI.0.0.LAWFUL_EVIL]) See([GOODCUTOFF.0.0.TANARI.0.0.LAWFUL_EVIL]) OR(2) !See([]) See([GOODCUTOFF.]) THEN RESPONSE #60 SetGlobalTimer("MAULER","LOCALS",0) SetGlobalTimer("BPT","LOCALS",0) AttackOneRound(LastSeenBy(Myself)) AttackOneRound(LastSeenBy(Myself)) RESPONSE #20 SetGlobalTimer("MAULER","LOCALS",THREE_MINUTES) ForceSpell(LastSeenBy(Myself),TANARI_VAMPIRIC_TOUCH) AttackOneRound(LastSeenBy(Myself)) RESPONSE #15 SetGlobalTimer("MAULER","LOCALS",THREE_MINUTES) ForceSpell(LastSeenBy(Myself),TANARI_PARALYZE) AttackOneRound(LastSeenBy(Myself)) RESPONSE #5 SetGlobalTimer("MAULER","LOCALS",THREE_MINUTES) ForceSpell(LastSeenBy(Myself),TANARI_DEATH_GAZE) AttackOneRound(LastSeenBy(Myself)) END ODEMNAB2 IF See([ANYONE]) THEN RESPONSE #70 AttackReevaluate(LastSeenBy(Myself),30) RESPONSE #15 ForceSpell(LastSeenBy(Myself),TANARI_VAMPIRIC_TOUCH) Wait(2) RESPONSE #10 ForceSpell(LastSeenBy(Myself),TANARI_PARALYZE) Wait(2) RESPONSE #5 ForceSpell(LastSeenBy(Myself),0) Wait(2) END was changed to IF OR(4) See([ANYONE]) See([0.0.DEMONIC.0.0.0.LAWFUL_EVIL]) See([0.0.0.TANARI.0.0.LAWFUL_EVIL]) See([]) THEN RESPONSE #70 AttackReevaluate(LastSeenBy(Myself),30) RESPONSE #15 ForceSpell(LastSeenBy(Myself),TANARI_VAMPIRIC_TOUCH) Wait(2) RESPONSE #10 ForceSpell(LastSeenBy(Myself),TANARI_PARALYZE) Wait(2) RESPONSE #5 ForceSpell(LastSeenBy(Myself),TANARI_SILENCE) Wait(2) END NDEMNAB2 is an empty file; no change, but I'm unsure about this oAMNTRP1, nAMNTRP1 in this files "MostNobleOrder" was changed to "CDMostNobleOrder" ------ c6vampir.bcs oVAMPIR1.bcs IF See([PC]) Delay(12) Allegiance(Myself,ENEMY) THEN RESPONSE #100 ForceSpell([PC],VAMPIRE_DOMINATION) END was changed to: IF Die() THEN RESPONSE #100 ReallyForceSpellDead(Myself,VAMPIRE_GAS_FORM_CHANGE) END IF See([PC]) Delay(12) Allegiance(Myself,ENEMY) THEN RESPONSE #100 ForceSpell([PC],VAMPIRE_DOMINATION) END nVAMPIR1.bcs was an empty file, was changed to: IF Die() THEN RESPONSE #100 ReallyForceSpellDead(Myself,VAMPIRE_GAS_FORM_CHANGE) END but I'm unsure about this ------ BPTGMG1A.BCS edited by Jack Nader AR0412 has a very nasty bug involving Tolgerias and his female Mage companion. I've examined the script and BP appears to have given both Tolgerias and the Mage a ring entitled "SUREHP1." The ring ensures that Tolgerias and the Mage's hit points never drop below 1. When you enter the Fire lab the script destroys Tolgerias's "SUREHP1" ring but does not destroy the Mage's "SUREHP1" ring. This bug is caused by a simple typo in the script. To resolve this bug open up BPTGMG1A.BCS and using Near Infinity editor, locate the entry "DestroyItem("MINHP1") // No such index" and change it to "DestroyItem("SUREHP1") // No such index." Compile and save and that should take care of the bug ------ STAF15.ITM fixed (edited code from the tp2) by Ascension64 COPY_EXISTING ~STAF15.ITM~ ~override~ READ_LONG 0x64 "ability_offset" READ_SHORT 0x68 "abil_cnt" READ_LONG 0x6a "eff_offset" SET found = 0 SET offset = 0 // <-- this lie was added SET extra_effects = 0 FOR( cnt=0; cnt<"%abil_cnt%"; cnt=cnt+1 ) BEGIN READ_BYTE ("%ability_offset%"+cnt*0x38) "type" ------ This code is blocked /* APPEND ~EA.IDS~ ~0 ANYONE~ UNLESS ~0 ANYONE~ COPY_EXISTING ~EA.ids~ ~override~ REPLACE_TEXTUALLY ~10~ ~18~ UNLESS ~18~ BUT_ONLY_IF_IT_CHANGES */ because it causes errors like this: [BPTGRDR1.BCS.BAF] PARSE ERROR at line 6 column 23-28 Near Text: ANYONE syntax error
You can get these fixes from our Fixpack.
At last here some notices from our guide.
Install Component [Ascension for BP]? [N]ot Install
Avoid installation of Big Picture 177's Ascension because it contains critical bugs not yet addressed.
The following error is not repaired yet:
[./override/KUOMON01.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes
WARNING: ADD_CRE_ITEM: Unknown slot FIST. Default to INV15 for placement.
Don't worry about this message:
WARNING: cannot find block matching [BPv177/SNIP/oFLAYUN.BCS]
The mindflayers are already changed by questpack in a cleverly worked out way
Greetings Leomar
but you have more choices or paths through the game.
- Chevalier
BiG World Project - Big Baldur's Gate World
Posted 05 July 2008 - 10:58 AM
I find this unnecessary and it causes problem with mods, who don't expect the effects between the spell related stuff (SCSII v7 for example).
My advice is, to also check if the offset is valid. And why not put it after the memorized spells (which would be expected)?
So instead of
PATCH_IF( "%effects_num%"=0 ) BEGIN "effects_offset" = "%spell_memorization_offset%"+"%spell_memorization_num%"*0x10 WRITE_LONG 0x2c4 "%effects_offset%" ENDdo something like
PATCH_IF (("%effects_num%" == 0) AND (("%effects_offset%" < 0x2d4) OR ("%effects_offset%" > BUFFER_LENGTH))) BEGIN "effects_offset" = "%spell_memorized_offset%"+"%spell_memorized_num%"*0x10 WRITE_LONG 0x2c4 "%effects_offset%" END(Should be around line 25350.)
Posted 05 July 2008 - 09:30 PM
Why not just use SET_BG2_PROFICIENCY?When adding proficiency, BPv177 currently sets the effects offset of the CRE to after the spell memorization info, if the number of effects is zero.
Infinity Engine Contributions
Aurora * BG1 NPC * BG1 Fixpack * Haiass * Infinity Animations * Level 1 NPCs * P5Tweaks
PnP Free Action * Thrown Hammers * Unique Containers * BG:EE * BGII:EE * IWD:EE
Player & Modder Resources
BAM Batcher * Creature Lister * Creature Checker * Creature Fixer * Tutu/BGT Area Map & List * Tutu Mod List
"Infinity turns out to be the opposite of what people say it is. It is not 'that which has nothing beyond itself' that is infinite, but 'that which always has something beyond itself'." -Aristotle
Posted 05 July 2008 - 10:15 PM
But I wanted to stick with the existing code.

Posted 24 August 2008 - 10:54 AM
All those additional components which add creatures depend on the AI Enhancement, without it those creatures do squat, as they don't have any working scripts except a reference to a non-existent BP-whatever script.
Wouldn't it be better compatibilitywise to assign them some standard scripts and only assign them BP-related scripts if that component has been installed?
"I grab his deceased spirit and piledrive it back into his body, duplicating raise dead." - Psyren Oots board
Posted 02 November 2008 - 05:18 AM
When in Gullykin - if you're caught stealing, you are given the guards reply (ie: you can choose, well, we'll let this one slide, or whatever the exact line is)
Attached my weidu log
Attached Files
Posted 02 November 2008 - 10:06 PM
Minor bug, but figured I'd mention it.
When in Gullykin - if you're caught stealing, you are given the guards reply (ie: you can choose, well, we'll let this one slide, or whatever the exact line is)
Attached my weidu log
I think it is a known issue with BG1 Unfinished Business which you have installed as well. BP doesn't touch a lot in BG1 with BGT except for the Xvart village.
Edited by Hoppy, 02 November 2008 - 10:06 PM.
"If you think that a size of the mod indicates an amount of bugs that it introduces and their severity you're totally wrong...
Try not to use next time a load of shitty "super-mega-improving-tweaking-revising" small mods that you have installed and try to meet Wulfgar once again." - King Diamond

"Finding food and a place to sleep is your own business. I imagine Paul the Cat should have some fun with you, too" - Potencius in The Darkest Day
"You have been warned, little bastard!" -Khelben to a young <CHARNAME>in Check the Bodies
There are those who will snivel, and offer nothing in return except criticism, meanwhile never lifting a finger to do other than to cut other peoples labor down simply for the fact that they lack the capability to put anything of their own together. -erebusant
Posted 04 November 2008 - 03:24 AM
but you have more choices or paths through the game.
- Chevalier
BiG World Project - Big Baldur's Gate World
Posted 13 November 2008 - 04:57 PM
PATCH_IF ("%known_spells_offset%">="%effects_offset%") BEGIN
It should be:
PATCH_IF ("%known_spells_offset%">"%effects_offset%") BEGIN
I put the patched up .TP2 file in a separate post: http://www.shsforums...showtopic=37667
I also changed most of the ADD_CRE_ITEM lines to REPLACE_CRE_ITEM. This will hopefully address the "multiple suits of armor" bug.
Edited by Steve, 13 November 2008 - 04:59 PM.
Posted 14 November 2008 - 05:47 PM
Thank you.There's a .CRE destroying bug in the BPv177a .TP2 file. Whenever an entry is deleted in the variable-length fields (known spells, memorized spells, items or effects), it can incorrectly move the other fields. As an example, deleting an effect runs this to decide if it should change the known_spells_offset:
PATCH_IF ("%known_spells_offset%">="%effects_offset%") BEGIN
It should be:
PATCH_IF ("%known_spells_offset%">"%effects_offset%") BEGIN
I put the patched up .TP2 file in a separate post: http://www.shsforums...showtopic=37667
I also changed most of the ADD_CRE_ITEM lines to REPLACE_CRE_ITEM. This will hopefully address the "multiple suits of armor" bug.
Posted 31 December 2008 - 08:28 AM
Posted 02 January 2009 - 06:49 PM
The line "REPLACE_CRE_ITEM ~BOW04~ #0 #0 #0 ~NONE~ ~WEAPON2~ EQUIP" should probably be changed to:
The keyword 'TWOHANDED' automatically removes the shield before adding the bow.
Or simply:
Bow is added, shield is not removed; but the engine doesn't seem to care as long as the bow is not EQUIP-ped. Not sure if this might lead to problems once the creature's AI tries to re-equip...