I know my thread is kind of long (and old!) but I do hope people will find this
I didn't want to release another part before I had 'more', but it's taking time and you know, incase
I my laptop dies or whathaveyou, I decided I could just upload them. Actually it might be a really good idea, because I'm going to be audacious and not test
anything actually 'in'game before 1ppv3 shall be finished and final. Famous last words, I know.
This essentially
is finished content, which means, if I converted everything properly, it should be fine. (if I didn't... not so fine?)
I might go back and tweak it for the final thing if I feel like it. I did this time, and I hope someone does actually see it.
Human Female
Human Male
Halforc Female
Halforc Male
Elven Female
Elven Male
Halfling Female
Halfling Male
... still missing gnomes and dwarves. There may appear to be some placement issues (swords or helmets look off); this is actually because I'm changing a few things with v3 and it will be fine when the rest of the content is released. They should look exactly like above, and if they don't, or crash your game, I messed something up (tell me).
Included this time:Human
each with complete sets.
» » download 1ppv3 ppd IHEO « « I hope you'll enjoy playtesting for me.
(Hey, you can claim to be the first person EVER to run this with your game! Now if that doesn't that sound fabulous...)oh, wait. . .