This is by no means the final product - there isa lot more I want to add, but before I go any further I want to make sure everything I've written so far is up to scratch, so therefore these are the basic prerequisites for this round of testing:
1) I need people who know Fade (have played through SoA), simply so that I can make sure the writing is up standard and in character. I'm not sure of numbers yet, but this will operate a simple first-come-first-serve policy. I'll also be posting the names of testers up in the forum so everyone knows who is involved.
2) You'll either need an end of SoA save with Fade in it, or be adept at using the concole to get her in to ToB itself. As this is an test of the main romance progression, I've been a bit, err, silly and forgotten to write certain things. Like, umm, Fate Spirit summoning and kicking out / rejoining dialogues... (

3) You'll need an email that accepts .exe files and has 2mb space. Either stick your email address on your sign up post or if you want to keep your mail out of the public eye, PM it to me.
4) Please don't post any spoilers on the open forum!

5) Please feel free to make suggestions for additional content / the final product in the testing forum rather than here - this is where you can all really help me.
6) Finally - please be patient. If I don't get to you immediately, it's simply because I'm not online 24/7 - I promise I'll get to you as soon as I can. Once I've got your message, I'll email you the files and the password to the forum and you'll be good to go!
Last and by no means least - thank you for everyone who does sign up. Without your help, I would never get this done!