If someone would like to write and code such a project, I would not be at all averse to have it included in the pack! Everything will be in separate components, so you don't have to choose to redeem him.
The problem with Yoshimo is that he has no ToB banter, nor any banter after Spellhold (obviously) - so if someone would like to take it on, it means writing at least 32 banters for ToB (2 with each NPC), 7-8 PC dialogues, the rest of the SoA interjections, all the ToB interjections... It's a lot of work!
But if someone with a very firm grip of his character wants to take it on, and the idea is sound, then I'd be happy to include it. The main thing is that it must keep the tragedy of Yoshimo's story - we felt that all the ideas we could come up with cheapened it. If you can think of a way to do it without cheapening his death and sacrifice for his sister, well...