-The banters between Sebastian and Andrei and the PC (10 for Andrei, 11 for Sebastian)
-The banters between Sebastian and Andrei (11 of these)
-The quest, though the combat elements haven't been tested yet
-Sebastian banters with Aerie, Anomen, Cernd, Haer'dalis, Jan, Valygar and Yoshimo
-Item creation
-Three of the minor NPCs' dialogues
-Interjections from Sebastian and Andrei
Still to be done:
-Area debugging
-The remainder of Sebastian's NPC banters, and all of Andrei's
-Voice recording
-Fleshed-out dialogue for other minor NPCs (probably three NPCs)
-Player-initiated dialogues
-Did I mention editing?
-Testing. Lots and lots of testing
Edited by Miss Sakaki, 13 September 2007 - 03:03 AM.