Before installing Nathaniel
If you have not already done so, obtain and install the latest official Bioware patch from If you have other mods already installed, uninstall them before installing the patch. Nathaniel is made using WeiDU, meaning that it adds to but does not overwrite game files. If you plan to install any non-WeiDU mods, install them before Nathaniel and any other WeiDU mods. Nathaniel also requires installation of the G3 BG2 Fixpack, so install the Fixpack before installing Nathaniel.
Installing Nathaniel
1. Place the Nathaniel-SoA.exe file anywhere on your drive.
2. Open Nathaniel-SoA.exe and follow the on-screen instructions. The installer will extract the neccessary folders into your game directory.
3a. Once the files have been extracted, a DOS window will open automatically, asking whether you wish to install Nathaniel. Answer "install".
3b. If you see a message saying that a newer version of WeiDU has been located and that you must rerun Setup-Nathaniel-SoA.exe, go to your game directory and double click Setup-Nathaniel-SoA.exe. Note: this does not mean that you should run Nathaniel-SoA.exe again.
4. WeiDU will then copy the necessary files into the game and compile and extend dialogues and scripts. This may take a few minutes.
5. After the text window asks you to press enter to exit, WeiDU will begin decompressing the compressed audio included with Nathaniel to WAV format. The window will fill with text and will take a few minutes to decode on a slower system.
6. Start playing! Note that you do not need to start a new game to have Nathaniel join your party.
Uninstalling Nathaniel
If you wish to uninstall Nathaniel, run Setup-Nathaniel-SoA.exe once more and select the U option.
String Fixer
If you see random bits of text coming up when you click on Nathaniel, the dialogue lines have got mixed up with another mod. Select Nathaniel and press K. After a short cutscene, the problem should be fixed.
Known Issues
There have been incidences where not all of Nathaniel's audio is decoded at installation, resulting in a message saying that oggdec "cannot open output file". If this occurs, run the file "nathaudio.bat" which will have appeared in your game directory and the audio will be fully decoded.
Nathaniel-SoA contains content for Shadows of Amn only, so although you can take Nathaniel into a Throne of Bhaal game he will not speak to you. Any non-WeiDU mods and patches they come with must be installed BEFORE Nathaniel. Nathaniel has been tested in conjunction with a large number of WeiDU mods and has been compatible with them. Note that Virtue must be installed AFTER Nathaniel. In addition, if you wish to alter Nathaniel using a tweak- or fixpack, you should install the pack after Nathaniel.
- Revised HLA table component of Refinements makes Nathaniel's custom items unusable
- Solo With A Party incompatibility: both mods include unremovable items in the same inventory slots
A prefix system is used in Nathaniel to ensure that he is compatible with other projects. The prefix is "FH" in most cases. However, there are exceptions: if you wish to look at how his romance or friendship are progressing, look up "NathRomanceActive" or "NathFriend". "NathLoveTalkTime" controls his romance timer and "NathFriendTalkTime" controls his friendship timer.
His dialogue files are the following:
BFHNAT: banter
FHNATJ: interjections and quest dialogue
FHNAT: initial dialogue
FHNATP: leaving and rejoining dialogue
Version History
-Small interjection bug fixed
-Haer'Dalis interjection fixed
-Flirt bug fixed
-Fixed a problem with the lovetalks that occurred if Bodhi did not kidnap Nathaniel
-Typographical errors fixed and major dialogue changes and additions
-Added the possibility of remaining friends with Nathaniel after Jaheira's and Aerie's romance conflicts under certain circumstances
-Flirt, interjection and banter timing bugs fixed
-Updated to Weidu-196
-Added Kelsey banters
-Made a custom kensai kit to prevent dual-classing of Nathaniel
-Enabled completion of the romance if Bodhi does not kidnap Nathaniel
-Trimmed audio clips
-Converted dialogue files to d/tra format for future translations
-Altered Nathaniel's default portrait
-Updated to Weidu-185
-Made Solaufein installation actually work
-Shuffled around early love- and friendship talks
-Several dialogue additions
-Fixed a couple of flirt and interjection bugs
-Switched ring-hand
-Adjusted audio volume
Initial public release

Technical Readme
Started by Miss Sakaki, Dec 13 2006 07:43 AM
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