Basically, in a nutshell, Valasse is found as a little girl, barely 13 or so, in Irenicus dungeon, and in the course of the game she becomes "older" very rapidly, in terms of physical development, even to exceeding the age of the PC. Along the way she develops a romance with the PC, and while some Stats improve as she matures, they also start to deteriorate after a while. She goes through a few other changes as well, class wise, and there is a good reason for this in the backstory (which will be unveiled through the Mod)
Note that while Valasse may appear 13 when joining the party, she is in reality much older than that, so if you're thinking she's a child, and she will stay a child, think again.
Meantime, off the side there will be a race against time to save her, and at the end of the Mod completion, FINALLY a Romance that can stay with you IF you choose to accept the Throne

Edited by Zyraen, 14 December 2006 - 09:05 AM.