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Fade ToB Progress Report.

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#1 Mistress Elysia

Mistress Elysia

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Posted 11 December 2006 - 09:02 AM

Offshoot dialogues = dialogues the PC has about events regarding Fade, but Fade is either not there to comment OR small, reactionary dialogues to triggered events (such as being resurrected).



- Saradush: First LT, incident, Destruction of Saradush.
- Master Wraith Encounter +2 LT's.
- Small optional path - completely finished (1 LT, up to 3 offshoot dialogues).
- Larger optional path - 6 LT's complete, 1 offshoot dialogue complete
- Solar choice and 5 Epilogues (1 general and 4 romance).
- Oasis fight dialogue
- 3 'fluffy' LT's
- 2 additional 'prophecy' LT's (in addition to the 2 Saradush ones, the 2 Master Wraith ones, the Oasis fight one and the Solar ones - 8 'serious' LT's in total at the moment).
- First encounter with Pasha's guards (prelude to Pasha's Palace mini quest)

'TO DO' LIST AS OF 11/12/06

- Finish 1 half finished LT for large optional path (will have 7 LT's in total) + 2 'offshoot' dialogues.
- 2 'prophecy' LT's (bring total up to 10 'serious' LT's)
- Area Interjections / reactions in Amkethran.
- Pasha's Palace mini quest (there is a good chance this may not be in the - first release as it is time consuming and needs a lot of work).
- NPC dialogues
- New flirts (these may remain the same as global 2 SoA flirts initially - more will be added over time).
- A couple of LT's if the PC did not sleep with Fade in SoA (haven't decided how many, but they will probably mainly be SoA re-hashes for continuity's sake)
- Fade's arrival at the pocketplane (if she has not been travelling with the PC and is summoned)

Sil has all the material that I have written and is coding it now - soon as we've had a cursory test (to check for any glaringly obvious bugs), there will be options for alpha and beta testing. :)

- Area interjections / reactions for Saradush.
- Area interjections for Amkethran / Sendai
- 4 Imoen banters
- All Fate spirit summoning and booting / re joining dialogues (romance and non romance) - sent to Sil for proofreading / coding.

Edited by Mistress Elysia, 01 January 2007 - 05:50 AM.

The Timely Resurrection of Fade!
Mistress Elysia's fantasy artwork.
Where Darkness Resides: A Neverwinter Nights: Hordes of the Underdark fanfic

I want to live, I want to experience the universe and I want to eat pie.

"Oh, little ice cream friends! Thog delays boredom-driven rampage only for you!"

#2 Mistress Elysia

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Posted 12 December 2006 - 01:49 PM

Progress of sorts...

Sil emailed me this earlier today regarding the ToB release:

"I'll add the missing blocks into the final LT, do a test run then see if there's anything that needs fixing - should be done quite soon."


I'm also working on amending and re-writing how and when Fade actually joins the party in SoA so that she'll be available from chapter 2 rather than 3. This may not happen in time for the first ToB release, but considering I still have a lot of stuff I want to add in / need to finish up writing (both ofor SoA and ToB), it'll hopefully be sorted soon.

This also means I'll be re-doing the romance conflicts (notsomething I am particularly proud of, i have to admit - they need to be implemented better!) because she'll be available much earlier in the game.

Edited by Mistress Elysia, 12 December 2006 - 01:53 PM.

The Timely Resurrection of Fade!
Mistress Elysia's fantasy artwork.
Where Darkness Resides: A Neverwinter Nights: Hordes of the Underdark fanfic

I want to live, I want to experience the universe and I want to eat pie.

"Oh, little ice cream friends! Thog delays boredom-driven rampage only for you!"

#3 Silmarien

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Posted 16 December 2006 - 06:35 AM

The following has been coded and implemented:

7 LTs
5 dialogues for an optional path (further description of which would be too spoilery :) )
Master Wraith sequence
Oasis talk
Various Saradush and Amkethran interjections
Ending sequence and epilogue

And the good news is, all of it works - though all kinds of bugs and typos and things will probably turn up in proper testing. If only Mistress Elysia's ISP hadn't decided to act up - I'm trying to send her a copy of the latest code right now.

#4 -Sulteric-

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Posted 19 December 2006 - 09:20 AM

If you need a tester let me know. I actually am a Principal Software QA Engineer, so I know a thing or two. ;-)

#5 SultericDrums

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Posted 19 December 2006 - 09:22 AM

BTW, I'm now registered here so e-mail me if you do in fact need a tester.


#6 Mistress Elysia

Mistress Elysia

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Posted 20 December 2006 - 11:17 AM

Sil: literally just dlded my emails - cheers!! Gives me something to do tomorrow other than obssesive cleaning (it's a long story... :rolleyes: )

Sulteric: :D Thanks! I'll be on the call of testers soon (Sil's just reminded me of a few vital things I need to write before we get to that phase... little things like, err, joining and kicking out dialogues... :whistling: :doh: )

The Timely Resurrection of Fade!
Mistress Elysia's fantasy artwork.
Where Darkness Resides: A Neverwinter Nights: Hordes of the Underdark fanfic

I want to live, I want to experience the universe and I want to eat pie.

"Oh, little ice cream friends! Thog delays boredom-driven rampage only for you!"

#7 Mistress Elysia

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Posted 21 December 2006 - 12:33 AM

Houston, we have romance music... :D

The volume needs to be tweaked a bit (it's a bit quiet, but it's one thing Sil asked me to test 'cos her speakers are allegedly a bit naff), but 3 LT's later and it's working fine ;)

Just working my way through SoA (1) because I don't have a ToB save after upgrading PC and 2) it's been so long since I played the end of my own mod I can't remember what happens where, which isn't very good when someone asks for help... :whistling:) and I'll then be on to going through ToB - main thing is to test timers / triggers etc and see if everything fits in okay ('cos if it doesn't, we're going to have to think about how to juggle everything into place). Once I've had a play through (I expect to get there pretty soon - I'm thrashing Sahaguin right now, and I'm not doing all sub quests, so all I technically have to do now is Underdark, Bohdi and Suldanessellar to get through to ToB) and as long as everything is generally okay for me (which I expect it is), I'll be sticking up a signing up sheet for testers (probably first come first serve, although those who know Fade well will probably be signed up first, simply because I need to make sure everything is still in character and up to the standard of SoA... bit paranoid about that!). Prerequisites and info on this build will be given to those who are interested and sign up ('cos there are a few things that still need to be done before we can release officially...):).

The Timely Resurrection of Fade!
Mistress Elysia's fantasy artwork.
Where Darkness Resides: A Neverwinter Nights: Hordes of the Underdark fanfic

I want to live, I want to experience the universe and I want to eat pie.

"Oh, little ice cream friends! Thog delays boredom-driven rampage only for you!"

#8 Silmarien

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Posted 21 December 2006 - 06:08 AM

Glad to see you're back online. :) And I see we've already got a ToB testing workroom thingy up and running. Hope you don't find *too* many bugs this playthrough.

PS: Your Christmas present might be a bit late... if it doesn't get there by mid-January (at the latest!) tell me and I'll go yell at the post office people a bit.

Thanks - and as Elysia says, soon!

#9 prezees

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Posted 21 December 2006 - 09:36 AM

Glad to see you're back online. :) And I see we've already got a ToB testing workroom thingy up and running. Hope you don't find *too* many bugs this playthrough.

PS: Your Christmas present might be a bit late... if it doesn't get there by mid-January (at the latest!) tell me and I'll go yell at the post office people a bit.

Thanks - and as Elysia says, soon!

Can I be one of betatesters?

(It's me Prezes from Chosen of Mystra forum ^^)

#10 Mistress Elysia

Mistress Elysia

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Posted 23 December 2006 - 01:00 AM

I don't see why not, Prezes! ^_^

Just stick your name on the beta thread when it is created, which will be soon - after Christmas, I expect.

And on that note... I'm going away to visit my internetless parents today and coming back Boxing Day (26th) - then I'm off to have our annual Alternative Roleplaying Christmas Day with my tabletop friends, so I expect I won't be back here until late 26th / early 27th.

ToB testing has been a little delayed also due to the fact that my sister in law has been over for the last couple of days and I have caught a foul case of tonsillitis right now (typical... <_< And the doctors surgery has closed for Christmas, so I can't get any antibiotics). Computer games + swimmy head = bleurgh...

Oh, and Sil - package arrived yesterday, so there's no problem :hug:. I hope yours turns up okay now!!

The Timely Resurrection of Fade!
Mistress Elysia's fantasy artwork.
Where Darkness Resides: A Neverwinter Nights: Hordes of the Underdark fanfic

I want to live, I want to experience the universe and I want to eat pie.

"Oh, little ice cream friends! Thog delays boredom-driven rampage only for you!"

#11 prezees

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Posted 29 December 2006 - 02:01 AM

I don't see why not, Prezes! ^_^

Just stick your name on the beta thread when it is created, which will be soon - after Christmas, I expect.

Ok...beta thread is here.So how I can enter.You said ,that I should stick my name...but how?

#12 Mistress Elysia

Mistress Elysia

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Posted 29 December 2006 - 03:47 AM

The sign up thread is HERE - I know you're interested, so I just need an email address where I can send the files to now :)

The Timely Resurrection of Fade!
Mistress Elysia's fantasy artwork.
Where Darkness Resides: A Neverwinter Nights: Hordes of the Underdark fanfic

I want to live, I want to experience the universe and I want to eat pie.

"Oh, little ice cream friends! Thog delays boredom-driven rampage only for you!"

#13 Mistress Elysia

Mistress Elysia

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Posted 30 December 2006 - 08:52 AM

Well, I've played through ToB now and apart from some very minor things, I didn't run into any major problems. I'm also totally motivated to get the final things sorted out now for an initial public release... :lol: :D

Sorry, just having a bit of a 'geeky rush of excitement' moment at playing all the way through with Fade in tow... it's sad, I know, but I can't help it! ^_^

EDIT: Just finished 3 more Saradush interjections.

For those who have tried - how much harder is ToB to write interjections for?!?

EDIT AGAIN: I'm kind of on a roll. 2 more interjections (my NI's gone weird... I can't access dialogue trees anymore. dunno why...) and 4 Imoen banters (differing relating to the PC's relationship with Fade).

Edited by Mistress Elysia, 30 December 2006 - 01:56 PM.

The Timely Resurrection of Fade!
Mistress Elysia's fantasy artwork.
Where Darkness Resides: A Neverwinter Nights: Hordes of the Underdark fanfic

I want to live, I want to experience the universe and I want to eat pie.

"Oh, little ice cream friends! Thog delays boredom-driven rampage only for you!"

#14 Mistress Elysia

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Posted 01 January 2007 - 05:52 AM

Finished all of the Fate Spirit summoning dialogues and booting / re joining dialogues for both romancing and non romancing PCs - sending the lot over for proofreading / coding up as we speak :)

The Timely Resurrection of Fade!
Mistress Elysia's fantasy artwork.
Where Darkness Resides: A Neverwinter Nights: Hordes of the Underdark fanfic

I want to live, I want to experience the universe and I want to eat pie.

"Oh, little ice cream friends! Thog delays boredom-driven rampage only for you!"

#15 Kaeloree


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Posted 01 January 2007 - 10:30 PM

Re writing interjections for ToB - GODYES. With Iylos, it was hell - ended up with 50-something, still need to code them... but HOMYGOD, was it hard!

I was stupid, though, and actually played through the game and wrote in a word file where he should interject.

It will not be happening that way again, I fear :P

#16 Mistress Elysia

Mistress Elysia

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Posted 13 January 2007 - 04:27 PM

:) Just to let everyone know - due to the Taiwanese earthquake, Sil's got internet connection issues that are totally out of her control right now. That means that whilst she has bug fixed the main beta and has the joining / booting dialogues for coding, she can't physically get the results to me!

As soon as she's back up, we'll be back in business again. Until then - I'll keep writing... :D

The Timely Resurrection of Fade!
Mistress Elysia's fantasy artwork.
Where Darkness Resides: A Neverwinter Nights: Hordes of the Underdark fanfic

I want to live, I want to experience the universe and I want to eat pie.

"Oh, little ice cream friends! Thog delays boredom-driven rampage only for you!"

#17 berelinde



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Posted 13 January 2007 - 05:07 PM

Re writing interjections for ToB - GODYES. With Iylos, it was hell - ended up with 50-something, still need to code them... but HOMYGOD, was it hard!

I was stupid, though, and actually played through the game and wrote in a word file where he should interject.

It will not be happening that way again, I fear :P

I have a digital voice recorder that I keep on my desk. When I hit a good place for an interjection, I talk into the voice recorder. At the end of my gaming session, I play back all my notes and use weidu to decompile the necessary dlg files. Then, I go through and code what I want to say while it's still fresh in my mind.

Which means that everything is always a work in progress, and that more interjections get added every gaming session.

"Imagination is given to man to console him for what he is not; a sense of humor, for what he is." - Oscar Wilde

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#18 Mistress Elysia

Mistress Elysia

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Posted 14 January 2007 - 12:18 AM

I have a digital voice recorder that I keep on my desk. When I hit a good place for an interjection, I talk into the voice recorder. At the end of my gaming session, I play back all my notes and use weidu to decompile the necessary dlg files. Then, I go through and code what I want to say while it's still fresh in my mind.

Which means that everything is always a work in progress, and that more interjections get added every gaming session.

That's actually a very cool idea! I wish I was disciplined enough to get stuff down after a session... much more conscientious than what I do... :whistling:

I myself have a notebook - I pause the game and write my ideas down. So far, I'm on my 5th notebook and counting...

The Timely Resurrection of Fade!
Mistress Elysia's fantasy artwork.
Where Darkness Resides: A Neverwinter Nights: Hordes of the Underdark fanfic

I want to live, I want to experience the universe and I want to eat pie.

"Oh, little ice cream friends! Thog delays boredom-driven rampage only for you!"

#19 Silmarien

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Posted 15 January 2007 - 10:11 PM

Good news - my connection seems to be back up again! I'm halfway through the joining/leaving dialogues - been busy with work lately due to flaky professor who can't make up his mind what he wants :angry: They'll be done soon, and I should be able to get any new stuff you send over. :)


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Posted 10 February 2007 - 07:27 PM

Are you able to give a update? Waiting patiently :whistling: :)