Hi there
Hate to do this, and I'm probably missing something very obvious, but after four hours (real time) and lots of cheating I can't kill the first regenerating ghast I've met (in the windspear dungeon).
Apart from hitting it with as much firepower as I possess (for 10 minutes plus (real time) and every variant of fre, acid, lightning etc I possess I have also tried attacking with conjoured creatures such as Mordenkian's sword and Nishru. None of Death Spell, Sunray, Flesh to Stone, Cloudkill, Disntegrate, Abu Dhazim's Horrid Wilting, Finger of Death have any effect. Can't find a merchant with a weapon that looks any better than what I've got. Even Ctrl Y has doesn't work!
Most of these knock the thing down & give a message about it not being fully detroyed - 5 seconds later its up fighting again.
Suggestions gratefully received - as I said, I'm sure its something obvious I missed.
Regenerating ghast
Started by Waverley, Nov 28 2006 03:28 AM
1 reply to this topic
Posted 28 November 2006 - 03:28 AM
Posted 28 November 2006 - 08:07 AM
You can't kill them. When you read the message, don't hit them or they'll immediately attack you, but go on with the quest. After 120 seconds they are ready to fight again (if you're still there).
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