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Armor Colors

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#1 ak404


    One-Armed Drunken Kensei

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Posted 21 March 2003 - 09:30 PM

OK, screwing around with NI and making the Plate of Balduran a true suit of total black armor.  So far, I've got the all colors set to 21, and as I expected, it looks a bit...dull.  I've also looked over Keldorn's armor, thinking that all the colors would be the same; imagine my surprise when I discovered this wasn't so.  Is there any color you guys would recommend for the main body that might make it look more like black steel and less like a flat sort of black?

I'm very open to suggestions.

#2 -Ghreyfain-

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Posted 21 March 2003 - 09:44 PM

27 or 28. 96 is cool, but blue.

#3 ak404


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Posted 29 March 2003 - 04:29 PM

I think I'll stick to 21 for now, maybe using 27/28 for the buckles and the like.

#4 Wyrm

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Posted 17 April 2003 - 02:17 PM

You might try using "rbg" values, just do search for a good color chart off the web and plug in the values.

#5 ak404


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Posted 20 April 2003 - 12:14 PM

Well, it's black armor. All I want is black armor. RGB values do me very little good at that point: I just went for a full 21 range suit and left it at that. I was hoping to get it even darker without going into shades of blue or brown, but so far I can't find any alternative color ranges.