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Level drain in BG1 part

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#1 Deadlok

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Posted 01 October 2006 - 12:03 AM

The problem is that Minsc got level drained in the BG1 part of the game. The temples in Friendly Arm and near Beregost don't have Restoration available, and also do not sell Restoration scrolls. How do i restore his levels back ? Thank you.

#2 Gort

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Posted 01 October 2006 - 12:49 AM

just curious: who drained him?

#3 Grunker


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Posted 01 October 2006 - 04:11 AM

Either wait for your cleric to gain restoration, find a scroll in a random place, wait for BG2, or use CTRL-R on his portrait after enabling the cheat-console.
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#4 melkor_morgoth75



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Posted 01 October 2006 - 10:19 PM

The problem is that Minsc got level drained in the BG1 part of the game. The temples in Friendly Arm and near Beregost don't have Restoration available, and also do not sell Restoration scrolls. How do i restore his levels back ? Thank you.

You don't have BGT ONLY installed .... correct? If so, you should find some scrolls somewhere ;)


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#5 -Guest-

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Posted 02 October 2006 - 02:28 AM

You don't have BGT ONLY installed .... correct? If so, you should find some scrolls somewhere ;)


Yep, since i got drained by a wraith added by DSotSC. However, i expected the BG1 part temples' services to be consistent with those from the BG 2 part. Maybe in a future update to BGT...

#6 melkor_morgoth75



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Posted 02 October 2006 - 02:49 AM

You don't have BGT ONLY installed .... correct? If so, you should find some scrolls somewhere ;)


Yep, since i got drained by a wraith added by DSotSC. However, i expected the BG1 part temples' services to be consistent with those from the BG 2 part. Maybe in a future update to BGT...

DSotSC add LOT of scroll around its lairs ... didn't you pick up them?


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#7 seanas

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Posted 02 October 2006 - 02:56 AM

this is an old, old design flaw in DSotSC - it was cause for complaint back in the days when DSotSC was one of the few available BG1 mods.

it's not really a problem for BGT to fix, as it's a purely and simply a DSotSC failing; as a DSotSc design flaw, it's something that should be fixed by DSotSC. i know why it hasn't been fixed: none of the weidu conversions of the 'big' mods has seen it within their remit to 'improve' the big mods, just to make them weidu installs (and nor should they have tried to improve the big mods: can you imagine trying to improve TDD? other than ripping it up and starting again from scratch? and note, by the way, that i actually like TDD).

nevertheless, in this case, i think DSotSC does need to make some Restoration scrolls available at a temple somewhere, as it really is ridiculous from a gameplay pespective to negatively affect party members and not provide some sort of remedy.

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#8 Promilus

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Posted 02 October 2006 - 06:17 AM

I think there were some potions and scrolls around.
BTW what about killing him and then restoring to the life? Can it 'heal' character?

#9 Stark

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Posted 02 October 2006 - 07:04 AM

Didn't you read the readme?

Be very careful on these maps, as undead exist that can and will suck your experience and levels. Quick save after each little battle, AFTER you have checked that you haven't been sucked for XP. If you have, resume from the previous quick save. This will save you a world of grief.

Heh. I agree though, inserting level-drainers and not providing a decent way to remove the level drains isn't the best. Misc scrolls around the dungeons are ok, but having established locations(such as temples) available to go to is best.

#10 melkor_morgoth75



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Posted 02 October 2006 - 10:41 PM

Let's take that as a "harder feature" of the game ;)

Honestly if u have Secret of Bonehill installed too you don't have so much trouble 'cause you find lot of scrolls there as well,


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#11 seanas

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Posted 02 October 2006 - 11:42 PM

Honestly if u have Secret of Bonehill installed too you don't have so much trouble 'cause you find lot of scrolls there as well.

and i think this is why there aren't too many complaints abuot this: very few ppl who are playing DSotSC aren't playing it with SoBH or TDD (which adds lower spell level restoration, from memory) or Exnems or some other mod which adds the necessary scrolls or spells, and so the situation doesn't occur very often.

it's still a design flaw though, and worthy of a fix for any future release; it's just not a fix that a large proportion of DSotSC users are going to need.

"A simple test of the relative merits of science and religion is to compare lighting your house at night by prayer or electricity" - A. C. Grayling
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#12 melkor_morgoth75



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Posted 03 October 2006 - 12:06 AM


it depends in my opinion. I don't think DSotSC does need some fixes about restoration. Why?


1) DSotSC is an overpowered mod (so many powerful items)
2) You can Join Cuchoinneach and his friend who can kill EASILY any undead during its quest (and that's where the most undead are)
3) You can gain the mace from Otho and that grants you immunity to level drain and kill most of unead upon hit.

Of course everyone plays the game as he prefers, but in my opinion an "easy" game is a bad game and DSotSC eventually needs some fixes to lower its "overpowered" features. Again ... of course i know you just can skip to take scrolls and overpowered items and play as you prefer ;)

just my 2 cents,


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#13 Deadlok

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Posted 03 October 2006 - 11:05 AM

Well the problem was that i play now without SoBH (i played it some time ago and enjoyed it :) ), and i couldn't possibly find any restoration available. Anyway, that's not the main problem (as i can always reload my game), but it is non-consistent with the BG2 part of the game, and it feels odd; like the priests in BG1 temples are somehow retarded when compared to those in BG 2 temples... :D

Edited by Deadlok, 03 October 2006 - 11:06 AM.

#14 Chevalier


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Posted 04 October 2006 - 01:25 AM

Add the restoration to 1 or more temple, but make cost alot, A Lot! This can help balance the game by draining some money from the game. On the over powered items, they are good for poor players and let better players play on a harder level of play. Still too easy? Well someone could make a mini-mod for DSotSC like tactics to beef it up.

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#15 erebusant


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Posted 04 October 2006 - 04:38 AM

Add the restoration to 1 or more temple, but make cost alot, A Lot! This can help balance the game by draining some money from the game. On the over powered items, they are good for poor players and let better players play on a harder level of play. Still too easy? Well someone could make a mini-mod for DSotSC like tactics to beef it up.

I have some area BAF files for you!! :D

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#16 Sir BillyBob

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Posted 10 October 2006 - 06:33 PM

I don't normally have time to scan the BGT forum but this one definitely jumped out.

Since I didn't have "proper" permission to touch DSotSC, I left it as it was except for things that were straight out broken. I have stated before that I wish someone would be willing to make an enhancement mod for DSotSC (and for NTotSC). Those scrolls and the restoration spell didn't exist in BG1. It wouldn't be that hard for anyone to create a mini-mod which adds a few scrolls to a temple. For those of you that one to create your very first mod, here is your opportunity! I would really like to see some banters with all the new NPCs as well.

Yes, I could easily add a scroll or two into Castle Daerthmac in the next patch. It probably wouldn't be a bad idea. My fighting tactics have always allowed me to use Cuchy and Jet'laya for front line fighters in this place and so I have never had to worry about level draining. I probably always had a few extra scrolls from SoBH where I dumped many of them, so I never noticed the need for them here.

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#17 ScuD

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Posted 21 October 2006 - 10:49 AM

There are 3 Lesser Restoration scrolls in the area DSC016.