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Mega-WeiDU Install Instruction w/ BG2 Fixpack

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#1 erebusant


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Posted 29 September 2006 - 11:05 PM

Mods covered by this topic: BG2 Fixpack v6; BGT v1.05b; BG1NPC v15f; BG1UB v6; SCS v8; SoS v1.12; TDD v1.12; CtB v1.9; TS-BP v6.10; RoTerror v2.1; DSotSC for WM6 v1.95; NTotSC for WM6 v1.55; SoBH v2.10; SCSII v4; BP-BGT_WorldMap v6.6.1

*** Just a general note for all. Although many mods listed have more recent versions released, the same general principles of the installation may be applied to them all. Also, I'll continue posting any latest and refined WeiDU.log installation orders by date for people to refer to. ***

Unfinished Business "Restored Minor Dialogs" component in conjunction with BG2 Fixpack causes AR1303.bcs to become corrupted and thus causes a fatal install error in the AI component of BPv177. (And probably any other mod that does anything with AR1303.bcs) Workaround for this follows:

SCS v7 "Better Calls for Help" component is not currently compatible with the NPC management in BGT installations. All other BGT components do not appear to cause conflicts. Currently reccomend installing SCS v7 less the "Better Calls for Help" component, and immediately following SCS v7 installation, install the "Better Calls for Help" component of SCSBGT which functions appropriately.

AR0602.bcs and a pared down Baldur.bcs are attached below for all to try if they are having issues with in-game lag, or BGII-SoA portion of their game not starting properly. They work in my game.

Worldmap v6.6 Issues - For those who have experienced problems with Worldmap 6.6 and above, please post them in the bug thread over in the Worldmap forum. I'll take a look at what I compile from there as I play through my most recent game.
***Edit 112607 - Here's the patch (uploaded below) for Waukeen Promenade "Destination Unreachable" issue. This occurs if you have "Revised Travel Times" component of WM6 installed and do NOT have CtB installed. "Extract Here" in your main BGII-SoA directory and run it and you'll be able to go back to Waukeen Promenade.***
***Edit 112707 - The latest version .tp2 "WM6 Saved Game Converter" component does not function properly. Attached below is a revised WM6.tp2 that will convert your saved games and allow you to continue on in your game.***
***Edit 120607 Attached below is a consolidated patch for Worldmap v6 that resolves all issues that have been reported so far to include the 2 strikethru's above, plus the issue of Drizzt Saga areas becoming "Destination Unreachable". Uninstall current version of Worldmap; "Extract Here" in your BGII-SoA directory selecting "overwrite" when prompted, and then re-run Worldmap installation including the Saved Game Converter at the end.

For those installing GBThfKp v2.14 into your game, if you're up to v(latest version) WeiDU, you need to copy your v(latest version) WeiDU.exe over into your GBThfKp folder overwriting the version 195 WeiDU.exe or your installation of this component will fail.

Download Links for the majority of mods you will be using for the Mega-Install + Small Mods

Near Infinity Download Link


Attached Files

Edited by erebusant, 09 March 2008 - 09:35 AM.

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#2 Azazello


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Posted 30 September 2006 - 12:04 AM

e, what/where is 'Black Talon Elites for BGT'? Can't find it on the PPG Mod search engine.

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Community Contributions
* Level 1 NPCs * gMinion: expanded TP2 for MegaInstalls * PSM (PSQM): expanded scripts for Melanthium * Shar Nadal (DSotSC-BGT) revision * non-detectable Cloak of Non-Detection ?? * Weimer's-Tactics: revised TP2 for MegaInstalls * a directory of Mega-Installation Guides *


#3 Chevalier


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Posted 30 September 2006 - 01:24 AM

I thought
~GBTHFKP.TP2~ #0 #1 // Enhanced Random Encounters (w/Kensai Ryu, ToB req.)
already is part of BP??

~SETUP-BPV177.TP2~ #0 #8 // Improved Random Encounters, by Gebhard Blucher and Kensai Ryu

Should you install both??

Edited by Chevalier, 30 September 2006 - 01:27 AM.

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#4 Anomaly

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Posted 30 September 2006 - 04:17 AM

e, what/where is 'Black Talon Elites for BGT'? Can't find it on the PPG Mod search engine.

This is a small mod made by Vlad to enhance Black Talon Elite. It is included in NEJ 6.8, but beware : I've got (with the NEJ version) lots of crashes in Larswood with this component until I uninstalled it, so maybe this is bugged.

Why do you install BGT before other mega-mods ?

Why do you install Improved Sahuagin from Tactics ? IIRC, BP already improves this area.
French translator of: BG2 FixPack, BG2 Tweaks, Baldur's Gate Trilogy-WeiDU, BGT-Tweaks and some minor mods.

#5 seanas

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Posted 30 September 2006 - 07:02 AM

this thread has been pinned, and the previous thread unpinned and closed. yr efforts are always appreciated, erebusant.

"A simple test of the relative merits of science and religion is to compare lighting your house at night by prayer or electricity" - A. C. Grayling
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#6 erebusant


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Posted 30 September 2006 - 07:06 AM

e, what/where is 'Black Talon Elites for BGT'? Can't find it on the PPG Mod search engine.

This is a small mod made by Vlad to enhance Black Talon Elite. It is included in NEJ 6.8, but beware : I've got (with the NEJ version) lots of crashes in Larswood with this component until I uninstalled it, so maybe this is bugged.

I've removed the Black Talon elites for the time being. Just a small thing I wanted to try with my install, but not necessary for the Mega-install.

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#7 erebusant


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Posted 30 September 2006 - 07:15 AM

I thought

~GBTHFKP.TP2~ #0 #1 // Enhanced Random Encounters (w/Kensai Ryu, ToB req.)
already is part of BP??

~SETUP-BPV177.TP2~ #0 #8 // Improved Random Encounters, by Gebhard Blucher and Kensai Ryu

Should you install both??

Chev, you're right. I would always get "can't find bcs block errors" during the install of the BPv177 random encounters, and that part of the install is after the AI portion so I decided to go back to the originals. Horred used BUT_ONLY_IF_IT_CHANGES for those snips, so I'll see if the function is woofed in my install and remove in needed.

I've deleted component #8 for BPv177 from my WeiDU log to eliminate confusion until then.

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#8 erebusant


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Posted 30 September 2006 - 07:22 AM

Why do you install Improved Sahuagin from Tactics ? IIRC, BP already improves this area.

But BP doesn't add the Sekolah's Avatar, and I really, really, really enjoy having it show up. :D

I took that component off of the WeiDU log as well. Will keep you posted on how it works.

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#9 -Guest-

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Posted 02 October 2006 - 12:07 AM

Prompt before start PreBPOverBiff it is necessary to copy those 4 files?

#10 seanas

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Posted 02 October 2006 - 01:06 AM

Chev, you're right. I would always get "can't find bcs block errors" during the install of the BPv177 random encounters, and that part of the install is after the AI portion so I decided to go back to the originals. Horred used BUT_ONLY_IF_IT_CHANGES for those snips, so I'll see if the function is woofed in my install and remove in needed.

I've deleted component #8 for BPv177 from my WeiDU log to eliminate confusion until then.

there's a thought - i might add a check to BP for these components from DSOA, to prevent duplication/ install error warnings.

"A simple test of the relative merits of science and religion is to compare lighting your house at night by prayer or electricity" - A. C. Grayling
"EFF files have saves, too." - CamDawg
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#11 erebusant


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Posted 02 October 2006 - 03:15 AM

Prompt before start PreBPOverBiff it is necessary to copy those 4 files?

Not Anymore :)

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#12 Anomaly

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Posted 02 October 2006 - 04:53 AM

Sorry for repeating my question, but you did not answered it.

I understand why you want to install BGT before FixPack, but why the other-mega-mods are installed after BGT ? They used to be installed before. Is this experimental or is this the new recommended install order ?

Thank you. :)
French translator of: BG2 FixPack, BG2 Tweaks, Baldur's Gate Trilogy-WeiDU, BGT-Tweaks and some minor mods.

#13 erebusant


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Posted 02 October 2006 - 05:20 AM

Sorry for repeating my question, but you did not answered it.

I understand why you want to install BGT before FixPack, but why the other-mega-mods are installed after BGT ? They used to be installed before. Is this experimental or is this the new recommended install order ?

Thank you. :)

Being WieDU, and in the BG2 portion of the game, there's no reason that the BP Family of mods should HAVE to be installed prior to BGT. Other than DS/NTotSC & SoBH (which were all installed after BGT in the old install order anyway) they have no interaction with/nor modify anything related to BGT. They are merely a continuation of the story once the transition to BG2 occurs. The idea is to have the BG2 Fixpack installed as close to "on top of" a basic 26498 patched install as possible. This way it can take care of all of it's bugfixes prior to the rest of the mod installs. Unfortunately this isn't possible with BGT due to the transition issue. Thus BGT goes 1st, BG2 Fixpack next, then all other mods, with BP Family coming prior to any of the smaller modifications. This ought to give G3 a better view of any interaction problems between the Fixpack and any of the BP Family mods as well.

Edited by erebusant, 02 October 2006 - 05:21 AM.

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#14 rebelst

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Posted 02 October 2006 - 07:18 AM

Noticed NEJ's no longer on here... does it not work with the mega install anymore?

#15 erebusant


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Posted 02 October 2006 - 07:47 AM

Noticed NEJ's no longer on here... does it not work with the mega install anymore?

The previous versions of NEJ2 (v42b + v6.02 Patch + BGT-NEJ v1 Patch) may work with this install. They will work with the previous installation with the file requirement checks removed. Vlad had a requirement that NEJ be installed 1st, even in the previous version of the Mega-Install for it to work properly. In this install it will no longer go 1st so I don't know if that will cause issues or not. If someone wants to give it a try and report back the results, feel free to do so.

NEJ v6.7 and above require Baldurdash v1.6 and a modified BGT.tp2 to install, so for this installation at this time it is not compatible.

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#16 Rubberduck

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Posted 02 October 2006 - 10:00 AM

I've attached my AR0602.bcs for my install as there still needed to be a few continue()'s added for the RoTerror cutscene and Jon (Mr Happy) to show up in Chateau Irenicus to continue the game.

I've attached my pruned Baldur.bcs with the Hellblade and other wasteful type checks for your use as you desire or not. Cuts baldur.bcs from over 700Kb to approx 260Kb and removes a lot of slight stuttering from my game.

So what is it with those files mentioned above? Where do i have to put 'em and when exactly? Do i need to do any special editing? Wish i knew some of this before cause i installed Dark Ritual and some quests are totally f***** up. Also those restored minor dialogues caused a lot of trouble within my install :angry:

To get one thing straight: I can finish (or begin) all those parts of DSotSc and NTotSC after the transition to bg2? May sound very noobish but i also thought that you should complete them before finishing off Sarevok. I thought it was impossible to go back to those bg1 areas after bg2 started. One never stops learning i guess :huh:

#17 erebusant


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Posted 02 October 2006 - 10:28 AM

I've attached my AR0602.bcs for my install as there still needed to be a few continue()'s added for the RoTerror cutscene and Jon (Mr Happy) to show up in Chateau Irenicus to continue the game.

I've attached my pruned Baldur.bcs with the Hellblade and other wasteful type checks for your use as you desire or not. Cuts baldur.bcs from over 700Kb to approx 260Kb and removes a lot of slight stuttering from my game.

So what is it with those files mentioned above? Where do i have to put 'em and when exactly? Do i need to do any special editing? Wish i knew some of this before cause i installed Dark Ritual and some quests are totally f***** up. Also those restored minor dialogues caused a lot of trouble within my install :angry:

To get one thing straight: I can finish (or begin) all those parts of DSotSc and NTotSC after the transition to bg2? May sound very noobish but i also thought that you should complete them before finishing off Sarevok. I thought it was impossible to go back to those bg1 areas after bg2 started. One never stops learning i guess :huh:

The attached .bcs files just get placed in your override directory at the end of your installation. Just be sure to make a copy of your existing files before you ovewrite them.

The "Restored Minor dialogs" warning has been posted since early July, just after the Fixpack was released. It's always a good idea to return to this thread and check for updates because I try to update the 1st post with any relevant information that comes to light as problems or issues arise.

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#18 rebelst

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Posted 02 October 2006 - 11:17 AM

Noticed NEJ's no longer on here... does it not work with the mega install anymore?

The previous versions of NEJ2 (v42b + v6.02 Patch + BGT-NEJ v1 Patch) may work with this install. They will work with the previous installation with the file requirement checks removed. Vlad had a requirement that NEJ be installed 1st, even in the previous version of the Mega-Install for it to work properly. In this install it will no longer go 1st so I don't know if that will cause issues or not. If someone wants to give it a try and report back the results, feel free to do so.

NEJ v6.7 and above require Baldurdash v1.6 and a modified BGT.tp2 to install, so for this installation at this time it is not compatible.

I'll give it a try. Last time I tried to play BG2 (a while back), I recall NEJ having some sort of animation conflict with CtB... has that error since been corrected, or should I still be on the lookout for it?

#19 seanas

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Posted 02 October 2006 - 12:01 PM

I'll give it a try. Last time I tried to play BG2 (a while back), I recall NEJ having some sort of animation conflict with CtB... has that error since been corrected, or should I still be on the lookout for it?

it certainly hasn't been fixed, and it's quite possibly been made worse with the new NEJv6.7.

"A simple test of the relative merits of science and religion is to compare lighting your house at night by prayer or electricity" - A. C. Grayling
"EFF files have saves, too." - CamDawg
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#20 ronin

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Posted 03 October 2006 - 12:53 AM

If you want to play NeJ your best bet is to play it as a standalone or as a combination of BG2, TS and Nej.
