Mega-WeiDU Install Instruction w/ BG2 Fixpack
Posted 05 April 2008 - 05:52 PM
Can someone please help me.
Ok, I have the 4 disc dvd version of baldurs-thrown of bhaal.
I installed it, and I patched it to 5512 and 26498.
And now its horrible for me.
I have windows xp sp2
Games work fine.
I want to do the bgt.
Im new at the .rar file format. I did download winrar. I also downloaded most of the mods in .rar
from the forum in the download sections under megamods section. Im not sure if i extract them to baldursgate tosc dir or do i extract the mods to baldursgate tob dir?
Ok, Is the big picture already all the mods at once, and thus all i need, or is the big picture done after all the mods to connect the mods....Im confused.
I want to just download megamod "a" and install megamod "a" and play, why this is so hard?
You guys are genious, can someone come up with a simple install package?
1. a list of all mods you can do that work well with bgt.(tested)
2. download latest versions...
3. run the installer, point it to any folder you put the downloads...
4. a check box system comes up just like during baldursgate install.
5. just check what mods you want on the list.
6. clik install and then play.
This seems like it could be so easy.
I got my game on ebay 4 disc dvd yesterday at 10pm. Its now 6pm the next day, i have been over 15 hours of researching versions and installs, and instructions and trial and error on this forums...but its too hard for me.
Can any one help, I need the bgt for dummies...
Thanks in advance.
problem #2, im not big xp poweruser, i came from window 98. In window 98, i look at a folder, and it say forexample program.exe and baldur.ini If in xp i look at my folder it show...baldur type:application and it dont show the .ini even when i look at details, how do i change it to show me the extensions...thank you so much.
Posted 05 April 2008 - 06:03 PM
Go to windows explorer. click on Tools, then Folder Options, then View tab and uncheck the box that says "Hide file extensions for known file types", then click on Apply and close out.problem #2, im not big xp poweruser, i came from window 98. In window 98, i look at a folder, and it say forexample program.exe and baldur.ini If in xp i look at my folder it show...baldur type:application and it dont show the .ini even when i look at details, how do i change it to show me the extensions...thank you so much.
It takes a village...
Posted 05 April 2008 - 07:36 PM
I suggest you play EasyTutu first. Much easier to setup quickly, made for first-timers, not too overwhelming, very helpful folks in their forum to answer questions and such.Can someone please help me.
Edited by Azazello, 10 July 2008 - 05:03 PM.
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Community Contributions
* Level 1 NPCs * gMinion: expanded TP2 for MegaInstalls * PSM (PSQM): expanded scripts for Melanthium * Shar Nadal (DSotSC-BGT) revision * non-detectable Cloak of Non-Detection ?? * Weimer's-Tactics: revised TP2 for MegaInstalls * a directory of Mega-Installation Guides *
Posted 05 April 2008 - 08:31 PM
I suggest you play EasyTutu first. Much easier to setup quickly, made for first-timers, not too overwhelming, very helpful folks in their forum to answer questions and such.Can someone please help me.
Update: Its now 9pm, 3 hours since post. I finished my install, here is how it went...
Thank you so much, the explorer is now fixed.
I went to the downloads page, downloaded the latest version of ts, sos, tdd, and bpv177 and bgt 105b, and patch 105b.
Next, I copied each rar in that exact order, into my bg2 soa dir, then extract and installed them one at a time in order.
Im running the game now, so far so good.
Now im at the build character stage, the install was sucessful.
Im not a total newbie, just a newbie to mod this game,
I have played bg 2 upto the all seeing eye, but never finished it.
I have played bg1tosc upto reaching city of baldurs gate, and quit because my charector is a specialist mage necromancer and he cant memorize my fav spell of mirror image, and i dont know if i can transform him, so im starting over.
This is what entised me to try bgt. So far the install is a sucess, it lets me choose to play bg1 with bg2 engine.
My only ?'s now is about clua console use during the trilogy. Forexample does only bg2 cheats work now during part 1 or do i just add cheats=1 to both bg1 ini and bg2ini, thus both sets of cheats work?
and my 2nd ? i never installed the world map mod, but my map looks ok so far during my test view, can i just go without it or is it a must have, and if must have, will it mess my save game up?
Thank you all so much, I am skipping the easy tutu advise, as im not that bad at computers, and have enough time to try out stuff to the point of needing just a little help.
Thanks again guys, I highly reccommend getting the game on the 4 disc dvd. Its so nice to not have to change discs constantly, but im sure there is a mod somewhere to let you do it all from hd?
If any newbie like me need my help on how i got my install to work, just post to me, i will try to help.
Posted 05 April 2008 - 11:57 PM
updated, i found out you just push x key, not L key, i have the ring now.
Update, bgt crashes when you follow my install i did, when i goto friendly arm inn to meet jaheria and khalid. the fix was to install the bgworldmap, this was great improvement over not installing it. game works wonderful now
My ownly problem now is that the music dont play correctly. When two gibberlings attack me at friendly arm in, there was no war music, only background birds singing and such.
My current install record: bg, bgtosc, patch 2215, bgsoa, bgthob, patch 26498, npc damage, torture soul, sos, tdd, bpv177, bgt105b, bgt105bpatch, played untill frozen during map transfer from forest to fidelpost inn, closed game, installed bgworldmap, all is perfect so far except sound???? What patch or mod should i do at this point to fix the sound? one more note, since doing npc damage first, it dont work either, portraits stay the same, perhaps my install order rewrote over it?
Thanks so much.
Edited by Slerak, 06 April 2008 - 02:01 AM.
Posted 06 April 2008 - 01:58 AM
Isn't it Ctrl+L. Or you could activate the cheat keys with CLUAConsole And I use the CTRL+X .im playing bg1 in bg2 engine, when i push "L" key it dont show the mouse cordinates os x and y is this bug or is it different in bg 2 than one? Thanks in advance, im hunting the ring of wizardry at 2553,3760 and have no luck with pushing L key.
Deactivated account. The user today is known as The Imp.
Posted 06 April 2008 - 02:35 AM
Isn't it Ctrl+L. Or you could activate the cheat keys with CLUAConsole And I use the CTRL+X .im playing bg1 in bg2 engine, when i push "L" key it dont show the mouse cordinates os x and y is this bug or is it different in bg 2 than one? Thanks in advance, im hunting the ring of wizardry at 2553,3760 and have no luck with pushing L key.
its definately just x, and i just answered my ? about the music, i accidently posted all this stuff here, sorry guys, most my ? are answered already at the other forum. I installed the music now with the hybrid tales/tob music option. Not sure how to uninstall it later, but i have to finish tosc before i worry about that one. Only thing im worried now is i never installed the fixpack, so hopefully this install works without error.
so far:
bg, tosc, patch 5512, bgsoa, bgthob, patch 24648, npc damage, ts, sos, tdd, bpv177, bgt105b, bgt105bpatch, bgworldmap, and now bgmusic setup.exe and choose hybrid....back to play, will update later, so far so good....
Posted 06 April 2008 - 05:54 AM
You can start your own thread, describe all your install/gaming exploits, call it "Slerak's Mega Installation" or some such.If any newbie like me need my help on how i got my install to work, just post to me, i will try to help.
It won't. Without errors, that is.Only thing im worried now is i never installed the fixpack, so hopefully this install works without error.
Edited by Azazello, 06 April 2008 - 05:54 AM.
Posted 01 May 2008 - 04:14 AM
Just out of curiosity, when was the last time you actually played BG from end to end? I only ask because I've been fiddling around with mega-installs for about three years now, and only recently finished my first run in years through a relatively unmodded game. I haven't been able to complete a mega-install game just for lack of time and energy... they take so damn long!
Just askin', y'know?

[edit] Oh, and also, maybe I'm just too lazy to check, but did Vlad roll the BGTNEJ patch into his newest version of NEJ? I notice you're using that without the BGTNEJ component... [/edit]
Edited by Derkoth the Disgruntled, 01 May 2008 - 04:32 AM.
Posted 01 May 2008 - 05:15 AM
DtD - Good to hear from you. I've been spending a lot of time getting my install order down, and then working my way through, making the neccesary patches to let the big mods work happily together, so it is taking a bit longer than normal. So far, I've completed DSotSC with only a few fixes required, finished the Vestibule portion of Vault, and now I'm working on patch for NTotSC. I just reached the Northern Citadel. NTotSC needs a lot of work to make it playable (and understandable) as far as the sequence of events goes. Got the Ghotal XP issue fixed. The new NEJ I believe is designed to play nicely with BGT anyway, without a bunch compatibility patches, but it doesn't play nicely with a lot of other mods. The main issue I ran into with it was it overwrote many of the BGT dialogs unneccesarily, since they were already in the game. Anything I changed with NEJ won't ever be a public release, however since that is Vlad's wish. Once I get to that portion of the game I'll keep you posted on how it runs, and what conflicts I run across. 1st there's NTotSC, 2nd Part of SoBH and TotSC to complete along with Baldur's Gate, and then migrate on to BGII. Hmmm,, I might actually finish in a couple of years,,,,Hey, Erebusant,
Just out of curiosity, when was the last time you actually played BG from end to end? I only ask because I've been fiddling around with mega-installs for about three years now, and only recently finished my first run in years through a relatively unmodded game. I haven't been able to complete a mega-install game just for lack of time and energy... they take so damn long!
Just askin', y'know?
[edit] Oh, and also, maybe I'm just too lazy to check, but did Vlad roll the BGTNEJ patch into his newest version of NEJ? I notice you're using that without the BGTNEJ component... [/edit]

It takes a village...
Posted 01 May 2008 - 11:38 AM
Keep up the good work! It's really amazing that you're still determined enough to troubleshoot and get the issues ironed out for such a vast combination of mods.DtD - Good to hear from you. I've been spending a lot of time getting my install order down, and then working my way through, making the neccesary patches to let the big mods work happily together, so it is taking a bit longer than normal. So far, I've completed DSotSC with only a few fixes required, finished the Vestibule portion of Vault, and now I'm working on patch for NTotSC. I just reached the Northern Citadel. NTotSC needs a lot of work to make it playable (and understandable) as far as the sequence of events goes. Got the Ghotal XP issue fixed. The new NEJ I believe is designed to play nicely with BGT anyway, without a bunch compatibility patches, but it doesn't play nicely with a lot of other mods. The main issue I ran into with it was it overwrote many of the BGT dialogs unneccesarily, since they were already in the game. Anything I changed with NEJ won't ever be a public release, however since that is Vlad's wish. Once I get to that portion of the game I'll keep you posted on how it runs, and what conflicts I run across. 1st there's NTotSC, 2nd Part of SoBH and TotSC to complete along with Baldur's Gate, and then migrate on to BGII. Hmmm,, I might actually finish in a couple of years,,,,
Posted 06 May 2008 - 03:25 AM

P.S. Ever run into a strange "Anti-magic cloud" effect randomly popping up over your characters in your Mega (the Storm of Vengeance animation accompanying it)? That's happened to me on occasion, and I can't be arsed trying to track down what causes it.
Posted 06 May 2008 - 05:22 AM
I'll send you the code tonite when I get home. You'll probably want to not install the .cre portion as it seems to break several .cres in the course of "re-ordering" them, but it does seem to work quite well at fixing the .itm and .spl files that cause many "illegal byte-read" errors when installing various other mods.To revive a question asked a short while ago, where can I dig up the Nythrun fix code? I've scoured the G3 forums looking for it, but without a better idea of where to go, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack. Got a link available?
P.S. Ever run into a strange "Anti-magic cloud" effect randomly popping up over your characters in your Mega (the Storm of Vengeance animation accompanying it)? That's happened to me on occasion, and I can't be arsed trying to track down what causes it.
I think you get the Anti-Magic cloud if you don't return the +2 dagger you get in the Southern Wastelands and you kill the Revenant instead. It'll keep popping up from time to time until you sell the dagger.
It takes a village...
Posted 06 May 2008 - 05:28 AM
I think you get the Anti-Magic cloud if you don't return the +2 dagger you get in the Southern Wastelands and you kill the Revenant instead. It'll keep popping up from time to time until you sell the dagger.
Haven't gotten the +2 dagger yet. Only just finished Nashkel Mines. Oh, well... I've got something like 95 mods installed with no code patching, so I'm not surprised to get oddities like that.

Posted 07 May 2008 - 08:45 PM
I have a question about 'BP_Mega_Install_Instructions_111906.doc.'
It says,
17. Replace the BGT/Worldmap/links.tbl with the one located here: http://forums.spellh...p...ost&id=4098.
24. Download ?Chores for G3 Fixpack Fix.rar? from http://forums.spellh...p...ost&id=3819 and copy it to your main SoA directory.
But those attached files are no longer downloadable and I couldn't find them anywhere.
So, I searched this forum throughly and googled and then finally got a conclusion...
Step17 is no longer required if I use the latest version of BGT (1.05b).
Step24 is still necessary if I use G3 BG2 FixPack and the fix file is included in CtB v1.9 archives (CtB_FF is the fix file).
Am I correct? If I'm wrong, please correct me.
Edited by bnnfish, 07 May 2008 - 08:48 PM.
Posted 07 May 2008 - 09:19 PM
Posted 20 May 2008 - 05:16 AM
Posted 20 May 2008 - 05:25 AM
I've never used either, so I can't reccomend it one way or the other. You might want to hold off on the auto-installer because it looks like it removes a lot of the source folders, and has a few other bugs that cause issues. The manual way works best for me. Sorry.So it's about that time again for me to try to play BG2. This time, I don't think I'll go too crazy with the mods, just a couple that you have listed here. Maybe I'll use the auto-installer just to make my life easier. However, I noticed that you don't use Redemption or the Longer Road, and I wanted to use one, probably the Longer Road. Any advice on when to install it or maybe some known compatibility issues?

Edited by erebusant, 20 May 2008 - 05:26 AM.
It takes a village...
Posted 20 May 2008 - 07:47 AM