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Have i missed anything in part 1?

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#1 -Xylia of the forest-

-Xylia of the forest-
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Posted 18 September 2006 - 02:11 AM

Before i leave the island i want to make sure i havent forgotten anything.

Dont read if you havent already finished part 1 because this may contain some


- Cleared out the rats (In the house you get the quest from is a locked chest you cant seem to open, anyone know how?)

- Killed the orc's and found the caravans

- Killed the gnolls and ogre

- Found the lost druid and delivered a letter

- Gave the wolf slayer a potion and told her the correct way to town

- Found the horn and killed the wizard, took the staff and spoke to the statue to get a helmet

- Told all to Peltar and got the WIS+1 book from his tower

- Killed the bandits who wanted a hand

- Cleared out the sewers to find stolen items

- killed the theif in the lighthouse and returned the pearl

I think i have everything done, If i missed something please reply :)

#2 erebusant


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Posted 18 September 2006 - 10:19 AM

Before i leave the island i want to make sure i havent forgotten anything.

Dont read if you havent already finished part 1 because this may contain some


- Cleared out the rats (In the house you get the quest from is a locked chest you cant seem to open, anyone know how?)

- Killed the orc's and found the caravans

- Killed the gnolls and ogre

- Found the lost druid and delivered a letter

- Gave the wolf slayer a potion and told her the correct way to town

- Found the horn and killed the wizard, took the staff and spoke to the statue to get a helmet

- Told all to Peltar and got the WIS+1 book from his tower

- Killed the bandits who wanted a hand

- Cleared out the sewers to find stolen items

- killed the theif in the lighthouse and returned the pearl

I think i have everything done, If i missed something please reply :)

In the area with the Druid Circle and the chick you tell the right direction to go, right about in the center of the map is a guy named Volcifer that tells you you should check out Bone Hill. After you clear out Bone Hill, go back to him, tell him you cleared it and he will take off. Go back to Bone Hill by the entrance to the Castle and check things out,,,, :whistling:

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#3 Sir BillyBob

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Posted 24 September 2006 - 05:49 PM

In the far upper left corner of the same area, there is a pathetic mage that is sobbing about how bad a wizard he his. Tell him about Pelltar and he will become an apprentice to Pelltar. Xan has some comments about this guy.

BTW, Martin is a ranger, not a druid. There is another Martin in the second half, he is a druid.

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#4 -Guest-

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Posted 02 October 2006 - 11:14 PM

i think there is another quest named spy zahrdahl,but i can't find its order :(

#5 -Guest-

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Posted 03 October 2006 - 12:36 AM

after talked to the inn onwer,i checked my Global Variables, BHSPYQUEST=2

the room bh0117 area script:

ContainerEnable("Container 1",FALSE)

ContainerEnable("Container 1",TRUE)

but i still can't open the Container 1,
i know there is a key but don't know the key's use.
especially,i don't know what's different with GlobalLT Global and GlobalGT.

Pellar need the za****'s nootbook( PartyHasItem("BHZAHRJ") ),then he'll give the guest to kill za****

#6 -Guest-

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Posted 03 October 2006 - 12:48 AM

i see .....

in room bh0117,there are two containers which we can't open.left one need Global BHSpyQuest=2.right one need the key in left one's.

but there is a bug.
before you talk with the inn owner,the left one can't opened but without any describe.

#7 Sir BillyBob

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Posted 07 October 2006 - 08:05 PM

Talk to the home owner. He asks you about "gossip" and anything else going on around town. His story is that he likes to gossip with others in the tavern. When you talk to the tavern owner, he will tell you that Zhardahl doesn't come into the tavern.

So why does he need to know the details about what is happening in town? When you search his upstair's containers, you find the answer.

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#8 Leomar

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Posted 26 June 2008 - 11:18 PM

Are the bugs with Zahrdahl fixed in v2.15?
Because gamers mentioned, that they can't open the containers to get the key.

Greetings Leomar
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#9 erebusant


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Posted 27 June 2008 - 11:26 AM

Are the bugs with Zahrdahl fixed in v2.15?
Because gamers mentioned, that they can't open the containers to get the key.

Greetings Leomar


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#10 Leomar

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Posted 27 June 2008 - 07:37 PM

Are the bugs with Zahrdahl fixed in v2.15?
Because gamers mentioned, that they can't open the containers to get the key.

Greetings Leomar


Thanks, erebusant.

Greetings Leomar
A Megamod does not mean that you can play all of the mods or all of their content,
but you have more choices or paths through the game.
- Chevalier

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#11 cloudy

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Posted 15 August 2008 - 10:42 AM

hello, I also have trouble starting the Zahrdahl spy quest.
I have the journal entry for clearing the abandoned guardhouse (it was my first quest at Restenford), gave him info on the gnolls, bandits and hobgoblins and have finished all other quests (i think) before concluding part 1 but when I talk to him I can only say "We haven't gotten to the rats yet" or "Nothing right now". When talking to Falco there are no dialogues about Zahrdahl. I tried drinking a bunch of ale but found only rumors about quests I'd done or misleading info like that Andrella is really a doppleganger :P.

I'm playing on EasyTutu and had to follow erebusant's direction here to find pelltar and here (deleted bh1301.are from override) if that makes any difference :X

#12 erebusant


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Posted 15 August 2008 - 06:18 PM

hello, I also have trouble starting the Zahrdahl spy quest.
I have the journal entry for clearing the abandoned guardhouse (it was my first quest at Restenford), gave him info on the gnolls, bandits and hobgoblins and have finished all other quests (i think) before concluding part 1 but when I talk to him I can only say "We haven't gotten to the rats yet" or "Nothing right now". When talking to Falco there are no dialogues about Zahrdahl. I tried drinking a bunch of ale but found only rumors about quests I'd done or misleading info like that Andrella is really a doppleganger :P.

I'm playing on EasyTutu and had to follow erebusant's direction here to find pelltar and here (deleted bh1301.are from override) if that makes any difference :X

Would you post a copy of your saved game folder please? I'd like to look at your variables.

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#13 cloudy

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Posted 16 August 2008 - 04:08 AM

Attached File  000000018_zardahl_unfinished.rar   426.16K   363 downloads

#14 erebusant


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Posted 16 August 2008 - 09:22 AM

hello, I also have trouble starting the Zahrdahl spy quest.
I have the journal entry for clearing the abandoned guardhouse (it was my first quest at Restenford), gave him info on the gnolls, bandits and hobgoblins and have finished all other quests (i think) before concluding part 1 but when I talk to him I can only say "We haven't gotten to the rats yet" or "Nothing right now". When talking to Falco there are no dialogues about Zahrdahl. I tried drinking a bunch of ale but found only rumors about quests I'd done or misleading info like that Andrella is really a doppleganger :P.

I'm playing on EasyTutu and had to follow erebusant's direction here to find pelltar and here (deleted bh1301.are from override) if that makes any difference :X

OK, for some reason your BHGuardQuest globals are not being set properly. Do you still have a save game that you could test those globals for me? It would need to be from before you 1st entered that old guardhouse. The 1st global is SetGlobal("BHGuardQuest","GLOBAL",2) that should be set when you discover the trap door in the floor on the 1st level of the guardhouse. You should also get a string displayed over your head regarding that discovery. The 2nd global is SetGlobal("BHGuardQuest","GLOBAL",3) that should be triggered in the area below the guardhouse as you wander into the area where the giant rats are. There should be a string diplayed over your head about that too. If neither of those occur, I'll need to look into why that is happening. What I'm not understanding is how it is possible for your BHRatProblemDone global is being set to 1 because you can't even get to that dialog option in Zahrdals dialog without your BHGuardQuest global being set properly. You also have all the ZahrdalGossips globals set that you can't access without having the GuardQuest globals set. Have you by any chance been looking through already with NI and setting globals already trying to get the spy quest to kick off?

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#15 cloudy

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Posted 16 August 2008 - 05:43 PM

I did have a save at the beginning of SoBH and when redoing the guardhouse came across both globals/strings. I'm sure I remember seeing them the first time, though.
I've not used NI before; this is my second attempt at mods in BG and first time with SoBH.

Idk if it's any help but I discovered Bromac's body with Ravella before any of the dialogues about Bromac acting strange that led to finding Sirius at the lighthouse (iirc there seemed to be a conflict where if I mentioned to Zelmar that Bromac was dead then Smyth would have nothing to say on the issue).

Edited by cloudy, 16 August 2008 - 05:45 PM.

#16 kthxbye

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Posted 08 March 2009 - 06:23 AM

I'm sorry to "revive" the topic, but it describes the problem I just had and I see that there was no answer to it.
I had the same problem as Cloudy: did all the quests, starting with the giant rats one, told about it to Z and to Peltar, then I finished all the other quests. I told Peltar to send us back to trigger the second part of the quests, then I went to the thieves den and killed the thieves, went back to Z to expose him but talking to him I had only the "nothing right now" answer.
Talking to Falco did not comprehend the Z option. Since I didn't talk to the people at all prior to do all the quests, I talk around a bit and get the journal entry about the girl who's been bitten by a rat. From that moment, talking to Z showed both the "nothing right now" and the "we haven't gotten to the rats yet". Checked the global variables, BHGuardQuest was 1 - but since I already told both Peltar and Z that I took care of the rats, it must've been 3 (I saw the two floating texts about the trap door and the rats in the guard compound) that time, and something reverted it back to 1. I bet it's the journal entry about the girl.
I set it to 3 again, but again no Z spy quest even if I already told him all the rumors we collected (but I told him AFTER having asked Peltar to send us back). I set the BHSpyQuest to 1, and now Falco gives me the option to talk about Z.
Before setting BHSpyQuest to 1 I checked it, and it didn't exist.

I bet it's an order issue (if you have already done the GuardQuest, then pick the rumor about the girl, BHGuardQuest reverts to 1 - probably same thing for the Spy quest, one have to tell to Z the rumors before talking to Peltar, and possibly do the quests after having collected all the possible rumors, as I did in my previous run, in which I had not these problems).

Edited by kthxbye, 08 March 2009 - 06:25 AM.

All of the above must be considered totally IMHO.

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