Trapped on Bonehill
-Chris Evans-
Posted 11 September 2006 - 03:29 PM
I have, In this order:
Cleared Bonehill of orcs
Told billybob about the orcs on the hill
Talked to pileter and learned of murders and theft
Talked to guard walking dog, learned of sewers
Cleared out 'sewers' (rats and undead) didn't notice the theives body
Killed 2nd wave of bandits
Killed all the gnolls and the ogre on tri-top
Talked to pileter and did the studying
later went back and found the theives body (didn't think the caves under the old guardhouse were the sewers at first)
Now whenever I go back to pileter he asks "Found anything?" and all I can reply with is "No" or "your history tells of sewers, do you know anything?". But I`ve already cleared the sewers!?!
I remeber hearing something about the theif stealing somekind of jewel from the warehouses so I guessed that I must have sold the stolen item thinking it was loot to sell. I`ve already bought every jewel in the town and taken them to Pileter, but it does not change the dialog. I even lost my temper and killed 4 peasants.
I don't care about the secret of bonehill anymore, how do I get off this god-forsaken Island?
Posted 11 September 2006 - 10:27 PM
Posted 11 September 2006 - 11:30 PM
You didn`t finish the mod... You still need to go to the lighthouse to find who stole the black pearl.
That's it the black pearl, knew it was a pearl of somekind.
I`ll check out the lighthouse tonight after work
hmmm, just how am I meant to know to look in the lighthouse? I havn't been given any leads to this end.
Posted 12 September 2006 - 01:50 AM
You didn`t finish the mod... You still need to go to the lighthouse to find who stole the black pearl.
That's it the black pearl, knew it was a pearl of somekind.
I`ll check out the lighthouse tonight after work
hmmm, just how am I meant to know to look in the lighthouse? I havn't been given any leads to this end.
Go in the tavern (the one in the middle of the map), talk to the bartender there he should speak about it

Tired of the same boring spawned creatures u face in BG? Try BGSpawn
-Chris Evans-
Posted 12 September 2006 - 03:12 AM
Overall I have enjoyed this mod, some of the fights have been really cool. The bandits quaffing all those potions were a nightmare (in a good way), had to use my wand of fire, lucky that Dynahier had detect invisibilty memorised to search for this elusive theif as the first potion they drank was an invisibility potion. And I really enjoyed slaughtering all those gnolls, I did it by sending Minsc beserk while hasted, protected from evil, bull strengthed and with a potion of defence for good measure.
While searching for solution to my problem on the net I`ve read their's an encounter with a wraith, the loot on this Island has so far been excellent, I`ve have to find this wraith before I go. *no spoilers please* :-)
My only complaint would be that requiring the player to wander round aimlessly talking to commoners is not my idea of fun. I like the 'roleplay' element to BG, but I think it's good to feel like your exploring in a logical direction rather than systematicly talking to everything. Are thier any clues that tell you to talk to the bartender? Or do you have to take it upon yourself? I suppose roumer mongering bartenders are a good start, I`ll remember that. Also, the journal support in this mod is appaling, I have the memory of a stonner and I`m also very lazy and expect to find everything useful to know in my journal. However, their was loads of useful infomation not stored, like the details of what was stolen, where is bald hill north, east, west? etc. I suppose I should be more decerning and take my own notes.
Posted 12 September 2006 - 09:38 AM
I went over to the lighthouse and I could get in, lock is warded so I can't pick it or force it
I tried to talk to the bartenders at both taverns and talked to their waiters as well, they don't give me any information. I bought so many drinks that they wouldn't serve anyone in my party, rested and did it again and they don't give me any infomation regarding the lighthouse.
Their must be something I have to do to start the lighthouse quest and it's not talk to the barmen.
At this point I have explored everywhere and talked to everything and I still can't find a way to complete this mod. Can anyone help me?
Posted 13 September 2006 - 01:24 AM
Even for the wraith ... without any spoiler, you'll find it if you follow the story and "go around in that place"

Tired of the same boring spawned creatures u face in BG? Try BGSpawn
Posted 13 September 2006 - 05:36 AM
So I speak to Walco and and he askes "What do you want?" and all I can reply with is "Nothing". I remember that when I first spoke to him he told me about the old theives guild and the sewers. I don't remember him advising me to speak to Zalkmar and if he did and I`ve fogotten then it's not been added to my journal.
I go to speak to Zalkmar anyway and all he does is offer me his services, drinks, rooms etc.
The captain of the guards tells me to go talk the Peltar and Sir Billybob doesn't give me any useful infomation. I also found a named NPC in a house near the temple (east of town), but he doesn't give me any info. Neither does the joinable bard in the west wind tavern. And the barman in the other tavern only tells be about shops and inns and such. Oh yeah and their is the fishmonger in the house near the old guardhouse, the one who asks you to deal with the rats, he has no info either. I don't know who else to talk to and my journal has no relevant infomation only "roumers of orcs and bandits" and "their once was a theives guild in the old sewers".
So you can see that I`m at something of a dead end. I`ve found the theives body (belatedly) in the sewers but I have no way of reporting this to anyone. I have no way finding out what to do next and no way of getting off the island.
I have gone over all of the maps I can access with a fine tooth comb, while in detect mode(for secret doors), talking to everything and scanning the floor for items. So far as the game is concerned I have not solved the mystery of the thief, but I have no leads to go on.
Can anyone remeber precicly what to do after you have cleared out the sewers and found the theives body? I never use walkthoughs and I can say that I have never had a problem like this with a game like this before. So I don't care about spoilers anymore, if I don't get off this island soon I`ll have to use the console.
Posted 13 September 2006 - 05:49 AM
Currently when I talk to Peltar he askes me "Have you found anything?" and all I can reply with is "No" or "Your history tells of sewers, do you know anything?". If I ask him about the sewers he`ll tell me to talk to Walco (guard with dogs)
So I speak to Walco and and he askes "What do you want?" and all I can reply with is "Nothing". I remember that when I first spoke to him he told me about the old theives guild and the sewers. I don't remember him advising me to speak to Zalkmar and if he did and I`ve fogotten then it's not been added to my journal.
I go to speak to Zalkmar anyway and all he does is offer me his services, drinks, rooms etc.
The captain of the guards tells me to go talk the Peltar and Sir Billybob doesn't give me any useful infomation. I also found a named NPC in a house near the temple (east of town), but he doesn't give me any info. Neither does the joinable bard in the west wind tavern. And the barman in the other tavern only tells be about shops and inns and such. Oh yeah and their is the fishmonger in the house near the old guardhouse, the one who asks you to deal with the rats, he has no info either. I don't know who else to talk to and my journal has no relevant infomation only "roumers of orcs and bandits" and "their once was a theives guild in the old sewers".
So you can see that I`m at something of a dead end. I`ve found the theives body (belatedly) in the sewers but I have no way of reporting this to anyone. I have no way finding out what to do next and no way of getting off the island.
I have gone over all of the maps I can access with a fine tooth comb, while in detect mode(for secret doors), talking to everything and scanning the floor for items. So far as the game is concerned I have not solved the mystery of the thief, but I have no leads to go on.
Can anyone remeber precicly what to do after you have cleared out the sewers and found the theives body? I never use walkthoughs and I can say that I have never had a problem like this with a game like this before. So I don't care about spoilers anymore, if I don't get off this island soon I`ll have to use the console.
Did you pick up the stolen loot from the sewers? Find the hidden door and battle the Otyughs?
It takes a village...
-Chris Evans-
Posted 13 September 2006 - 06:36 AM
To be honest with you when I cleared the 'sewers' under the old guardhouse I didn't think they were sewers at all, I thought they were caves with a rat infestation (minor quest). Ergo, I wasn't looking for the theif. Only later during my systamic searches did I notice the theives body. I imeadiatly jumped to the conclusion that their must have been some loot I was supposed to return, only not realising, I must have sold it. If anyone could tell me precicly what Items I need then I ought to be able to buy them back.
I knew that somekind of jewel was stolen so I`ve already bought 1 of each type of gem from the town and having these in my inventory doesn't seem to change anything(I don't keep quest items in my gem bag btw). I now have no idea what items I was supposed to recover other than a black pearl, which I can't find in any of the shops. I`m going to check again tonight only look more closely at all the jewlery (necklaces and rings too) not just gems. Again, does anyone know what I`m supposed to be looking for in the way of stolen loot?
I did find the secret door, first time round, it was right near the entrance to the caves and lead to a trapped and locked chest that contained a princely sum of 4gps (my memory is so random).
As for this 'Otyughs' character I don't think I`ve encountered him. Is he supposed to be in the sewers? I only remember battling zombies, skeletons and diseased rats.
Once again, thanks for you continued assistance.
Posted 13 September 2006 - 06:44 AM
Once you get inside you need to clear it from creatures and take some papers, gems, etc... (look for traps so that you'll find a secret entrance in the northern part of the area)
Then go to speak with Pelltar again ... then go to speak to Welcar (Walco or whatever name he has

Edited by melkor_morgoth75, 13 September 2006 - 06:46 AM.
Tired of the same boring spawned creatures u face in BG? Try BGSpawn
-Chris Evans-
Posted 13 September 2006 - 07:06 AM
I think this is it. I remeber that I had alot of problems finding the 'sewers'. I`ve been using quotes around 'sewers' precicly because I`m still not sure if they really are sewers at all. Only when I found the theives body that I decided that they must be the sewers. I remeber I did check the small house to the left of the guardhouse at one point (it's the one with the brambles blocking the door right?) Prehaps that was before I killed the 2nd wave of bandits, did the studying and found the theives body. I`m guessing I havn't checked since.
I say I have rather made a meal of this. Although the fact your lead to believe that the theif is hiding in 'sewers' when infact he is hiding in caves that could easily be mistaken for sewers and that the sewers are infact under an adjecent building that is inaccessable until after a conversation that does not make any mention of where the sewers are other than to the west of town (even though the map with the guardhouse and sewers is actually to the south!) does seem a little confusing, especially when their is scant infomation in the journal. But then again I would say that :-)
Cheers agian, I`ll try all this tonight, I`ll let you know how I get on.
-Chris Evans-
Posted 14 September 2006 - 02:41 AM
I found the entrance to sewers, didn't see it at first because the door was still blocked by shrubs, I even tried fireballing it to see if I could burn my way through. Then I noticed the window had a travel point on it

I`ve finsihed the mod now, thanks everyone, sorry to be so slow

Posted 14 September 2006 - 07:04 PM
When you discovered the history about the sewers and talked to Pelltar, he would have told you then to talk to Welcar (the guard with the dogs). Welcar will tell you that the sewers are part of the "abandoned" part of town. I guess the "abandoned" barracks was a red herring for you.
You don't have to go talk to the townfolk if you don't want to. Each quest is possible to solve by simply walking around the areas and solving them. You still have to report each one to Pelltar to clear them off your "to do" list. But this doesn't require a chat with the natives to trigger it. They are there to give the game something other than a dungeon crawl feel to it. Or at least that was my intent.
Tired of Bhaal? Try some classics mods instead:
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Posted 23 December 2006 - 09:46 PM
So, report to pelltar, i said theres something more behind that, he talk about old tunnel and and magic factory abnadonned, he said, go to watch "Gelpas" leader for the rat patrol, Gelpas kick my ass ... Welcar said nothin more than the other guards, and the sewer rest close ...
Theres a close cupboard by magic system, 1st floor in zardhal house...
So, another way at this point to get the open sewer ?
PS: well... i ve explored the near infinity explorer, don t find anything script or something else to hide me the sewer's entry cursor in my game ...
i got the Bone hill v2.05 like recommand in BGT installation order ... ???? is it right ?
Edited by Teutomatos, 23 December 2006 - 11:01 PM.
Posted 23 December 2006 - 11:12 PM
hmm, rumours said: it s Rats problems come near Bait seller. I talk to zardhal... Kill the rats in the cavern. The sewer rest closed. ( i know where is it...) I talk back to zardhal and get 600 XP... Return to the sewer enter, always close.
So, report to pelltar, i said theres something more behind that, he talk about old tunnel and and magic factory abnadonned, he said, go to watch "Gelpas" leader for the rat patrol, Gelpas kick my ass ... Welcar said nothin more than the other guards, and the sewer rest close ...
Theres a close cupboard by magic system, 1st floor in zardhal house...
So, another way at this point to get the open sewer ?
PS: well... i ve explored the near infinity explorer, don t find anything script or something else to hide me the sewer's entry cursor in my game ...
i got the Bone hill v2.05 like recommand in BGT installation order ... ???? is it right ?
Have you explored all the areas you can and completed the Bandit Quest, the Gnoll Quest, the Druid Quest, and the Wraith Quest and returned to Pelltar and reported these things to him and requested to be sent back to the mainland?
It takes a village...
Posted 24 December 2006 - 09:10 AM
So u mean it s a real Aristotelician "Drama" ? A big quest with its own subquest ? Like a whole plenty link ?

ok ! thx
EDIT 25/12 18.55 "merry christmas"
No, no, no ...
So, sometimes i got 2 times the Druid Martin quest, sometimes it s not work at all
welcar never talk to me, the bartender too about black pearl or sewer, light house and sewer always closed
I understand lately that i can open the Zardhal cupboard by magic sort.
well, may be i ve killed Zardhal too soon ? So, on Pelltar order, and i m wrong when i've said, "talk too Gelpas". Pelltar said, "he" s going to talk to him, and i kill zardhal.
There s another thing. I ve declared to Pelltar that i ve resolved the bonehill before find the horn, and kill the wizard, don t know why i ve miss it each time. It s my fault, too late it s seems, for the wizar diary interest Pelltar.
I v find lately the castle cave of Restenford and the gollem. Lately the thumbs in Temple north. And not yet the room under the temple office.
i ve talk too everybodies, guess theres something with Yalta, presume than Gargotten acces link with the sewer...
So interesting mod, i like it but i m confuse, and beguin to boring after 20 complete tests... theres a strictly walkthrought order no doubts but wich one ?
I ve read that theres another quest later with the candlekeep ... ? which one ?
Help !

Thx for u re patience ...
EDIT 25/12 21.04
ok,ok Boulder it s just an Fire Giant ammunition...
Edited by Teutomatos, 25 December 2006 - 12:04 PM.
Posted 25 December 2006 - 07:55 PM

So, in same times it s a good surprising.

Nice mod, really, just may be, provide the 3 quests at first, one by one, deliver us to "confusing mind sort"

I can t get the druid quest last time (XXX reload...

I presume, Gargotten will arrived later, outside from candlekeep.
And to finish i can t catch the amulet protection +1 in Barrel 1 Area Sewer BH0700 ( the second box behind the dead body), never mind too.

Thx billybob for this mod

EDIT 30.12
Is it possible that i meet something like that about Druid quest ?:
0x4039 NumTimesTalkedTo(I:Num*)
Returns true only if the player's party has spoken to the active CRE the exact number of times specified.
NB. NumTimesTalkedTo seems to increment when a PCinitiates conversion with an NPC, or an NPC initiates conversation with a PC. NumTimesTalkedTo does not seem to increment for force-talks, interactions, interjections and self-talking.
0x403A NumTimesTalkedToGT(I:Num*)
Returns true only if the player's party has spoken to the active CRE more than the number of times specified.
0x403B NumTimesTalkedToLT(I:Num*)
Returns true only if the player's party has spoken to the active CRE less than the number of times specified
Edited by Teutomatos, 30 December 2006 - 04:08 AM.