Spy quest
Posted 08 August 2006 - 05:45 PM
Posted 09 August 2006 - 01:54 AM
"A simple test of the relative merits of science and religion is to compare lighting your house at night by prayer or electricity" - A. C. Grayling
"EFF files have saves, too." - CamDawg
|| this is radio seanas || BP Series v3 || seanas at work ||
Posted 09 August 2006 - 06:08 AM
try talking to the Mayor instead of the Major: a bit counter-intuitive, but you have to speak to the Soubar Mayor before the Major will give you yr next task.
I've tried that, neither have anything to say to me. I decided to reinstall everything and i got the promotion. But it seems to happened again, neither has anything to say to me. Right after I get the promotion.
Posted 14 May 2020 - 11:48 AM
Up this topic, I have exactly the same problem, looked everywhere and found nothing. I tried spawning new majors, mayors, and I cant find the global variable to get out of this clusterfuck, pease help!
Posted 14 May 2020 - 01:40 PM
Have you found out who the spy is, before we spoil you?