Well, I'm new to these forums but I have recently sunk into this plot extremely quickly after playing your current mod and I loved every second of it.
Well, you made me a happy author for a week with such a comment.

I am very glad you liked it.
I have always wanted to "get to know" Joneleth a little better for two reasons: I just love elven mages, and two he almost seemed to have a good side when talking to Ellisime which made me always want to see what was really inside of him.
I understand perfectly. I myself started from being uncomfortable with idea of punishing somebody who cannot understand his crimes because he is deprived of feeling with eternal damnation to the Abyss. As far as I remember my first pang of discomfort and certain commiseration came after I saw the final
SoA movie. And then Dave Gaidar asked us to write Irenicuses story ... I was hooked.

He is a facsinating personality indeed.
The thought to actually play him through the entire ToB game is great and I just can't wait for more of Bitter Grey Ashes to come out.
I hope I will finish this mod eventually - although now i seem to be a little stuck. The Edwin mod comes first, but i am writing some LR dialogs too. And I just posted next small installment of Ashes in the Attic serials forum. I try to do some every week.
I have an idea about Jon being in the party and his development. Even though having Jon in your group as a really low-level mage would still be cool, I would have a hard time choosing him over more experienced NPC's. I know of some of the old lich templates in which the lich always got an extra five spellbook openings for every level. Now, I'm not saying make Jon a god like the liches, but as he slowly get "better" and redeems himself he might be able to get some of his old powers back, say being able to cast two more 6th level spells (kinda like Solafein?s rewards if you have played his mod yet.) I think that there needs to be something special about Jon so that he is a tempting addition to the group even with all the awesome dialogue I?m sure he will say anyway.
Most likely Jon will come with all his 30 levels intact. And the
ToB plot will proceed to the end, until he will be faced with his punishment and stripped of levels same way as it is done in Redemption. The story is going to be longer, and the dialogs more complicated but basic scheme will be the same. except this time it will be even more difficult to convince him to redeem himself, and he will try to corrupt you in his turn. He is devious.

I am also thinking of including the exp cap removal feature with this mod so that Jon will not suck your
xp, but will continue to level through
ToB, and then will loose all these levels at the end.
Also as just a side note, it might be cool to make him not be able to wear any elven stuff....(an idea, but it does collilde with him being able to wear the boots in Bitter Grey Ashes...so I don't know if you would want to do that or not.)
Well, in the Ashes he is 'redeemed' in a sense and has soul. In the LR he will have to go without one until his final judgement and punishment. I can see why he would not want to put any elven gear on - it is a very cool idea! I shell try to see how can I do it without having to modify every item in the game!

Thanks for the ideas and encouragement. I HAVE to accelerate in writing the LR now.