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DSNTotSC WM6 Version Running Bug List

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#1 erebusant


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Posted 26 July 2006 - 09:44 AM

Warning ***Possible Spoilers Below***

1st - When I travelled to the Wood of the Dead from the Zombie Farm I arrived in the SE corner of the area, talked to the Ranger about the Orcs being busier than usual in the area, fought a band of Gnolls that weren't as adept at melee combat as they assumed. Then our friendly neighborhood "Wounded Dwarf" runs up to the party, engages us in conversation, tells us thanks for healing him, and gives us the address for his sister Nasha, in Baldur's Gate, suggests we drop in on her unannounced for healing if we need it, and then he runs off. The party didn't heal him, or have to do anything at all to make this occur.

2nd - Wood of Sharp Teeth (1) becomes reachable immediately after Jet'Laya joins the party. You can travel directly there from FAI without passing Peldvale or collecting $200. :P

3rd - Orc Priest, Orc Mage, and Orog have Ogre Mage Animations.

4th - When you travel to DSC004, as soon as you get there you can't leave the area without Clua'ing your way out. All locations on the Worldmap v6 go "Destination Unreachable". Once you clua to another area, your Worldmap reverts back to normal travel operation. (Looked at the DSotSC map_links_table and it shows DSC004 linked to AR0700 the Waukeen Promenade, as well as Temple of the Black Hand.

5th - Wraiths have Drider animations.

6th - At Daerthmac's Castle, when outside the castle (in the same area) Cu'chi's familiar will not follow you upstairs within the same area. He does follow you from area to area.

7th - In Otho's Nephew Quest when arriving in DSC029, there are 2 guards there that give you the exact same dialogs as the guards in the Cloakwood Mine 1st level.

8th - After finishing Daerthmac's Citadel, Cu'chinnoeach leaves the party and gives them a letter. I never find him again, but Madadh n'Sgail keeps being in many of the areas around Beregost. Usually when I enter an area he'll run off and disappear, but right now I'm in the Temple E of Beregost dropping off Ferthgill, and he's right there!

9th - In the North Coast area AR20PB I get a very, very bad lag on my game until I turn the Ambient Sound volume all the way down. After that my party moves about just the same as before with no jerkiness or jumping from one point on the screen to another.

10th - Woman wanting to be a Seagull, gives you a wand of sleep, but her dialog calls it a wand of lightning.

Edited by erebusant, 03 August 2006 - 05:27 PM.

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#2 Sir BillyBob

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Posted 27 July 2006 - 06:01 PM

Can any of the Worldmap folk help out here? Guys????

As for the animations, I suspect it it is either related to some other mod you installed or the latest BGT has changed the animations around from BGT-BP (which is possible since so many new animations for NeJ2 are getting crammed into the game now).

Dwarf..... Not at all sure why this happens. His dialogs are based on how much healing he gets. I wonder if the gnolls never touched him, therefore he wasn't low in hitpoints.

Tired of Bhaal? Try some classics mods instead:
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#3 King Diamond

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Posted 27 July 2006 - 11:38 PM

Can any of the Worldmap folk help out here? Guys????

//DSotSC Area Links Table

AR4600	E		 DSC010	  Exit4600	4		 8		  AR4800   N		N		N		N		20
AR8900	E		 DSC001	  Exit8900	4		 8		  AR5300   AR5301   N		N		N		30
DSC001	E		 DSC002	  ExitC001	1		 8		  N		N		N		N		N		0
DSC001	W		 AR8900	  ExitC001	4		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
DSC002	N		 DSC004	  ExitC002	2		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
DSC002	W		 DSC001	  ExitC002	1		 2		  N		N		N		N		N		0
DSC004	N		 DSC002	  ExitC004	0		 0		  N		N		N		N		N		0
DSC004	S		 AR60PB	  ExitC004	6		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
DSC010	W		 DSC002	  ExitC004	2		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0

//NTotSC Area Links Table

ARU000	N		 AR20PB	  EXITU000	5		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
ARU000	E		 AR10PB	  Exit20PB	6		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
ARU000	S		 AR7500	  Exit10PB	4		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
AR7500	N		 AR10PB	  Exit7500	4		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
AR7500	N		 AR01PB	  Exit30PB	6		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
AR7500	E		 AR30PB	  Exit7500	5		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
AR9000	E		 AR60PB	  Exit9000	6		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
AR20PB	E		 AR4600	  ExitC010	4		 1		  AR4800   N		N		N		N		20
AR20PB	S		 AR10PB	  Exit20PB	6		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
AR10PB	N		 ARU000	  Exit8300	5		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
AR10PB	E		 AR40PB	  Exit10PB	6		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
AR10PB	S		 AR01PB	  Exit10PB	5		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
AR10PB	W		 AR7500	  Exit10PB	4		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
AR10PB	W		 AR20PB	  Exit10PB	6		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
AR40PB	S		 ARU000	  Exit8300	6		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
AR40PB	W		 AR10PB	  Exit40PB	6		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
AR01PB	N		 AR10PB	  Exit40PB	6		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
AR01PB	S		 AR40PB	  Exit01PB	4		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
AR01PB	S		 AR30PB	  Exit01PB	5		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
AR01PB	W		 AR7500	  N		   6		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
AR30PB	N		 AR10PB	  Exit01PB	5		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
AR30PB	W		 AR01PB	  Exit30PB	4		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
AR60PB	S		 AR7500	  Exit10PB	5		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
AR60PB	W		 DSC004	  Exit60PB	6		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
That will be better.... :)

(last update: 02-12-2008)
SoS, v1.13
TDD, v1.12
TS-BP, v6.10
CtB, v1.11
RoT, v2.1
BP Animations Scheme

#4 erebusant


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Posted 28 July 2006 - 05:09 AM

Can any of the Worldmap folk help out here? Guys????

//DSotSC Area Links Table

AR4600	E		 DSC010	  Exit4600	4		 8		  AR4800   N		N		N		N		20
AR8900	E		 DSC001	  Exit8900	4		 8		  AR5300   AR5301   N		N		N		30
DSC001	E		 DSC002	  ExitC001	1		 8		  N		N		N		N		N		0
DSC001	W		 AR8900	  ExitC001	4		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
DSC002	N		 DSC004	  ExitC002	2		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
DSC002	W		 DSC001	  ExitC002	1		 2		  N		N		N		N		N		0
DSC004	N		 DSC002	  ExitC004	0		 0		  N		N		N		N		N		0
DSC004	S		 AR60PB	  ExitC004	6		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
DSC010	W		 DSC002	  ExitC004	2		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0

//NTotSC Area Links Table

ARU000	N		 AR20PB	  EXITU000	5		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
ARU000	E		 AR10PB	  Exit20PB	6		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
ARU000	S		 AR7500	  Exit10PB	4		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
AR7500	N		 AR10PB	  Exit7500	4		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
AR7500	N		 AR01PB	  Exit30PB	6		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
AR7500	E		 AR30PB	  Exit7500	5		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
AR9000	E		 AR60PB	  Exit9000	6		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
AR20PB	E		 AR4600	  ExitC010	4		 1		  AR4800   N		N		N		N		20
AR20PB	S		 AR10PB	  Exit20PB	6		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
AR10PB	N		 ARU000	  Exit8300	5		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
AR10PB	E		 AR40PB	  Exit10PB	6		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
AR10PB	S		 AR01PB	  Exit10PB	5		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
AR10PB	W		 AR7500	  Exit10PB	4		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
AR10PB	W		 AR20PB	  Exit10PB	6		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
AR40PB	S		 ARU000	  Exit8300	6		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
AR40PB	W		 AR10PB	  Exit40PB	6		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
AR01PB	N		 AR10PB	  Exit40PB	6		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
AR01PB	S		 AR40PB	  Exit01PB	4		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
AR01PB	S		 AR30PB	  Exit01PB	5		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
AR01PB	W		 AR7500	  N		   6		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
AR30PB	N		 AR10PB	  Exit01PB	5		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
AR30PB	W		 AR01PB	  Exit30PB	4		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
AR60PB	S		 AR7500	  Exit10PB	5		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
AR60PB	W		 DSC004	  Exit60PB	6		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
That will be better.... :)

KD, can we just append those tables in the DSotSC & NTotSC Worldmap directories, and then re-install the Worldmap, or do we change the map_links_table in the BGII-SoA\Worldmap folder? Or (hope against hope that we don't) do we need to modify the tables and roll our installs back to re-install DS and NT otSC??

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#5 weigo

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Posted 28 July 2006 - 09:51 AM

There are some wrong links in the worldmap mod for DS and NT.

There are also be a small bug in the german worldmap.tra in both mods.

The Patch in the attachment contains both corrected files.

If you want to make a complete new install of your game, then use the files in the attachment.
If you want to make a reinstall of your worldmap mod and not a complete installation of your megamodifikation, then open the "map_mods_links.tbl" file in your BG2 .../worldmap folder with a text editor an search for the DSotSC part.
Repalce the complete DSotSC part with following code:
//DSotSC Area Links Table

AR4600	E		 DSC010	  Exit4600	4		 8		  AR4800   N		N		N		N		20
AR8900	E		 DSC001	  Exit8900	4		 8		  AR5300   AR5301   N		N		N		30
DSC001	E		 DSC002	  ExitC001	1		 8		  N		N		N		N		N		0
DSC001	W		 AR8900	  ExitC001	4		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
DSC002	N		 DSC004	  ExitC002	2		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
DSC002	W		 DSC001	  ExitC002	1		 2		  N		N		N		N		N		0
DSC004	N		 DSC002	  ExitC004	0		 0		  N		N		N		N		N		0
DSC004	S		 AR60PB	  ExitC004	6		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
DSC010	W		 DSC002	  ExitC010	2		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0

And the complete NTotSC part:
//DSotSC Area Links Table

ARU000	N		 AR20PB	  EXITU000	5		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
ARU000	E		 AR10PB	  Exit20PB	6		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
ARU000	S		 AR7500	  Exit10PB	4		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
AR7500	N		 AR10PB	  Exit7500	4		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
AR7500	N		 AR01PB	  Exit30PB	6		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
AR7500	E		 AR30PB	  Exit7500	5		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
AR9000	E		 AR60PB	  Exit9000	6		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
AR20PB	E		 AR4600	  ExitC010	4		 1		  AR4800   N		N		N		N		20
AR20PB	S		 AR10PB	  Exit20PB	6		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
AR10PB	N		 ARU000	  Exit8300	5		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
AR10PB	E		 AR40PB	  Exit10PB	6		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
AR10PB	S		 AR01PB	  Exit10PB	5		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
AR10PB	W		 AR7500	  Exit10PB	4		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
AR10PB	W		 AR20PB	  Exit10PB	6		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
AR40PB	S		 ARU000	  Exit8300	6		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
AR40PB	W		 AR10PB	  Exit40PB	6		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
AR01PB	N		 AR10PB	  Exit40PB	6		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
AR01PB	S		 AR40PB	  Exit01PB	4		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
AR01PB	S		 AR30PB	  Exit01PB	5		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
AR01PB	W		 AR7500	  N		   6		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
AR30PB	N		 AR10PB	  Exit01PB	5		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
AR30PB	W		 AR01PB	  Exit30PB	4		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
AR60PB	S		 AR7500	  Exit10PB	5		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0
AR60PB	W		 DSC004	  Exit60PB	6		 1		  N		N		N		N		N		0

Only german:
Then go to the "\BP-BGT_Worldmap\language\German" folder and open the worldmap.tra file with a text editor. Search for the lines, where the number like @xxxxxxx is not at the front of the line. Please correct the file with returns, so we have a typical .tra file.

Attached File  DSotSC4BGTWeiDU185WM6_Patch1.1.rar   662bytes   989 downloads
Attached File  NTotSC4BGTWeiDU145WM6_Patch1.1.rar   819bytes   904 downloads

Edited by weigo, 28 July 2006 - 10:46 PM.


BP-BGT-Worldmap-v6.6 (Download)

#6 -Guest-

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Posted 02 August 2006 - 09:55 AM

[quote name='weigo' date='Jul 28 2006, 12:51 PM' post='259176']
There are some wrong links in the worldmap mod for DS and NT.

There are also be a small bug in the german worldmap.tra in both mods.

The Patch in the attachment contains both corrected files.

If you want to make a complete new install of your game, then use the files in the attachment.

Thanks for the patches.
When do they need to be installed if I'm following the Mega-Install instructions?
Between Steps 70 and 71 for DSotSC? and between Steps 73 and 74 for NTotSC?

#7 Sir BillyBob

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Posted 02 August 2006 - 03:23 PM

A patch like this could be installed anytime after the mod itself has been installed.

Tired of Bhaal? Try some classics mods instead:
Classic Adventures
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#8 -Guest-

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Posted 04 August 2006 - 05:25 AM

When I have edited the map_mods_links.tbl according to the post of weigo, is it possible to continue a game or is required to start a new game ?

#9 King Diamond

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Posted 04 August 2006 - 10:32 AM

5th - Wraiths have Drider animations.

Where? Which one?

(one of your "smaller" mods messed it up)

Edited by King Diamond, 04 August 2006 - 10:32 AM.

(last update: 02-12-2008)
SoS, v1.13
TDD, v1.12
TS-BP, v6.10
CtB, v1.11
RoT, v2.1
BP Animations Scheme

#10 erebusant


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Posted 04 August 2006 - 12:29 PM

5th - Wraiths have Drider animations.

Where? Which one?

(one of your "smaller" mods messed it up)

It was the wraiths in DSC004. The wraiths outside of Durlags tower were the same, as well as those around the Temple of the Black Hand. I should be able to modify the .cre and change the animation there, right?

Edited by erebusant, 04 August 2006 - 12:32 PM.

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#11 Sir BillyBob

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Posted 04 August 2006 - 06:07 PM

That depends on what caused the problem. If a "drider" animation overwrote the wrath animation files, you would have to manually replace each BAM file (at least you don't have to touch the frames inside the BAM).

DS/NT don't change any animation files, so another mod is causing this. Can you post a list of everything installed?

Tired of Bhaal? Try some classics mods instead:
Classic Adventures
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#12 erebusant


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Posted 04 August 2006 - 08:52 PM

That depends on what caused the problem. If a "drider" animation overwrote the wrath animation files, you would have to manually replace each BAM file (at least you don't have to touch the frames inside the BAM).

DS/NT don't change any animation files, so another mod is causing this. Can you post a list of everything installed?

My install log attached.

Attached Files

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#13 Sir BillyBob

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Posted 06 August 2006 - 04:39 PM

Well Exnem isn't compatible with CtB right now, there is a conflict with the random treasures. However, this has nothing to do with the animation problems. Not sure which mod changes that.

Tired of Bhaal? Try some classics mods instead:
Classic Adventures
Official Classic Adventures Website

#14 melkor_morgoth75



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Posted 06 August 2006 - 10:07 PM

I also have same animation issues as per here ... ogre, orc mages, etc ...

I don't have Exnem installed neither Ctb ... at forst sight, could it be BP?


Tired of the same boring spawned creatures u face in BG? Try BGSpawn

#15 seanas

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Posted 07 August 2006 - 12:40 PM

sorry, should have posted earlier: the wraiths-with-drider-animation bug is due to BPv177. on the list to fix for next release.

"A simple test of the relative merits of science and religion is to compare lighting your house at night by prayer or electricity" - A. C. Grayling
"EFF files have saves, too." - CamDawg
|| this is radio seanas || BP Series v3 || seanas at work ||

#16 Deadlok

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Posted 04 October 2006 - 09:55 PM

There is also a bug i found :
After speaking to Nadalin who gives me the fire salamanders quest, the worldmap doesn't update with Northern Coast location, so i had to CLUA myself there.

Also, in the Otho nephew quest, there is a cave (you reach it from the area looking like the end of Naskhel mines, where Mullahey was -- but not inside Mullahey's lair -- and exiting around it and to the right) where if I rest, it always spawns a "fell ghast", I kill it, and when i try to sleep again in that place, the game ALWAYS crashes with black screen and everything. I can rest in any other place, though.

Edited by Deadlok, 04 October 2006 - 10:01 PM.

#17 -Xylia of the forest-

-Xylia of the forest-
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Posted 04 October 2006 - 11:41 PM

There is also a bug i found :
After speaking to Nadalin who gives me the fire salamanders quest, the worldmap doesn't update with Northern Coast location, so i had to CLUA myself there.

Thats not a bug, when you talk to him for the first time he tells you about sirenes and salamanders, here is when your world map gets updated.

Once you deal with them and have went back to the harbour, he will thank you and go stand next to his boat on the northen coast.

If you have finished the quest that duke eltan gave you and talked to the people about the locked altar they will mention the island, then you needed to talk to the vilage cheif on the notrhern coast, he tells you to seek out Nadalin, who you can find next to his boat.

If you talk to him and you dont see the option to goto the island then you missed one of the steps.

All that for the key to the locked altar, if your lazy you could just pickpocket it from Avery. :P

#18 rebelst

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Posted 12 October 2006 - 12:32 AM

Just some minor typoes and bugs...

DSC017.baf, DSC018.baf, CUCHOINJ.D: Replace VampLord with LORDVAMP
DSPHANT3.baf: Replace Phantm1 with DSPhant1
MegaCut.BAF: Replace DOO3704 with DOOR3704

AR32PB.BAF: Replace NTGUARP[1-4] with GUARPB[1-4]

#19 Stark

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Posted 17 October 2006 - 07:10 AM

There is also a bug i found :
After speaking to Nadalin who gives me the fire salamanders quest, the worldmap doesn't update with Northern Coast location, so i had to CLUA myself there.

I have this too.

What's the area name to CLUA to? ;)

(or, probably more importantly, how does one find the names of the areas oneself?)

#20 Stark

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Posted 18 October 2006 - 11:30 AM

I have this too.

What's the area name to CLUA to? ;)

(or, probably more importantly, how does one find the names of the areas oneself?)

Never mind. My worldmap location names appear to be all messed up on my worldmap. I poked around a bit and found the village.

I'd still like to know how you can find the names of the areas that you would like to go. :)