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Enhanced BG2 (cont.)

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#21 AnnabelleRose


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Posted 11 September 2005 - 10:24 AM

The NPC joining has been completed. I PMed Hlidskiaff requesting a forum for this here. Thought it might be easy as most of us cannot speak Polish. ;)

- The transitioned former modder once known as MTS.

#22 Nastian

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Posted 11 September 2005 - 10:59 AM

Once again thank you for your support. :clap:

#23 AnnabelleRose


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Posted 11 September 2005 - 10:21 PM

Just happy to help. Send me more files, and I'll get them done. ;)

- The transitioned former modder once known as MTS.

#24 Nastian

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Posted 11 September 2005 - 10:57 PM

I send you post dialogue file of Amara. It's piece of cake comparing it to banters and interjections. :)

#25 AnnabelleRose


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Posted 12 September 2005 - 12:00 AM

I send you post dialogue file of Amara. It's piece of cake comparing it to banters and interjections. :)

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Done, and sent. As long as you want my help, you have got it. Send more if you would like. I am not afraid to tackle banters and interjections (as long as you just want me to help clean them up and not code).

- The transitioned former modder once known as MTS.

#26 AnnabelleRose


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Posted 12 September 2005 - 12:01 AM

I send you post dialogue file of Amara. It's piece of cake comparing it to banters and interjections. :)

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Done, and sent. As long as you want my help, you have got it. Send more if you would like. I am not afraid to tackle banters and interjections (as long as you just want me to help clean them up and not code).

- The transitioned former modder once known as MTS.

#27 AnnabelleRose


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Posted 12 September 2005 - 12:01 AM

*Edit* sorry for the triple post, not sure what happened there.

Edited by MajorTomSawyer, 12 September 2005 - 12:23 AM.

- The transitioned former modder once known as MTS.

#28 AnnabelleRose


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Posted 15 September 2005 - 01:18 PM

Seems we were denied a forum here. I can always ask a few other places, if you are interested?

Still waiting on more files to translate. I would like to see every component of this mod avilable in English.

- The transitioned former modder once known as MTS.

#29 Nastian

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Posted 15 September 2005 - 09:53 PM

Seems we were denied a forum here. I can always ask a few other places, if you are interested?

Nothing unexpected and I am not interested. :)

Still waiting on more files to translate. I would like to see every component of this mod avilable in English.

I send you e-mail this time. :lol:

#30 AnnabelleRose


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Posted 17 September 2005 - 07:31 AM

That's cool about the forum. I am working on the new file you sent me.

Just warn me in the future when you are going to use email. I am terrible about checking it. ;)

- The transitioned former modder once known as MTS.

#31 AnnabelleRose


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Posted 01 October 2005 - 04:21 AM

Check your email, Nastian. Finally finished that file. Feel free to send me more. I will try to be quicker with the,

- The transitioned former modder once known as MTS.

#32 Nastian

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Posted 01 October 2005 - 04:36 AM

Thanks. :Bow:

I am sooo sorry to tell that, but I will need your help once again, because abilities of kits dramatically changed and there's also new component. :whistling:

Edit: I already send you some texts.

Edited by Nastian, 01 October 2005 - 09:04 AM.

#33 AnnabelleRose


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Posted 02 October 2005 - 11:33 AM

The two you PMed me have been sent back. Send me more!

How close are we to finishing? :D

- MTS who is looking forward to playing ESoA

- The transitioned former modder once known as MTS.

#34 Nastian

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Posted 02 October 2005 - 01:05 PM

Thank you, MajorTomSawyer,

<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>Enhanced SoA v11 released!</span>

<span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>Download</span>

The mod currently consists of these components:

| Additional merchant with new items
There is now a new shopkeeper on the Promenade named Alyoud, who has recently arrived in Athkatla. Alyoud is a wandering merchant, who buys and sells powerful magic items.

| New kits
This component contains 10 completely new kits. They were created in an attempt to give the player a few more options when choosing a kit. Some of the kits that are contained within this component were taken straight from Prestige Classes from Dungeons and Dragons 3e books (such as Gladiator or Fencer), but most of them are based on my ideas.

| Tomes and manuals
In BG2, there are several containers labeled 'hidden' and 'secret'. You might have discovered the first one by accident, but the second one is really hard to find. I don't have much to say about my satisfaction when I found one of them. I was dissapointed, when I realized that there was nothing special. In my opinion, I should have found a useful item or even a powerful weapon. I decided to change that and added the well-known tomes and manuals from BG1. Good luck finding them, because you will need it.

| New racial enemies
This component adds several racial enemies for rangers and it was created mostly for BG1 Tutu, because from new accessible racial enemies only Yuan-Ti has pretty big number of representatives in Shadows of Amn.

| Lost item descriptions
This component restores lost item descriptions for items imported from BG1. These items are plate mail "Practical Defense" and sling "Dragonbane".

| Dragonsuit & Glory of Balduran
This component refers to the cult game Diablo 2, where you could collect item sets. Players who wear all of the items from a particular set gained additional bonuses. So why not to add this to BG2, where some of items also belong to specific sets. Now, when you wear the Dragon Helm, the Dragon Scale Shield, and wield the Dragonslayer you will gain additional resistance to fire and bonus to armor class. Players who wear all of items from Glory of Balduran gain bonus to magic resistance and all saving throws.

| Additional portraits
This component adds three new portraits. All of the portraits were made by me.

| Cloak of Balduran
Do you remember djinn who wanted the flask in Irenicus' Dungeon? Wasn't strange that he guarded Jon Irenicus' belongings and for priceless freedom he gives you a sword which is only valuable on in the early part of the game? This component gives the charismatic and inteligent player a chance to obtain a little more.

| Miscellaneous tweaks
Presently this component makes small changes in the first level of Irenicus' Dungeon, adding another cambion. There are now two cambions instead of one. Yoshimo's dialog had changed so you can now hear Jaheira's comment about escaping clone. This component also fixes one of Valygar's dialoges.

I'm sure that you would like to know more about new kits:

GLADIATOR: Gladiators are trained warriors, who fight in front of the public in large and small arenas. They usually clash with people similar to them. Spectators cheer for their favorite competitors, usually betting on the results of fights. Usually losing or winning greater or lesser sums of coin. However, no one takes risks more than the Gladiators: they battle for life and death. Some Gladiators are no more then common slaves, while others are wealthy professionals surrounded by agents and coaches. Poor or rich - every Gladiator stands face to face with death, when they enter the arena. A Gladiator is a master of perceiving their enemy's weaker points. They learn different tricks and ruses eg. throwing sand in the eyes, or forcing them to fight facing the sun.

- Gains a +3 bonus to AC
- +10% resistance to slashing, piercing and crushing damage. He gains an additional 2% for every 3 levels.
- Once per day for every 4 levels can use 'Sand throw'
- At 15th level they move at 2 points faster than the usual character
- At 20th level gains regeneration 1 hit point every 5 seconds

- Get a -2 penalty to maximum Constitution at character creation
- May not wear armor greater than studded leather

Edited by Nastian, 20 June 2007 - 09:55 PM.

#35 -Guest-

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Posted 02 October 2005 - 03:27 PM

so now all componenets are avialble in english?

#36 Nastian

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Posted 02 October 2005 - 11:10 PM

so now all componenets are avialble in english?

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Not yet. There is also component which adds new joinable NPC, but I'd like to rebuild it so there's no need to translate it now.

#37 AnnabelleRose


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Posted 03 October 2005 - 12:51 AM

Enhanced SoA v11 released!



Damnit :wall:

From the gladiator kit:

- Get a -2 penalty to maximum Constitution at character creation
- May not wear armor greater than studded leather

Can't believe I missed that.

There is also component which adds new joinable NPC, but I'd like to rebuild it so there's no need to translate it now.

Yeah, I was surprised when I saw that with how little dialogue I translated there. When you have it to your liking, drop me a PM and I will help with translation if you are still interested.


I just played around with the installer after downloading it. WOW!

All mods should be done this way. I love how the readme is avialble BEFORE installing it (without digging though files). Might help the newer player to mods alot.

Edited by MajorTomSawyer, 03 October 2005 - 12:55 AM.

- The transitioned former modder once known as MTS.

#38 Nastian

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Posted 03 October 2005 - 02:05 AM

Can't believe I missed that.

Actually I think that it is my fault. ;)

Yeah, I was surprised when I saw that with how little dialogue I translated there. When you have it to your liking, drop me a PM and I will help with translation if you are still interested.

I'll let you know. :new_thumbs:

#39 ronin

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Posted 03 October 2005 - 08:51 AM

The install program doesnt create the directory backup\0 so the install fails. creating the backup\0 directory in the enhanced directory yourself will make the install successful.


#40 AnnabelleRose


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Posted 03 October 2005 - 11:20 AM

You should re-add this one to the PP Modlist. Both under BG and under TuTu, since you designed some of the components with that in mind.

Do you have a webpage for this?

- The transitioned former modder once known as MTS.