Thank you, Rabain.

@13 = ~New kits~
@14 = ~gladiator~
@15 = ~Gladiator~
@16 = ~GLADIATOR: Gladiators are trained warriors, whiches fight in front of public on large and small arenas. They usually clash with people similiar to them. Spectators cheer on their favourite competitors, usually betting results of fights and losing or winning greater or lesser sums. Nobody however take risks more than gladiators, because they battle for life and death. Some of gladiators are common slaves, others are rich professionals surrounded by agents and coaches. Poor or rich - every gladiator stands face in face with death, when he enters arena. Gladiator is master in perception of enemy's poor sides. He learns different tricks and ruses eg. sprinkling sand in eyes of enemy or forcing him to fight in front of sun.
- Bonus -3 to AC
- 10% resistance to slashing, piercing and crushing damage
- May use 'Dirty trick' ability once per day
- They move at 2 points slower than the usual character
- May not wear armor greater than studded leather~
@17 = ~knight~
@18 = ~Knight~
@19 = ~KNIGHT: Similarly to paladins, knights are submitted to rigorous code of behaviour, which bases are honour, honesty and courage. Homever in first order they are faithful to their sovereign, while paladins sacrifice lives in service of some god. Knight always obeys orders of his sovereign even when he doesn't agree with them. Honour does not allow him to call help even in the article of death. He prefers to be killed than to be suspected for cowardice. He despises enemies and he is happy, when he manages to put one of them to death. From knight expect that he will always protects his ideals, no matter how difficult this can be.
- Immunity to 'Fail morale'
- May use 'Gallant charm' ability once per day
- Get a +3 to maximum Charisma at creation
- At 11th level gains 'Symbol of light'
- Must be lawful good
- Can gain 'Grand mastery' only in swords
- May not use missile weapons~
@20 = ~wrangler~
@21 = ~Wrangler~
@22 = ~WRANGLER: Cities of Realms are full of people, whiches don't have any constant occupation. Some of them are known as wranglers. They spend most of day in inn, where they drink away earned money and begin rows, because according to wrangler there is no good party without good fight, bruises and several broken noses. Wrangler is of interest whether he attacks a defenceless simpleton or a squad of skilled guards. He can fling himself in whirl of fight only with staff in his hands. However this exerts considerable influence on abilities of communicating with others.
- Bonus -1 to AC
- Once per day for every 8 levels can use 'Stormy rage'
- Must be chaotic
- Get a -4 to maximum Charisma at creation
- Can gain grand mastery only in staves~
@23 = ~fencer~
@24 = ~Fencer~
@25 = ~FENCER: Fencer proves that precision and skills are alternative for big weapons, and efficiency for heavy armour. Fencer is agile and intelligent warrior, which use smartness and reflex in fight. He resigns from heavy weapons knowing, that the best way to victory is not to let to hit. Typical fencer is lonely wolf, which seeks adventures and easy profits. Sometimes fencers work in groups, harmonious and skilled.
- Bonus +1 to hit and +1 damage for every 3 levels
- 20% resistance to slashing and piercing damage
- Bonus -2 to speed factor
- Can gain 'Grand mastery' only in one-handed swords
- May not devote any proficiency slots to the fighting styles except for 'One handed weapon' style
- May not wear full plate, plate mail~
@26 = ~legionary~
@27 = ~Legionary~
@28 = ~LEGIONARY: This warrior serves in regular army or serial forces, formed by local authorities. Legionaries are one of most powerful units which appear battlefields. They are completely devoted to superior authority. From legionary excepts, that without hesitations he will take participation in every war or military conflict, in which fights his superior. Sometimes he fulfils also duties outside battlefield, using his abilities for glory of his sovereign. Legionaries often undertake additional obligations, for example eternal fight with evil and chaos or fight in defence of justice. Legionary does not like to part with his sword, he is also additionally distrustful to magic and try to avoid it from afar, though he knows advantages of enchanted weapon and armour.
- Bonus -2 to AC
- Regenerates 1 hit point every 3 seconds
- Bonus +2 to hit for every 7 levels
- Must be lawful
- Can specialize only in swords
- May not use any magic items except for weapons and armor~
@29 = ~sellsword~
@30 = ~Sellsword~
@31 = ~SELLSWORD: Sellsword is warrior which fights for money and war-booties. Importance of idea, for which he fights is value of gold which he receives. He wanders through Realms from one city to another, because there is always somebody, who will hire him to dissolve some problems. zawsze znajdzie się bowiem ktoś, kto wynajmnie go by rozwiązać swe kłopoty. They are often employed by rich merchants and noblemen to quickly and profitably finish some conflicts. During their journeys sellswords use many different, but never specialize in one of them. They can easily find work, but smart sellswords know, that hired warriors don't have any chance to become rich, so they turn to adventures.
- Bonus +2 to all saving throws
- Immunity to backstab
- Bonus +1 to hit and +1 damage for every 4 levels
- Must be neutral
- Cannot specialize past normal specialization~
@32 = ~scout~
@33 = ~Scout~
@34 = ~SCOUT: Thanks to skills of noiseless moving, hiding and vigilant eyes, scout can cross through line of enemy and rate enemy's forces before battle. However scouts often spy actions of enemy's squads. Pressed to wall they usually use partisan's tacticses, shooting at enemy from safe distances. In distinction from for example barbarians, scouts hardly ever direct with impulse of moment, trusting rather in tactics and strategy.
- Bonus +1 to hit for every 5 levels
- Can gain 'Grand mastery' in missile weapons
- 25% bonus to 'Hide in Shadows'
- Cannot charm animals
- May not wear armor greater than studded leather~
@35 = ~globe-trotter~
@36 = ~Globe-trotter~
@37 = ~GLOBE-TROTTER: This ranger unceasingly travels from place to place, going after his own matters. Reasons of this neverending journey from city to city depends of Globe-trotter. One can hunt evil, while other will seek revenge on old enemy. Some measure merciless justice and punish evil, while other travel from hamlet to hamlet and help people in need. However they always appear there, where their skills are most needed.
- May gain 'Grand mastery' in two-handed sword
- They move at 2 points faster than the usual character
- Once per day for every 9 levels can use 'Weather of resoluteness'
- Additional one point of proficiency in 'Two handed weapon' style
- Cannot charm animals
- May not cast priest spells~
@38 = ~hunter~
@39 = ~Hunter~
@40 = ~HUNTER: Hunting is one of oldest profession in Forgotten Realms. Every hunter can hunt animals with unusual persistence and is master in their killing. Manners and environment of wild animals are also very similar elements of hunter's life. Every of them possesses great knowledge about creatures living in wilderness, their races and reactions. To persons from outside world hunter can appear gloomy and uncommunicative - it is result of solitare mode of his life and professional habits - to be quiet and move noiseless. Hunters keep away from cities and often wear skins of animals. In lands of cold climate, custom this has not only symbolical, but also practical meaning.
- +3 to hit and +3 damage vs. animals
- Bonus +1 to all saving throws
- May devote three proficiency points to the bows cross-bows
- Has a -3 to Charisma at creation
- May not wear armor greater than studded leather~
@41 = ~dragon slayer~
@42 = ~Dragon Slayer~
@43 = ~DRAGON SLAYER: Dragon Slayers abandonned traditional rules of paladinhood. They changed hatred to evil on hatred to dangerous dragons. They swore to exterminate these creatures with every possible manner, including tactics and manners, which are avoided by paladins. Dragon Slayers are also well-known from this, that they can retreat from battlefield, if good luck will turn around from them, what stands in public discrepancy with code of paladins.
- +4 to hit and +4 damage vs. dragons
- Bonus +3 to all saves vs. breath
- 75% resistance to fire
- Immunity to 'Wing buffet'
- May specialize only in long sword and bastard sword~
@44 = ~destroyer of evil~
@45 = ~Destroyer of Evil~
@46 = ~DESTROYER OF EVIL: This holy warrior travels across Realms hunting and destroying evil in the name of his god. Destroyer of Evil directs in his behaviour with dictates of honour. He attacks publicly, so that enemy could see who contributed to his defeat, without using tricks and ruses. He serves his god and lady of his heart. This brave paladin obtained many resistances and blessings from his god for fighting through years in his name.
- Bonus -3 to AC
- +3 to hit and +3 damage vs. evil
- 35% resistance to fire, cold and acid
- Bonus -2 to speed factor
- May not use 'Lay on hands' ability~
@47 = ~protector~
@48 = ~Protector~
@49 = ~PROTECTOR: This brave paladin, which pledged himself to defend of temple, his god gave him for this great strength and constitution. He wields his favourite weapon and without hesitations crushes enemies of his faith. Though his basic assignment is protection of temple, sometimes he is allotted to other missions and may even attacks enemy on his own ground. Protector is persistent, obstinate and patient. He does not hesitate to call for help in critical situation, because he knows, that longer waiting means defeat and death, however he is able to sacrifice his life, for what he swore to defend.
- Bonus +1 to all saving throws
- Immunity to backstab and fear
- Has a +1 to maximum Strength and Constitution at creation
- May not devote any proficiency slots to the fighting styles except for 'Sword and shield' style~
@50 = ~crusader~
@51 = ~Crusader~
@52 = ~CRUSADER: This holy warrior is example of perfect paladin, which fights in defence of faith. He is brave, strong, valiant and proud. Jest odważny, silny, waleczny i dumny. The most important for him are faith and homeland. From the beginning to the end he knows what to do, how to behave. He is cruel for enemies, but he fights honestly.
- Immunity to fail morale and basic psionic attacks
- Immunity to poison, disease, pertrification, level drain and backstab
- 25% resistance to fire, cold and acid
- May gain 'Grand mastery' in two-handed sword
- May not devote any proficiency points to any weapons except for two-handed sword
- May not use missile weapons~
@53 = ~fright of liches~
@54 = ~Fright of Liches~
@55 = ~FRIGHT OF LICHES: Fright of Liches is example of strange mentality, that leads many young paladins to short and impetuous life. Young paladins, whiches stained their honour or were humiliated in some other manner, abandon conventional societies and leave in order to find death, hunting on one of most dangerous creatures in Realms. Such paladins can splendidly fight with sword, but not as good as warriors.
- +3 to hit and +3 damage vs. liches and demiliches
- 20% resistance to magic
- May devote 3 proficiency points to swords
- May not cast priest spells
- May not turn undead~
@56 = ~silent killer~
@57 = ~Silent Killer~
@58 = ~SILENT KILLER: Killers silently liquidate uncomfortable persons. Victim usually dies shot from cover or backstabbed in crowd of people. Silent Killers are masters of leading out deadly blows and giving quick deaths. They kill with shocking, terrific precision. Silent Killers can be both merciless murderers and agents of institution standing on guard of law and order. They rarely work alone and only the best of them do not reach for any support.
- Bonus +2 to all saves vs. death
- 25% resistance to poison
- May use 'Silent attack' ability once per day
- Must be evil
- Cannot dual-class, due to too much specialisation in his class~
@59 = ~pirate~
@60 = ~Pirate~
@61 = ~PIRATE: Not all adventurers earn on life visiting dungeons. Some took a liking for ships and oversea colonies. Pirates are fright of trade routes on seas, lakes and bigger rivers. They make preceder, which almost all countries acknowledge as offence, and pushes them to it irresistibte need for freedom or indomitable greed. That's why for one pirate is awful criminal, while for other he is a hero, which above all loved freedom. Sea wolf, to survive, has to to be strong and resistant. Pirate's life is hard and often brutal, so he cannot know fear.
- Immunity to fear and disease
- Bonus +3 to hit and +3 damage while using fists
- Has a +2 to maximum Constitution at creation
- Cannot set snares
- Cannot be of any lawful alignment~
@62 = ~Dirty trick~
@63 = ~Gallant charm~
@64 = ~Symbol of light~
@65 = ~Stormy rage~
@66 = ~Weather of resoluteness~
@67 = ~Silent attack~
@68 = ~Tomes and manuals~
@69 = ~New racial enemies~
@70 = ~Yuan-Ti~
@71 = ~Yuan-Ti is a very mysterious race of warlike snakemen. Snakemen, even if they may not look that, they are very intelligent and in the battle they are difficult opponents. They do not wear any armour, because their thick, husky skin assures them sufficient protection. Yuan-Ti move quickly on their muscled tails, because legs didn't developed at them. Rareness is a meeting with single snakeman, because they live in large groups.~
@72 = ~Gnoll~
@73 = ~Gnolls are humanoids of dog's heads in wholes covered with fur. They are evil and twisted creatures and they usually loaf in loosely organized groups. They are well-known because of their cruelty. In battle they are usually chaotic.~
@74 = ~Wyvern~
@75 = ~Wyverns are big creatures, closely related with dragons. In contrary to dragons, creatures these do not possess front paws, but they have strong, deadly dangerous back limbs. Adult wyvern can lift big cow and sometimes even bigger animals.~
@76 = ~Skeleton~
@77 = ~Skeletons are animated by magic bones. Skeleton is not difficult opponent, because his bones can be easily crushed. If skeletons aren't controlled by some higher force, they are propably bands, which survived after death of their master. But such skeletons have only one occupation - uncontrollable killing.~
@78 = ~Zombie~
@79 = ~Zombie, similarly to skeletons, are animated by magic corpses. Bodies of these undead creatures are still pretty fresh. Most of zombie are passive creatures, which thanks to magic became completely subjected to will of mage, which animated them. That's why they are used to evil aims. Some of these poor undead creatures even do not know, that they are already dead.~
@80 = ~Miscellaneous tweaks~
Edited by Laguna, 30 July 2005 - 11:27 PM.