Just back in the UK for a few days from a job in Kuwait (which came up at the last minute and required me to drop everything, hence the sudden disappearance!), and I am staying round at a friend's who has an internet connection [...]
I am missing the online BG community terribly and I hope people don't think I have given up on Chrysta (my Spellhold Studios based mod), as that is far from the truth. I am not able to log onto the Spellhold Studios website myself, so could I be cheeky and ask if you could post there on my behalf saying that I am not dead, I do miss everyone, and I will be returning in full force by the end of September - I will have moved into a permanent address in Kuwait by then and will be aiming to get a broadband network set up there soon after I move in there at the end of August.
Until I am back full-time (and connected!), thanks again for getting in touch and I look forward to contacting everyone as soon as I am able. Hopefully that will be sooner rather than later!
Looks like, with a little bit of luck, he will be back among us in not too long