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NWN UPDATE 1.67 + PRC 3.0d + CEP 1.53

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#1 Marcelo

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Posted 03 July 2006 - 09:30 AM

Can some one help this community and make a little tutorial to help undertand the NWN last update and the PRC + CEP lastest updates and the way it affects this module?

Is it possible to make this module compatible with the last NWN 1.67 update? How?

I really wanto to help, not just ask for help. If some one give me the way to do that, I will apreciate a lot to help others here. I just want to know how to work and help.

Is that possible? We can do it toghether and may be, we can help Horred.

Thanks alot for all your work Horred. If you apreciate my iniciative, please, tell me how can I help you and put this module up to date.

Ps. Sorry again for my english limitations.