RE: The mod-banners - We'll consider revising the size and format of the images. What would you prefer to see? In-game screenshots (perhaps a slightly larger size), or just plain text stating the mod name? Animated gifs?
I am not voting for any particular format. If the size stays the same, I think that plain colored background and relatively large text is the only way the banner can convey information to a reader. The larger the size, the more complex graphical information can be added. If you want to have something a bit different than PPG's banner presentation, I do think that one-picture banner with simple text is something that will have a different "taste": ie informative rather than eye-candy. Of course, you can go the way of even more "eye-candy", and allow more and more complex shows, insert banner rotation as a site header overlain by TeamBG logo, or something. Whatever is technically possible.
Perhaps a statement of development goals and announcement of the teams working on specific projects
You may have noticed the relatively high post count (for the members we currently have). Rest assurd there is a lot of discussion going on 'behind the scenes' as to how to stage any releases we have (and we do have a fair few things planned).
It is good to hear, but something more solid than the difference in post counts can be a good thing; if nothing it might generate more discussion topics as available now to the non-backroom audience.