TBG-2 (yes, you may use that if you wish)
(as an aside, already been coined

Posted 25 June 2006 - 03:32 PM
TBG-2 (yes, you may use that if you wish)
Posted 26 June 2006 - 04:29 AM
Visit the IESDP
Posted 26 June 2006 - 04:47 AM
Posted 26 June 2006 - 06:08 AM
Remarks on things such as the current modding climate being stale continue to offend, and the phrase "Father of it all", while not offensive, is really funny.
Posted 26 June 2006 - 06:49 AM
And they asked for suggestions.You know, in the end it's their opinion, their policy. If they want to hold on to these and similar statements and sentiments, it is their full right to do so.
Posted 26 June 2006 - 07:11 AM
Posted 26 June 2006 - 08:35 AM
If I interpret you correctly (please tell me if I don't), you say that this ("Father of it all") is also arrogant -- I've to disappoint you: TeamBG is indeed the start of the organized IE modding, start of IE modding supported in website and community level. Whether you like or not.You know, in the end it's their opinion, their policy. If they want to hold on to these and similar statements and sentiments, it is their full right to do so. They are not after all the first community on the block to adopt an arrogant attitude.
Please provide examples or more details about its dangers. It if isn't run in Advanced mode (I can't tell anything about this mode as I didn't use to edit Biffs with it), it a great tool to browse ALL game files and extract them.While it's sadly not legacy, WinBiff should be highlighted as extremely dangerous. Pretty much nobody should be using it.
Posted 26 June 2006 - 08:49 AM
Posted 26 June 2006 - 09:09 AM
If I interpret you correctly (please tell me if I don't), you say that this ("Father of it all") is also arrogant -- I've to disappoint you: TeamBG is indeed the start of the organized IE modding, start of IE modding supported in website and community level. Whether you like or not.
Posted 26 June 2006 - 09:25 AM
Edited by Baronius, 26 June 2006 - 09:32 AM.
Posted 26 June 2006 - 09:32 AM
A gun is a safe and reliable tool until you take the safety catch off.Basic mode doesn't allow any editing. So, based on the currently available information at least, it can be stated that WinBiff is still a working and -- according to the tests -- reliable tool in Basic mode.
Posted 26 June 2006 - 10:57 AM
Posted 26 June 2006 - 11:03 AM
Posted 26 June 2006 - 11:05 AM
Posted 26 June 2006 - 11:19 AM
I.e. that if -- with their new policy and decisions -- they prove they mean it in the "right" way, I will be content. However, if they will inherit the negative sides of the old TBG as well (and/or will have new features which reject people such as using and changing other authors' material without any notice and then denying it), I won't be happy. Just like I did in the beginning of this thread, I say let's give time to the new TeamBG. I think that if they can adapt themselves to the community; (in my dictionary, there is one community and multiple sites, even if sometimes I accidently use the term "modding communities" without using quotation marks), i.e. if their acts will reflect that the possible negative things implied by their statements on the TBG site were nothing more than incorrect assumptions/false beliefs.However, I don't think it's so rejecting to state something which is true; and I don't think it's so immodest to say that TeamBG was "the father of all". They don't say this means they are above others etc.
If it's explicitly proved* that the Basic mode is reliable, it's a reason to keep it available. It's another matter that you think it's no reason to use it. (It was the subject of another discussion whether to keep these tools publicly available or not.) I also think there is no reason to use it when there is a tool which offers the same as an integrated option. But it would be ridiculous to introduce WinBiff as an entirely useless or horrible tool just because its editor mode is dangerous.IDU can create a corrupt DLG file which I can open in Sound Forge and save as a WAV to use as part of a beat in Reason. That doesn't make it any less of a horrible tool.
WinBiff provides dangerous functions, and there is no reason to use it whatsoever.
Edited by Baronius, 26 June 2006 - 11:28 AM.
Posted 26 June 2006 - 11:28 AM
Posted 26 June 2006 - 11:40 AM
You're an idiot or you just act like it? not being a learned-at-university programmer is no excuse for buggy programs. If you can't program, find something else to do, or learn to debug. And calling 'not the best code' what is a known bug (for example, WEIGHT handling) is just pure bullshit. Almost as bad as the 'a feature, not a bug' mantra.
(On the other hand you're right about the bugs: some of Theo's tools contain several bugs /or rather just "not the best" code/. Theo has never learnt programming in university so he couldn't be aware of every important aspect while coding, but I found most of his tools very useful, some of them are still used by many modders.)
And you can't hold me responsible for any insult this message delivers, because I have never studied English in university, so I can't be aware of possibly offensive parts in this message.
If I were the author of IDU and I saw somebody duplicating it without my permission, I'd just hide under a rock, rather than resurface and claim ownership over that.
Posted 26 June 2006 - 11:48 AM
Thanks. I'm glad to see that my efforts didn't go unnoticed.I think YOU are acting like an idiot since the second post of this thread. Too full of yourself and arrogant to no end.
Edited by the bigg, 26 June 2006 - 11:48 AM.
Italian users: help test the Stivan NPC!
Author or Co-Author: WeiDU - Widescreen - Generalized Biffing - Refinements - TB#Tweaks - IWD2Tweaks - TB#Characters - Traify Tool - Some mods that I won't mention in public
Maintainer: Semi-Multi Clerics - Nalia Mod - Nvidia Fix
Code dumps: Detect custom secondary types - Stutter Investigator
If possible, send diffs, translations and other contributions using Git.
Posted 26 June 2006 - 12:04 PM
Quoted for truth. Can any modder really stand by and say there's a good reason to have IDU/IDW actively supported?
Posted 26 June 2006 - 12:14 PM
I didn't want to imply that he wasn't aware of the bugs or wouldn't be able to correct them (if I had done it anywhere, let me correct myself here). However, what I tried to explain to theBigg in my long post about programming, is that it's not the same how a code is written. I'm not sure where or what Theo studied (I remembered that not in uni, but I apologise if I'm wrong), but this case is general and not just about him: it's much easier to fix bugs in a well-written code where the technology was chosen wisely etc. (And in uni you obviously get more versatile knowledge than in a course, for instance). This is why programmers who are studying in university or studied in university may produce better code than others (usually). But even for them, debugging is sometimes not a too easy task, and this is what I wanted to explain to theBigg. (Not sure with how much success).I only have to say that Theo did study programming, and the fact that IDU/IDW/IETME were never updated is only a matter of lazyness. He knows the bugs the tools have, and no, hes not going to fix them
Nice summary, Ana! Perfectly summarizes my point as well. And an explanation to why I suggest new modders (but not just them) to respect the old, now obsolete tools instead of talking them as c**p.And why wouldnt he claim ownership and "hide under a rock" instead? Cos he had the balls and spent time making a tool now obsolete? Thats as stupid as saying "dude, if i had invented the bike id hide under a rock cos now you have cars and planes". I think in its own time IDU did its job. Now you have better tools, hooray for it, by all means, use them and forget about IDU, just as youd use linux over windows 3.1.