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Mega-WeiDU Install Instructions/Latest Versions

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#81 ronin

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Posted 10 July 2006 - 02:59 AM

Its in the install document also, the one posted in the first post on this thread.


#82 melkor_morgoth75



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Posted 10 July 2006 - 02:59 AM

***EDIT 07/03/06*** I've uploaded a revised version of the Mega Install Instruction with various changes gleaned from all the feedback reports from previous versions. Hopefully it will smooth out any rough spots. SoBHv205FullWM6 is released at SHS mirror, so it is updated with that link plus the new instruction for BGTv101. Includes BGT-NEJ2 oAR0602.baf fix.

Where the SoBHv205FullWM6 can be downloaded from?

Here http://mirror.spellh...udios.net/sobh/


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#83 dragon

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Posted 10 July 2006 - 04:15 AM


And one more question:
Say, I've installed packs A and B. Now I want to reinstall a new version of A. Should I uninstall B and A, install new A and then install B or I can simply reinstall A without touching B?

#84 margrave

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Posted 10 July 2006 - 10:02 AM


That is very mod specific as far as I can tell. If it is one of the small mods I think you can just cut and paste it to the end of your weidu log and only unistall/reinstall it. If on the other hand it is one of the big mods that runs a biffing routine you may need to do a new full install.

I saw a post, that now I can't locate, saying which 4 or 5 things to copy to a back up folder and rename after each mod (or at least big mod) to make the process less painfull. I know that list included the override folder, and chitin.key but I'm not sure which else.

#85 Miraz

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Posted 11 July 2006 - 02:49 PM

This is confusing me ... there are references to versions of some mods which don't appear to exist. Check The Bodies v1.8, for example ... I can only find up to v1.6. The Darkest Day v1.1.1, where only 1.1.0 can be found. And Baldurdash fixpack 1.5, I can find loads of people TALKING about, but for the life of me I can't locate a download for it.

Was this meant to be purposefully frustrating and convoluted, or am I just being a complete newb?

#86 dragonian

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Posted 11 July 2006 - 03:38 PM

you should be able to find everything here
Erebrusant: i think you should add some links where the mods can be downloaded because some people ask those questions

#87 Azazello


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Posted 12 July 2006 - 04:25 AM

Or point them to X-Calibar's guide.

#88 erebusant


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Posted 13 July 2006 - 05:58 AM

I saw a post, that now I can't locate, saying which 4 or 5 things to copy to a back up folder and rename after each mod (or at least big mod) to make the process less painfull. I know that list included the override folder, and chitin.key but I'm not sure which else.

The things you need for rolling back an install to a previous point are CHITIN.key, dialog.tlk, and your override folder from that specific point. The other very important thing is to be certain that your data folder is back to the previous state of the install. Say for example, you had run a biffing routine of your override folder where your biffs were named OVER-ARE, and OVER-BCS, etc, etc, you should be certain all of these biffs have been manually deleted from your data folder as well. Just don't delete any biffs that you shouldn't or your whole install will be woofed.

On a nicer note, I was able to roll back everything to NEJ2 yesterday, and re-install, and with everything WeiDU'ed and automated, the whole process only took 2.5 hours :D

Edited by erebusant, 13 July 2006 - 05:58 AM.

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#89 pro5

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Posted 14 July 2006 - 12:28 PM

There's a mention of "BP biffer routines" in the doc guide: PreBPOverBiff and BPEndBiff.

May anyone drop a hint where they can be found?

#90 erebusant


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Posted 14 July 2006 - 12:37 PM

There's a mention of "BP biffer routines" in the doc guide: PreBPOverBiff and BPEndBiff.

May anyone drop a hint where they can be found?

There's some sample code as one of the downloads available in the 1st post in this thread. :P You'll need to make up your own batch files, and I'd highly recommend taking a look at some of the various install.bat files that come with the bigger mods to compare and set yours up.

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#91 Hasimir

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Posted 14 July 2006 - 11:31 PM

So I'm trying this monster install, please check it for misplacements, redundancies, incompatibility...and maybe some good stuff I should add (or take away ;P)...thanks :D :

01) BG games + expansions + patchez

02) NEJ2 stuff

03) BG2 FixPack b1 (I'm volunteering as a guinea pig ^_^ )

04) SoS 1.11 stuff

05) TDD 1.11 stuff

06) CtB 1.8 stuff

07) RoT 2.0 stuff

08) BGT 1.0.1 stuff

09) Sword Coast, both DS and NT stuff

10) SoBH and 1stMod stuff

11) smaller mods:
- Ascension 1.4.21
- Redemption 1.13
- Longer Road 1.51
- Weimer Item Upgrade v32
- Weimer Tactics v23
- Weimer Underrepresented Items v5
- Unfinished Business v15

12) BP 177 stuff

13) some tweaks:
- BG2 Tweaks b1
- PnP Celestials v3
- tbtweaks v2.01
- Refinements 3.02

14) BP-BGT WorldMap 6.3

How do I fix the lvl-50 problem with Refinements?
The workaround says I have to take some file from TutuTweaks...how do I do this without installing them?
Another workaround says I can grab the right files after the BP install...problem is that TDD prevents BP from installing THAT part :P

Thx to all :D

#92 margrave

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Posted 15 July 2006 - 01:21 AM

First: Ascension is incompatible with BP 177 (it already includes a version) a good place to look is the BP forum for compatibility issues. That also means that Turnabout and Longer Road have to go after BP.

Second: Tactics isn't compatible either, see notes above.

Third: for Refinements you can either copy the files from TDD, or open the Refinements workaround word document on the bottom of the first post of this thread and go from there.

Fourth: while looking at compatibilty issues over on the BP forum be sure to note which parts of which mods can't be installed and which mods need to be installed after BP 177.

#93 J Beau

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Posted 15 July 2006 - 02:24 AM

Also, Refinements works best with the Rogue Rebalancing mod which Ronin is modifying for a BP install as we speak er.. type. He said it might be ready within the week.
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#94 erebusant


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Posted 15 July 2006 - 06:23 AM

So I'm trying this monster install, please check it for misplacements, redundancies, incompatibility...and maybe some good stuff I should add (or take away ;P)...thanks :D :

01) BG games + expansions + patchez

02) NEJ2 stuff

03) BG2 FixPack b1 (I'm volunteering as a guinea pig ^_^ )

04) SoS 1.11 stuff

05) TDD 1.11 stuff

06) CtB 1.8 stuff

07) RoT 2.0 stuff

08) BGT 1.0.1 stuff

09) Sword Coast, both DS and NT stuff

10) SoBH and 1stMod stuff

11) smaller mods:
- Ascension 1.4.21 This is incorporated into BP.
- Redemption 1.13
- Longer Road 1.51
- Weimer Item Upgrade v32
- Weimer Tactics v23 The only part that is compatible as per Horred is "Improved Irenicus".
- Weimer Underrepresented Items v5
- Unfinished Business v15 Do not install "Restored Minor Dialogs" component.

12) BP 177 stuff

13) some tweaks:
- BG2 Tweaks b1
- PnP Celestials v3
- tbtweaks v2.01
- Refinements 3.02

14) BP-BGT WorldMap 6.3

How do I fix the lvl-50 problem with Refinements? When you extract the mod (Tutu Tweaks)it leaves you with a sub-directory of BGII-SoA.
The workaround says I have to take some file from TutuTweaks...how do I do this without installing them? Look in that sub-directory for the files and copy and paste them.
Another workaround says I can grab the right files after the BP install...problem is that TDD prevents BP from installing THAT part :P I couldn't find them either. They probably got biffed.

Copy the Bjorni.cre from the 1st post when you're all done and drop it in your override file or you will crash to desktop when entering the Jovial Juggler.

Thx to all :D

Edited by erebusant, 15 July 2006 - 06:28 AM.

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#95 Hasimir

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Posted 15 July 2006 - 09:43 AM

Thx everyone :D
So I'll delete the Ascension and Tactics parts...ok

One question though...Unfinished is fine and compatible if I don't use the "Minor Dialogs"...right?

And also, in wich language will the game end up?
I know that BGT has Italian supprt...but will it translate also all the other mods?
Or will I end up with a game partly ITA and partly ENG?
Or will it just crush my system? :P

Thx ^_^

#96 -Bluebear-

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Posted 15 July 2006 - 11:18 PM

Hi, I need a little help here.
I plan to install the G3Tweaks component, Solaufein/Valen Style Interjections just before installing the worldmap.
By the way, I have the same install as the WeiDUInstallLog071206.txt erebusant posted.
Thanks for reading and waiting for reply. Bye

#97 -Bluebear-

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Posted 15 July 2006 - 11:20 PM

Hi, I need a little help here.
I plan to install the G3Tweaks component, Solaufein/Valen Style Interjections just before installing the worldmap.
By the way, I have the same install as the WeiDUInstallLog071206.txt erebusant posted.
Thanks for reading and waiting for reply. Bye

ooops, I didn't write the problem.
I want to know if the S/V Interjection works or not if I install in on a WeiDUInstallLog071206(by erebusant) install.

#98 -Nilian-

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Posted 16 July 2006 - 07:48 AM

I'm trying to install a big installation, but during installing the scripts there come up the following messages:
This expression has a typo in the second part: Global("HIGH_TORT_FLOAT","MYAREA")
This expression has a typo in the second part: Global("HIGH_TORT_FLOAT","MYAREA")
This expression has a typo in the second part: Global("YXUN_ATTACK","MYAREA")
This expression has a typo in the second part: Global("YXUN_ATTACK","MYAREA")
This expression has a typo in the second part: Global("YXUN_CAST_SPECIAL","MYAREA")
This expression has a typo in the second part: Global("YXUN_CAST_SPECIAL","MYAREA")
This expression has a typo in the second part: Global("YXUN_ATTACK","MYAREA")

This errors messages are only displayed in ctb & tdd, more i did not install till now. I'm using Weidu 195 but this is also does no help.

#99 pro5

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Posted 17 July 2006 - 01:39 AM

I'm trying to install a big installation, but during installing the scripts there come up the following messages:
This expression has a typo in the second part: Global("HIGH_TORT_FLOAT","MYAREA")
This expression has a typo in the second part: Global("HIGH_TORT_FLOAT","MYAREA")
This expression has a typo in the second part: Global("YXUN_ATTACK","MYAREA")
This expression has a typo in the second part: Global("YXUN_ATTACK","MYAREA")
This expression has a typo in the second part: Global("YXUN_CAST_SPECIAL","MYAREA")
This expression has a typo in the second part: Global("YXUN_CAST_SPECIAL","MYAREA")
This expression has a typo in the second part: Global("YXUN_ATTACK","MYAREA")

This errors messages are only displayed in ctb & tdd, more i did not install till now. I'm using Weidu 195 but this is also does no help.

These messages can be ignored.

#100 seanas

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Posted 17 July 2006 - 01:50 AM

I'm trying to install a big installation, but during installing the scripts there come up the following messages:
This expression has a typo in the second part...

this is a known issue with Weidu 195, and it has no effect on yr install - it's purely cosmetic.

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