Edited by Vlad, 04 July 2006 - 11:16 PM.

Mega-WeiDU Install Instructions/Latest Versions
Posted 04 July 2006 - 11:15 PM
Posted 05 July 2006 - 12:22 AM
Posted 05 July 2006 - 11:35 PM
i'm trying to install megainstalation. That's how my install may look like (in instalation order)):
1. All needed BG's + needed patches
2. BD weidu 1.5 (i've selected to install and text updates, is that bad?)
3. CTB 1.8
3.1. Candlekeep Chores 2.0 (from CTB install)
4. SoS 1.11
5. TDD 1.11
6. TS 6.04.02
7. BGT 1.01 (btw, that's my second reinstall of exactly this stuf and while installing BGT i'm getting same error message (well, minimum two times getting similar error messages: http://www.talpykla....files/87/bg.jpg )
8. BGT tweaks 3
9. DSotSC4BGTWeidu185WM6
9.1. NTotSC4BGTWeidu145WM6 (is there any order of these two mod's install? and again, what possibility there is that they will ruin gameplay?)
10. BG1 NPC4 BGT Weidu 111 (won't that ruin gameplay?

11. How about Unfinished Bussines? For both BG1 and BG2? Won't that clash with megainstall?
12. MulgoreXaviaNPC_v2_BGT
13. IndiraNPC_v71_BGT
14. Prologue_v2
15. BPv177
16. Virtue_v18
17. BP-BGT-Worldmap v6.3
Just to mention, days ago i've tried to install a pack similar to this (all the same, except there were no DSotSC4BGTWeidu185WM6 and NTotSC4BGTWeidu145WM6 and Unfinished Bussines). The problem was, that just outside Candlekeep Imoen started 'leaving' me

Would be great if you, guys, would spare some time and view my instalation, maybe i'm doing something terribly wrong from the start

p.s. sorry for poor english

Posted 05 July 2006 - 11:54 PM
Edited by ronin69hof, 05 July 2006 - 11:55 PM.
Posted 06 July 2006 - 12:05 AM
Edited by ronin69hof, 06 July 2006 - 12:06 AM.
Posted 06 July 2006 - 12:14 AM
1. All needed BG's + needed patches
2. BD weidu 1.5 (i've selected to install and text updates, is that bad?)
3. SoS 1.11
4. TDD 1.11
5. CTB 1.8
5.1 Candlekeep Chores 2.0 (from CTB install)
6. TS 6.04.02
7. BGT 1.01
8. DSotSC4BGTWeidu185WM6
9. NTotSC4BGTWeidu145WM6
9.1. BHDSNTpatch4BGT-1 (you will need to download this one)
10. BG1 NPC4 BGT Weidu 111
11. Prologue_v2
12. MulgoreXaviaNPC_v2_BGT
13. IndiraNPC_v71_BGT
14. Unfinished Bussines BG2
15. BPv177
16. BGT tweaks 3
17. BP-BGT-Worldmap v6.3
Virtue_v18 (Don't use this not compatable)
This is close to the order in the install instructions, check that at:-
Posted 06 July 2006 - 09:52 AM
I started a new topic for the most recent updated Installation Instructions. Hopefully this will keep the confusion down about what Versions it's on.
This one is for the latest versions of the BP family of mods, and also includes RoTv2.0 (To clarify: NEJ2v42b+NEJ2v602 Patch+SoSv1.11+TDDv1.11+CtBv1.8+TS-BPv6.04.02+RoTv2.0+BGTv1.01+DSotSCv1.85WM6+NTotSCv1.45WM6+SoBHv2.05) all of which should be installed prior to installing any of the other smaller mods. When the new version of NEJ2 comes out, I'll update the procedure and install order again.

I read the instructions doc attached: Is it necessary to NeJ work, that BGT is installed? (I don't have BG1)
Thank you!
Posted 06 July 2006 - 10:04 AM
I started a new topic for the most recent updated Installation Instructions. Hopefully this will keep the confusion down about what Versions it's on.
This one is for the latest versions of the BP family of mods, and also includes RoTv2.0 (To clarify: NEJ2v42b+NEJ2v602 Patch+SoSv1.11+TDDv1.11+CtBv1.8+TS-BPv6.04.02+RoTv2.0+BGTv1.01+DSotSCv1.85WM6+NTotSCv1.45WM6+SoBHv2.05) all of which should be installed prior to installing any of the other smaller mods. When the new version of NEJ2 comes out, I'll update the procedure and install order again.
Is there still the incompatibility bteween CtB and NeJ?
I read the instructions doc attached: Is it necessary to NeJ work, that BGT is installed? (I don't have BG1)
Thank you!
NEJ2 will work without BGT. My understanding is there are only a few graphics incompatibilities between CtB and NEJ2.
It takes a village...
Posted 06 July 2006 - 10:33 AM
I started a new topic for the most recent updated Installation Instructions. Hopefully this will keep the confusion down about what Versions it's on.
This one is for the latest versions of the BP family of mods, and also includes RoTv2.0 (To clarify: NEJ2v42b+NEJ2v602 Patch+SoSv1.11+TDDv1.11+CtBv1.8+TS-BPv6.04.02+RoTv2.0+BGTv1.01+DSotSCv1.85WM6+NTotSCv1.45WM6+SoBHv2.05) all of which should be installed prior to installing any of the other smaller mods. When the new version of NEJ2 comes out, I'll update the procedure and install order again.
Is there still the incompatibility bteween CtB and NeJ?
I read the instructions doc attached: Is it necessary to NeJ work, that BGT is installed? (I don't have BG1)
Thank you!
NEJ2 will work without BGT. My understanding is there are only a few graphics incompatibilities between CtB and NEJ2.

Posted 07 July 2006 - 03:37 AM
This one is for the latest versions of the BP family of mods, and also includes RoTv2.0 (To clarify: NEJ2v42b+NEJ2v602 Patch+SoSv1.11+TDDv1.11+CtBv1.8+TS-BPv6.04.02+RoTv2.0+BGTv1.01+DSotSCv1.85WM6+NTotSCv1.45WM6+SoBHv2.05)
Can NEJ2v66 installed instead of NEJ2v42b+NEJ2v602 Patch ?
Posted 07 July 2006 - 03:41 AM
This one is for the latest versions of the BP family of mods, and also includes RoTv2.0 (To clarify: NEJ2v42b+NEJ2v602 Patch+SoSv1.11+TDDv1.11+CtBv1.8+TS-BPv6.04.02+RoTv2.0+BGTv1.01+DSotSCv1.85WM6+NTotSCv1.45WM6+SoBHv2.05)
Can NEJ2v66 installed instead of NEJ2v42b+NEJ2v602 Patch ?
I wouldnt, wait for NeJ2v67 to be released before you try to change it.
Posted 08 July 2006 - 07:16 PM
Posted 08 July 2006 - 08:21 PM
I just checked the 05 July 06 file and saw the new component about editing the Baldur.ini file. I didn't do that with my previous installs and I think they worked. How would I know, and it would have to be from memory, if not doing that caused issues for me. In the install I'm in the middle of I didn't do that as I was still working off of the June document, so is this a fix that I could do post BGT100 to the baldur.ini file and have things work or will I need to go back to a pre-BGT backup? And luckily I have one.
I believe that part about editing the baldur.ini file in your Baldur's Gate directory before installing BGT-WeiDU v1.01 was put there due to the problems many people were having with Baldur's Gate related Cd's in the CD-Rom drives, or in their virtual drives, which in some cases caused errors during the BGT install which subsequently woofed the install. All removing the references to the CD's in the baldur.ini does is remove the chance for this error to occur. Fortunately I never had this problem, with either BGTv100 or 1.01, and if you were lucky enough to not have any errors occur during your BGT-WieDU installation, then don't worry about it. You're good. At least to that point.

It takes a village...
Posted 09 July 2006 - 10:55 AM
Time flies - remember death
Posted 09 July 2006 - 12:18 PM
G3 has just released its BG2 fixpack. Anyone want to comment on how this may or may not affect a monster install.
I believe the effect on a monster install should be minimal. The G3 Fixpack includes everything Baldurdash WeiDu includes plus a whole lot more.
As far as where it would be installed at, I think it needs to take the place of Baldurdash - WeiDU. HOWEVER, it is still a Beta release, and one really needs to take that into consideration with their installation until it has had substantially more testing and any further bugs with it have been resolved. One may want to hold off on it's installation until then. That being so stated, I think I'll give it a try,,,

It takes a village...
Posted 09 July 2006 - 02:46 PM

Time flies - remember death
Posted 09 July 2006 - 08:13 PM
I was hoping for a
guinea pigvolunteer. Good luck and let us know how it goes.
Installation note*** If you want to use CtB in your mega installation, don't install the "Super Happy Modder Pack" component of the BG2 Fixpack. It causes a fatal install error in CtB v1.8
It takes a village...
Posted 10 July 2006 - 12:07 AM
Posted 10 July 2006 - 02:51 AM
***EDIT 07/03/06*** I've uploaded a revised version of the Mega Install Instruction with various changes gleaned from all the feedback reports from previous versions. Hopefully it will smooth out any rough spots. SoBHv205FullWM6 is released at SHS mirror, so it is updated with that link plus the new instruction for BGTv101. Includes BGT-NEJ2 oAR0602.baf fix.
Where the SoBHv205FullWM6 can be downloaded from?