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Mega-WeiDU Install Instructions/Latest Versions

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#41 Radier

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Posted 27 June 2006 - 02:30 AM

Ok I am posting this here because you guys seem to know what you are doing.
I shall make a new install without all the large mods because many people
have told me to finnish the game without mods before trying them. So here is the thing:

I have:

*BGT 1.00
*Clear fog of war-mod
*Baldurash 1.5
*The Biggs Tweaks 2.01
*BGT Tweaks v.3
*BG II Tweaks beta 1

Ok, I would realy appreciate an install-order and also suggestions if you have other 'fixmods'
that I ought to know about or if any fixes these mods do are incompatible with eatchother. :)

I am sorry if this wasn't the place to ask these kind of questions but if you can make a
monster install guide I think you also can help me. :cheers:

#42 dragonian

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Posted 27 June 2006 - 02:58 AM

It should be perfectly okay.
First you should install Baldurdash then BGT and after BGT Tweak Packs
I dont know wher Clear fog of war should be placed but i would put it at very end of instalation

#43 erebusant


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Posted 27 June 2006 - 05:36 AM

For all that use the Tweak Packs, BG2-Tweakpack is out which combines G3 Tweakpack/TuTu Tweaks/Ease of Use. I'll update my install shortly.

You sure you want to do that? Its only a Beta right now only released for testing.


I'll give mine a run-through with the components I use first and make sure they work ok. Any feedback anyone else can give about any issues with any of the components is appreciated. It would probably be best for it to be a seperate topic, however.

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#44 ronin

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Posted 27 June 2006 - 11:03 AM

Any bugs found with the new tweak pack would better be posted at G3 in the tweak pack forum.


#45 melkor_morgoth75



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Posted 27 June 2006 - 11:27 PM

Hmmm ... dunnow if i missed something, but looking at your instruction i see both CTB and NEJ, were they NOT compatible each other?


Tired of the same boring spawned creatures u face in BG? Try BGSpawn

#46 dragonian

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Posted 28 June 2006 - 12:24 AM

And again probeably the only incompatibiliti between them are some raphic issues.

#47 5th_horseman

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Posted 01 July 2006 - 05:51 PM

I need some advise, downloaded NeJ2v42b.exe, but it has one corrupt file MxLeinaA.acm. I'm on dialup so i don't really want to download again, can I edit the tp2 file so this is not required? As I understand it this is only the music for Leina. Will the following edit do the job?


COPY ~NeJ2/Leina/music/VPBlank.mus~ ~music/VPBlank.mus~
COPY_EXISTING ~songlist.2da~ ~override~
SET_2DA_ENTRY 0 2 3 ~VPBlank.mus~

MKDIR ~music/MxLeina~
COPY ~NeJ2/Leina/music/MxLeina/MxLeinaA.acm~ ~music/MxLeina/MxLeinaA.acm~
COPY ~NeJ2/Leina/music/MxLeina.mus~ ~music/MxLeina.mus~
ADD_MUSIC ~MxLeina~ ~music/MxLeina.mus~
COPY_EXISTING ~Leina.bcs~ ~override/Leina.bcs~


COPY ~NeJ2/Leina/music/VPBlank.mus~ ~music/VPBlank.mus~
COPY_EXISTING ~songlist.2da~ ~override~
SET_2DA_ENTRY 0 2 3 ~VPBlank.mus~

/*MKDIR ~music/MxLeina~
COPY ~NeJ2/Leina/music/MxLeina/MxLeinaA.acm~ ~music/MxLeina/MxLeinaA.acm~
COPY ~NeJ2/Leina/music/MxLeina.mus~ ~music/MxLeina.mus~
ADD_MUSIC ~MxLeina~ ~music/MxLeina.mus~*/
COPY_EXISTING ~Leina.bcs~ ~override/Leina.bcs~

Will this work without affecting anything, but Leina music or will need to do something else?

#48 erebusant


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Posted 01 July 2006 - 09:24 PM

I need some advise, downloaded NeJ2v42b.exe, but it has one corrupt file MxLeinaA.acm. I'm on dialup so i don't really want to download again, can I edit the tp2 file so this is not required? As I understand it this is only the music for Leina. Will the following edit do the job?


COPY ~NeJ2/Leina/music/VPBlank.mus~ ~music/VPBlank.mus~
COPY_EXISTING ~songlist.2da~ ~override~
SET_2DA_ENTRY 0 2 3 ~VPBlank.mus~

MKDIR ~music/MxLeina~
COPY ~NeJ2/Leina/music/MxLeina/MxLeinaA.acm~ ~music/MxLeina/MxLeinaA.acm~
COPY ~NeJ2/Leina/music/MxLeina.mus~ ~music/MxLeina.mus~
ADD_MUSIC ~MxLeina~ ~music/MxLeina.mus~
COPY_EXISTING ~Leina.bcs~ ~override/Leina.bcs~


COPY ~NeJ2/Leina/music/VPBlank.mus~ ~music/VPBlank.mus~
COPY_EXISTING ~songlist.2da~ ~override~
SET_2DA_ENTRY 0 2 3 ~VPBlank.mus~

/*MKDIR ~music/MxLeina~
COPY ~NeJ2/Leina/music/MxLeina/MxLeinaA.acm~ ~music/MxLeina/MxLeinaA.acm~
COPY ~NeJ2/Leina/music/MxLeina.mus~ ~music/MxLeina.mus~
ADD_MUSIC ~MxLeina~ ~music/MxLeina.mus~*/
COPY_EXISTING ~Leina.bcs~ ~override/Leina.bcs~

Will this work without affecting anything, but Leina music or will need to do something else?

Find MxLeinaA.acm in your NEJ2\backup\8 directory and copy it to NEJ2\Leina\music\MxLeina and then run your installation and it should work just fine.

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#49 5th_horseman

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Posted 02 July 2006 - 12:44 AM

Thanks, I had always though backup directories were for the files the mods altered or replaced when you had to uninstall.

A word of warning, I updated WeiDU from 192 to 194 and used it to install NEJ and recieved a lot's of error's, these are examples:-

This expression has a typo in the second part: Global("AREA_HOSTILE","MYAREA")

This expression has a typo in the second part: *Global*("","")

WeiDU 194 did not anything todo with "MYAREA" and "," . Aborted the install and started over, WeiDu 192 caused no problems.

Edited by 5th_horseman, 02 July 2006 - 01:47 PM.

#50 Vlad

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Posted 03 July 2006 - 12:11 AM

MYAREA along with GLOBAL and LOCALS are the valid identifiers for the variable types in SoA, ToB, IWD and IWD2. Although MYAREA doesn't appear in SoA and ToB, but only in IWD, I have extensively used it in making my mods and found it very useful. In my humble opinion, this is a problem with the new version of WeiDU. In fact, I stopped updating WeiDU after v186 as I feel new updates bring more problems than benefits.

#51 seanas

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Posted 03 July 2006 - 12:17 AM

Thanks, I had always though backup directories were for the files the mods altered or replaced when you had to uninstall.

A word of warning, I updated WeiDU from 192 to 194 and used it to install NEJ and recieved a lot's of error's, these are examples:-

This expression has a typo in the second part: Global("AREA_HOSTILE","MYAREA")

This expression has a typo in the second part: *Global*("","")

WeiDU 194 did not anything todo with "MYAREA" and "," . Aborted the install and started over, WeiDu 192 caused no problems.

answered by thebigg here. it'll be addressed in weidu v195, but is purely cosmetic in any event.

Edited by seanas, 03 July 2006 - 12:18 AM.

"A simple test of the relative merits of science and religion is to compare lighting your house at night by prayer or electricity" - A. C. Grayling
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#52 The Saint

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Posted 03 July 2006 - 12:38 PM

So finally it has all been assembled, and it seems to worl so far. but when I learn a spell I get the BGII experience points in BG 1, which I'm guessing, by the end of BG will make me vastly superior than what inteded was. Is there a way to lower the XP gained from learning spells? I remember this being a part of an earlier BP-BGT

#53 dragonian

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Posted 03 July 2006 - 01:24 PM

a MOD named DefJam which let you lower experience points gained from creature/quest/skill(lockpick,spell learning) to 75/50/25/10 %

#54 Valfar

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Posted 04 July 2006 - 01:34 AM

Where can I find 'BG2_TWEAKS" mod? Is it this one joining EoU/G3Tweaks and others?

and where can I find 'The Biggs Tweaks'?

Edited by Valfar, 04 July 2006 - 02:09 AM.

Posted Image

#55 dragonian

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Posted 04 July 2006 - 02:59 AM

Yes it is the merged EoU and others and can be found on G3.
The Bigg Tweaks can be found on SHS mirror.

#56 dragonfire89

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Posted 04 July 2006 - 02:37 PM

Excuse my ignorance if I really don't know what I'm talking about. But with the new BPv177 is it nessasary to install XVART by itself? Looking at the files included with BP the XVART files are already in their. Don't really know if I know what I'm talking about but thought I'd say it anyway.

#57 Azazello


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Posted 04 July 2006 - 03:52 PM

That's a good question. Finally, the BP readme has been included in the v177 annoucement post, and is confirmed that the village is part of the package.

#58 erebusant


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Posted 04 July 2006 - 10:02 PM

That's a good question. Finally, the BP readme has been included in the v177 annoucement post, and is confirmed that the village is part of the package.

Yes, it's in BP. I just left it in there as a simple auto-updater for the NEJ2 Biffer and NEJ2 and the 602 patch. I'll make an edit to explain it in the body of the post.

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#59 Rubberduck

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Posted 04 July 2006 - 10:51 PM

That's a good question. Finally, the BP readme has been included in the v177 annoucement post, and is confirmed that the village is part of the package.

Yes, it's in BP. I just left it in there as a simple auto-updater for the NEJ2 Biffer and NEJ2 and the 602 patch. I'll make an edit to explain it in the body of the post.

Sorry to ask you erebusant, but i just couldn't figure out wether i still need all those additional fixes and files dealing with the pre BGT 1.01 and WM6.03 status. Actually i'm hoping you'll update your mega install instruction with the now released new versions fo BGT, BP and WM :doh:

For example (right now i don't have acces to my download folder) i remember a file you needed for BGT 1.00 called something like BGH4WM6. Also some NEJ2 files. Do i still need them?

#60 5th_horseman

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Posted 04 July 2006 - 10:59 PM

I would like to use Divine remix in the listed megainstall, but am unsure about TTD and ROT kits best not to use them I think or should I avoid both mods altogether?

Preists of Illmater and Tempus in Nej came from Divine remix, so they should not be a problem. I'll leave out the preist of Sylvanas and go with the druid kits. I've seem the fixes for above 40th level and druid post-weidu 191 fixes. Are there any other pitfalls I should be aware of?

Divine Remix would be best installed after BP and I would like to follow that by the weapon fixes from Ashes of Embersas the final mod, leaving only the SoA banter pack to be install when I reach that part of the game this can uninstalled and reinstalled as required. Can anyone see any problems with format?

I wondered about the Boo familar there is one in Nej and another in UB. Which is the best one to go with? Also Planar Sphere how bad is it as a game breaker, or is it just an issuse about the Centrol and Lady of Pain graphics?