This one is for the latest versions of the BP family of mods, and also includes RoTv2.0 (To clarify: NEJ2v42b+NEJ2v602 Patch+SoSv1.11+TDDv1.11+CtBv1.8+TS-BPv6.04.02+RoTv2.0+BGTv1.01+DSotSCv1.85WM6+NTotSCv1.45WM6+SoBHv2.05) all of which should be installed prior to installing any of the other smaller mods. After you install the smaller mods, install BPv177 prior to installing the different tweaks.
The latest version of NEJ2 (Version 6.7 and above) currently will not install nor is compatible with the BP family of mods. It will break your install so DO NOT use that version with this instruction.
EDIT* Updated WeiDU Log to reflect changes recommended by seanas!

***WARNING*** If you choose to install Refinements it will overwrite your 50th level experience ruleset with it's 41st level ruleset. If you mess around with the XPLEVEL.2DA located in Refinements\Hlab\_shared\copy to adjust it, or try overwriting it with the TDD 50th Level XPLEVEL.2DA before installing Refinements, or if you just copy the TDD 50th Level XPLEVEL.2DA to your override directory after Refinements has run, when you begin a new game your character will begin at 1st level in all classes, with 0 experience points (both normal indications), however all of your classes will be set to -1 for "Next Level", and no matter how many experience points you get, you will never level up. Fix for this is attached below.
***EDIT 07/03/06*** I've uploaded a revised version of the Mega Install Instruction with various changes gleaned from all the feedback reports from previous versions. Hopefully it will smooth out any rough spots. SoBHv205FullWM6 is released at SHS mirror, so it is updated with that link plus the new instruction for BGTv101. Includes BGT-NEJ2 oAR0602.baf fix.
***EDIT 07/04/06*** For those that are wondering about Xvarts still being in the install instruction, Xvarts ARE a part of BPv177 now, but I left that part in the instruction just to be a simple WeiDU auto-updater to WeiDU v192 (Xvarts was the 1st little mod that was released on v192 that I know of). You don't need to install the Xvart mod if you are installing BPv177. Of course, all of your Setup-XXX.exe's get auto-updated to WeiDU v194 now with WMv6 anyway,,,

***EDIT 07/05/06*** Updating Mega Install Instruction as per Weigo.
Megamodifikation-- You may install the worldmap at any point after the mods with worldmap entries (BP, BGT, NeJ, SOS, TDD, TS, ROT, CtB, DSotSC, BH, NTotSC etc.). However to be certain you get all the map links updated continue installation order like we've been doing with worldmap v5. (Ie; Install WMv6 just before running the GUI switcher, just like before.) Installation Instruction has been updated.

***BG2 Fixpack Warning 07/09/06 Resolved with Beta2 Release***
***BG2 Fixpack Warning 07/11/06*** Unfinished Business "Restored Minor Dialogs" component in conjunction with BG2 Fixpack causes AR1303.bcs to become corrupted and thus causes a fatal install error in the AI component of BPv177. (And probably any other mod that does anything with AR1303.bcs) Workaround for this follows: http://forums.gibber...t=0
***EDIT 07/27/06*** There is an issue with DSotSC & Worldmap v6. As soon as you go to The Forest of Lost Souls, all other points on the Worldmap change to "Destination Unreachable". Worldmap issue is resolved (at least on my install) by CLUAConsole:MoveToArea("DSC002") after completing the Banshee. You can go to any other area for that matter, but might as well make it DSC002 to do the next step. Once you are out of DSC004 area "Forest of Forgotten Souls", your Worldmap reverts back to normal operation and you no longer get the "destination unreachable" error message in the scripts.
A permanent fix has been made to resolve the DSotSC WMv6 link and German language issue. Download weigo's fix at: http://www.shsforums...showtopic=21362 . For a fresh installation place the downloads in your BGII-SoA directory, right-click on them and "extract here" before running your DSotSC & NTotSC installations. They will replace your Worldmap folders in those respective directories. If you only want to re-install the worldmap, follow weigo's instructions in the above linked thread. Unfortunately, in order to see the change, a new game will need to be started. I'd recommend fixing your map for the future, and just clua your way out of the "Forest of Forgotten Souls".

***WARNING 08/25/06*** Please do not install Battles or COM Encounters or Dark Ritual except at your own risk as there appear to be unforseen compatibility repurcussions to your game play due to their installation with the other mods in the Mega-Install. Please use the attached WeiDU logs as a base template for your installation.
***WARNING 09/01/06*** BG2 Fixpack/BG1-BG2 Transition Issue. There appears to be an issue with the BG1-BG2 transition when BG2 Fixpack Beta2 is installed. For a temporary Workaround until this is addressed further, open the BG2 Fixpack .tp2 with a text editor and delete the two sections that deal with 1.) AR0602 Pause and Drop Exploit, and 2.) TELE0700 Familiar Exploit. Then install BG2 Fixpack and BGT installs properly and your AR0602 & TELE0700 .bcs's aren't woofed and your BG1-BG2 transition works properly.
Download Links for the Majority of Mods not referenced in the Installation Instructions:
Attached Files
Edited by erebusant, 21 September 2006 - 05:16 AM.