Mega-WeiDU Install Instructions/Latest Versions
Posted 07 August 2006 - 07:16 AM
Posted 08 August 2006 - 11:06 PM
Edited by karpik777, 08 August 2006 - 11:08 PM.
Posted 08 August 2006 - 11:10 PM
The Old Gold - v0.2 WIP (mod for BGT/BWP/BWS)
Posted 09 August 2006 - 12:30 AM

Posted 09 August 2006 - 01:02 AM

Posted 09 August 2006 - 07:30 AM
And now that I actually managed to log in, to the second part of my guestion( to reveal my inexperience ): How does one edit a batch file to fit his own needs? Is it something that anyone can do or only a few selected people who actually understand what all those lines of commands mean? And if it proves to be too hard a task for me can I just skip those biffing parts...
Dunno if it's only for experts but one thing is for sure - it's sure nothing for n00bies

You seem to have the same problem i had some time ago. Do i really need to biffer?
By reading many posts here i found out that you don't. As long as you own a quite fast pc and don't install hundreds of mods you should be fine.
Someone in this forum said "it's nothing for the untrained". So keep your fingers from it cause you'll definetly srew up your install.
Posted 09 August 2006 - 12:14 PM
Posted 10 August 2006 - 10:55 AM
Why is this Hypnotoad video so popu... ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD.
The Gibberlings Three - Home of IE Mods
The BG2 Fixpack - All the fixes of Baldurdash, plus a few hundred more. Now available, with more fixes being added in every release.
Posted 10 August 2006 - 10:59 AM
I see that in your BP_Mega_Install_Instructions_070506 BD-WeiDU installation step goes after NeJ installation, while Vlad say that BD-WeiDU should be installed right after off.patch. Is this change of order intentional? If so, what purpose does it serve?
The Old Gold - v0.2 WIP (mod for BGT/BWP/BWS)
Posted 12 August 2006 - 09:20 AM
Have i screwd up if in the bat file that i created to Biff up my override folder(PreBPoverBiff), if the bat says something like "duplicate file name exists, or the file could'nt be found" I used the template pasted by erebusant. Should I have edited the bat to fit to my install even though I did everything acording to the mega install instructions + chloe NPC.
You'll be fine. The batch file is looking for a file type that doesn't exist (ie; it is trying to biff a .vvc file and you don't have one in your override directory for it to biff). You'll be fine.
It takes a village...
Posted 12 August 2006 - 09:32 AM
I see that in your BP_Mega_Install_Instructions_070506 BD-WeiDU installation step goes after NeJ installation, while Vlad say that BD-WeiDU should be installed right after off.patch. Is this change of order intentional? If so, what purpose does it serve?
Vlad only recommends and supports BD v112 (not BD-WeiDU) with his mods, and directly after the official ToB patch. Seanas recommends installing BD-WeiDU before NEJ2, instead of BD v112. I like to install BD-WeiDU after NEJ2 and the NEJ2v602 patch, because if I install BD-weiDU before NEJ2 I always get a bunch of BCS block not found errors throughout the NEJ2 installation, and that always gives me a bad feeling that my NEJ2 install won't work completely. When I install BD-WeiDU after NEJ2 and it's v602 patch, I only get 3 warnings, and they have to do with characters I don't utilize in the game, so I just feel a bit safer, is all.
It takes a village...
Posted 12 August 2006 - 01:10 PM
I see that in your BP_Mega_Install_Instructions_070506 BD-WeiDU installation step goes after NeJ installation, while Vlad say that BD-WeiDU should be installed right after off.patch. Is this change of order intentional? If so, what purpose does it serve?
Vlad only recommends and supports BD v112 (not BD-WeiDU) with his mods, and directly after the official ToB patch. Seanas recommends installing BD-WeiDU before NEJ2, instead of BD v112. I like to install BD-WeiDU after NEJ2 and the NEJ2v602 patch, because if I install BD-weiDU before NEJ2 I always get a bunch of BCS block not found errors throughout the NEJ2 installation, and that always gives me a bad feeling that my NEJ2 install won't work completely. When I install BD-WeiDU after NEJ2 and it's v602 patch, I only get 3 warnings, and they have to do with characters I don't utilize in the game, so I just feel a bit safer, is all.
yep yep, i'd go further than this - you should be installing the G3 Fixpack immediately after a full BG2 - TOB install. it may well generate errors, as it's not yet out of beta, but it will very soon be the default install. whether you install it before or after NEJ2 is up to you, but like erebusant, i'd suggest you'd have fewer error reports if you install it after NEJ2.
the only problem, and one i haven't looked into, is whether NEJ2 is looking for corrected resources - which would imply that the Fixpack should come prior to NEJ2.
"A simple test of the relative merits of science and religion is to compare lighting your house at night by prayer or electricity" - A. C. Grayling
"EFF files have saves, too." - CamDawg
|| this is radio seanas || BP Series v3 || seanas at work ||
Posted 16 August 2006 - 10:12 PM
I see that in your BP_Mega_Install_Instructions_070506 BD-WeiDU installation step goes after NeJ installation, while Vlad say that BD-WeiDU should be installed right after off.patch. Is this change of order intentional? If so, what purpose does it serve?
Vlad only recommends and supports BD v112 (not BD-WeiDU) with his mods, and directly after the official ToB patch. Seanas recommends installing BD-WeiDU before NEJ2, instead of BD v112. I like to install BD-WeiDU after NEJ2 and the NEJ2v602 patch, because if I install BD-weiDU before NEJ2 I always get a bunch of BCS block not found errors throughout the NEJ2 installation, and that always gives me a bad feeling that my NEJ2 install won't work completely. When I install BD-WeiDU after NEJ2 and it's v602 patch, I only get 3 warnings, and they have to do with characters I don't utilize in the game, so I just feel a bit safer, is all.
yep yep, i'd go further than this - you should be installing the G3 Fixpack immediately after a full BG2 - TOB install. it may well generate errors, as it's not yet out of beta, but it will very soon be the default install. whether you install it before or after NEJ2 is up to you, but like erebusant, i'd suggest you'd have fewer error reports if you install it after NEJ2.
the only problem, and one i haven't looked into, is whether NEJ2 is looking for corrected resources - which would imply that the Fixpack should come prior to NEJ2.
Hello, guys
Recently I performed a megainstall and followed erebusant's instructions. Everything was OK during installation, BUT when I reached Lendor (SoBH) I couldn't enter into some places. The CD 2 was requested to be inserted into drive. Using Infinity Explorer I found that a lot of areas required CD presence. I reported situation here and was suggested to remove all CDs from real and virual drives during installation. After a week of heavy fights with install/unistall procedure I figured out that all that story is because of Baldurash pack was installed after NEJ2. When I reinstalled all and install Baldurash just after SoA+ToB installation and then continue as erebusant described, everything runned good and none of areas requires any CD
Posted 18 August 2006 - 05:31 PM
Posted 19 August 2006 - 12:30 AM
Something I've been wondering for a while ... what on earth is that Ruad Ro'fhessa thing you have installed in your log?
He's another item upgrade location in Waukeen's Promenade.
It takes a village...
Posted 22 August 2006 - 10:00 AM
This expression has a typo in the second part: Global("ForgeStuff","DD3314")
It was desclared a WEIDU problem ("purely cosmetic"), which should have been solved with V195. Well, it still there with this version. Can I still assume this "errors" are no errors ? TDD 1.11, ROT 2.0, Ctb 1.8, BGT 1.01, SOBH 205, DSOTSC 185 produce a lot of these lines. SOS 1.11, TS 6.09, NTOTSC 1.45 don't.
Posted 22 August 2006 - 11:26 AM
Earlier in this topic an "error" during install like the following was reported:
This expression has a typo in the second part: Global("ForgeStuff","DD3314")
It was desclared a WEIDU problem ("purely cosmetic"), which should have been solved with V195. Well, it still there with this version. Can I still assume this "errors" are no errors ? TDD 1.11, ROT 2.0, Ctb 1.8, BGT 1.01, SOBH 205, DSOTSC 185 produce a lot of these lines. SOS 1.11, TS 6.09, NTOTSC 1.45 don't.
Yes, the error reporting by WeiDU did not go away with the change from v194 to v195, but still not to worry about them.
Edited by erebusant, 22 August 2006 - 11:27 AM.
It takes a village...
Posted 23 August 2006 - 07:54 AM
Posted 25 August 2006 - 09:14 AM
WARNING: cannot find block matching [BGTNeJ2/compat/oAR0602.baf]
Firewalker kit component:
WARNING: cannot find block matching [BGTNeJ2/sharteel/scripts/oARAM00.baf]
merchant league component:
WARNING: cannot find block matching [BGTNeJ2/bank/rAR0602.BAF]
I guess it is safe to ignore these warnings (?)
Posted 25 August 2006 - 10:04 AM
Installing BGTNEJ Compatibility patch shows the following warning:
WARNING: cannot find block matching [BGTNeJ2/compat/oAR0602.baf]
Firewalker kit component:
WARNING: cannot find block matching [BGTNeJ2/sharteel/scripts/oARAM00.baf]
merchant league component:
WARNING: cannot find block matching [BGTNeJ2/bank/rAR0602.BAF]
I guess it is safe to ignore these warnings (?)
The fix for the 1st one is part of the install instructions. the 2nd hasn't had a fix identified for it yet. I've never run across the 3rd error.
It takes a village...