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four old mods

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#1 Badgert

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Posted 03 June 2006 - 10:21 AM

I've got four old modes translated in weidu format.
HeartOfTheWood-WeiDU - 14kb
KWolf-NPC-WeiDU - 132kb
DomainsofDread-WeiDU - 178kb
Ghost-WeiDU - 1.6MB
Here is the smallest one. If anybody is interested, I can attach the rest.

Есть 4 старых мода, переделанные в WeiDU-формат.
HeartOfTheWood-WeiDU - 14kb
KWolf-NPC-WeiDU - 132kb
DomainsofDread-WeiDU - 178kb
Ghost-WeiDU - 1.6MB
Я прикрепляю на пробу самый маленький. Если это кому-нибудь интересно, то могу выложить и остальные. Вот только размер самого крупного несколько настораживет :-)

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#2 -Guest-

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Posted 03 June 2006 - 05:54 PM

Thanks Badgert!

Could you (or someone else who knows) give a small summary of each mod, what IE game it goes with,etc?

#3 TheWizard

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Posted 03 June 2006 - 10:29 PM

Absolutely, attach the rest please! If you'd like, I can mirror them on IEGMC as well. ;)

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#4 Badgert

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Posted 03 June 2006 - 11:21 PM

Ok, here goes the rest. All modes are made for BG2, details described in readme files.
Killing wolf - weidu translation made by Badgert
Domains of Dread - weidu translation made by Serdrick
The last mode is too large for attachment. Any ideas about how can I share it?

P.S. To Wizard: thanks for your offer, that would be great.

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#5 Chevalier


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Posted 03 June 2006 - 11:40 PM

I don't see a readme with Domains of Dread

I Ride for the King!

a.k.a. Chev

#6 TheWizard

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Posted 04 June 2006 - 05:11 AM

Email Ghost-WeiDU to me at tw_gk@hotmail.com and I will put it on the IEGMC Mirrors so that others may download it. Thanks in advance! :)

Original Characters and Creatures - http://www.iegmc.org/dnd

#7 Azazello


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Posted 04 June 2006 - 08:33 AM

...details described in readme files...

We have to download the files to read the readmes? :blink: Why not put the descriptions in a post?

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#8 Badgert

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Posted 07 June 2006 - 11:16 PM

Here is their readme:
"Heart of the Wood" (for BGII -Throne of Bhaal)
Contents: This magical stick can summon some powerful forest monsters and creatures (with some new ones from the monsters compedium) to aid your druid in combat, although the overall HD of the summoned creatures is limited to 13. This item can be acquired from Kyland Lind (Druid Grove). You must kill him first for it of course.
Warning: Kyland Ling is going to use the branch against your party!
Note: Only druids can use it!
Have fun using it, I had some making it!

"Domains of Dread".
Here is the brief note: in Adventure's Mart speak to the Utterly Insane Person, he will tell you a riddle, the answer will lead you to a pack of really tough battles. Those who survive will get the reward.

"Killing Wolf NPC"
This is a new NPC as well as a store. He will join your party if you are a certain level or higher. He also has his own store. You cannot access his store items if he is in your party. There is a way to incorporate that function but I removed it as it doesn't seem realistic to be able to access his store while out in the middle of nowhere. His original spot is upstairs in the Five Flagons Inn(ar0511). If you do use him in your party and then drop him, he will go the the Five Flagons. When using his store, you will notice that most of the items are not identified. That is because they are from another game called Fallout. If you know what they are, then purchase them, if not, have fun discovering what they are!

"cbisson's Familiar Pack"
For the past four or five months I have tried so hard to make a new spell which can summon stronger, more powerful familiars that do not actually override the installed ones. I have tried using effects, spells, scripts, everything that I could think of. And none of it worked. I can't even figure out how the real spell (SPWI123) works, never mind what it does. Perhaps some day I will have a breakthrough.
I think the problem- well, not problem but lack of use of, the Find Familiar spell is that the familiars are too valuable to have out in the open. Well, one fireball and they could die. That's a pain in the butt if you lose constitution and don't want to use the ultimate spell Time Redo (reload your save :-)) So I really think that the Familiars should be more powerful than they are because of the fact that Familiars cannot actually increase in level so once you get one, you are stuck with this weak, easily killed rabbit or cat. So stuff him in the pack and forget about him. Well, that's not particularly useful.
Until I or someone else figures out how the darn spell works, I'm publishing these. They are only overrides, so there isn't much to the pack. I really wish I could figure out how the spell Find Familiar works, because if I could, I have big plans for it. Until then, suffer with these!
By the way, I really like the Spotted Lion familiar. I don't think I put him in my pack more than two or three times during the entire game, and he was USEFUL to the party, which is one reason for actually summoning a familiar. So if you want to use any of these regardless of your alignment, just rename your choice to all the other creature files though you should know that the dialogs that familiars use ARE dependant on your alignment so unless you change the dialog, you could run into problems releasing the familiar from your pack.

For the "Ghost" readme-file I did not find.

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#9 TheWizard

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Posted 08 June 2006 - 11:37 PM

Any luck sending the Ghost mod to me, Badgert, or is my Email address proving to be stubborn? Sometimes it can be. :)

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#10 Badgert

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Posted 09 June 2006 - 10:35 PM

I send all modes at monday, 12

#11 Badgert

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Posted 12 June 2006 - 04:57 AM

"The Tortured Soul Quest"
Little mode adding one adventure. In Athkatla graveyard in one of the crypts player will meet a stranger. Next will depend totally on you...

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#12 TheWizard

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Posted 12 June 2006 - 09:26 PM

Excellent, thank you very much for uploading the files to me, Badgert. :) They may now be downloaded from any of the locations below.


Original Characters and Creatures - http://www.iegmc.org/dnd

#13 --wyntermute420--

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Posted 02 July 2006 - 06:17 PM


forgive my noobness, but are these really WEIDU installs? they don't seem like the other WEIDU mods i've found (kelsey, keto, Solafein, etc..), and i can't figure out how to install them.... if i've missed something obvious, flame away. :whistling:

#14 Chevalier


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Posted 02 July 2006 - 06:48 PM

You need to unzip them and maybe rename a copy of weidu.

I Ride for the King!

a.k.a. Chev

#15 Duality


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Posted 02 July 2006 - 06:54 PM

You need to download weidu and rename a copy of weidu to setup-xxxx.exe
Where xxxx is the name of the mod.
Then run that and you should be fine.

#16 --wyntermute420--

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Posted 02 July 2006 - 08:18 PM

You need to download weidu and rename a copy of weidu to setup-xxxx.exe
Where xxxx is the name of the mod.
Then run that and you should be fine.

thank you TONS. that was pretty clear & easy to follow. i haven't tried it yet, but at least i know what to try. i'll be sure to give it a shot before i hit bed tonight. :cheers:

the following is intended to the poster above you - Chevalier: i mean NO offense to you, because i'm glad you tried to help! Really! :D your instructions just didn't do much for me... i didn't know what to rename the file to, and when you said "maybe" i thought "oh man, i'm still clueless!" :) Again, thanks for trying to help! and i hope you take what i just said constructively, cuz i'm not trying to bitch or anything. like i said: N00b here. :D i'll take any help i can get. :Bow:

#17 Chevalier


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Posted 02 July 2006 - 08:48 PM

That is why I shouldn't write manuals, I don't know how much is already known. ;)

I Ride for the King!

a.k.a. Chev

#18 --wyntermute420--

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Posted 02 July 2006 - 09:12 PM

That is why I shouldn't write manuals, I don't know how much is already known. ;)

fair enough. :D leave that for me. I've got an english degree!!! i should be doing some of that manual writing stuff.... you can be the brains, i'll do the heavy lifting/writing? :lol:

#19 -Guest-

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Posted 16 July 2006 - 02:52 PM

I am afraid I am not as adept at figuring some of these things out as others. lol

When you say you must download a copy of Weidu what exactly do you mean? Can a copy of the Weidu installer (or whatever it is called) be included in the download? I have downloaded the files and all I have is a tp2 file. I would like to give the mods a try, but I am technically ignorant as to how to do so.

#20 Duality


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Posted 17 July 2006 - 09:16 AM

I am afraid I am not as adept at figuring some of these things out as others. lol

When you say you must download a copy of Weidu what exactly do you mean? Can a copy of the Weidu installer (or whatever it is called) be included in the download? I have downloaded the files and all I have is a tp2 file. I would like to give the mods a try, but I am technically ignorant as to how to do so.

Go to weidu.org and download the weidu app. (http://www.weidu.org...Windows-195.zip is the direct link)
Or you can take any .exe from another mod that you currently have and rename it.

You download the ghost mod and the folder is called Ghost and the .tp2 file is called setup-ghost.tp2
Either take weidu.exe (that you downloaded) or take any other mods .exe (the exe's that come with mods are simply the weidu app renamed) and rename it to setup-ghost.exe.

Run that and it should install fine. Do the same with any other mods you want to install.

Does that clear things up?

I'm not sure why the downloads don't have an .exe with them already. You would have to ask whoever uploaded them.


Edited by Duality, 17 July 2006 - 09:18 AM.