I: A good overview for myself, cause I got lost myself

II: If you want to suggest an interjection for you think the NPC should really speak up there, you can check if that is already coded
III: I want to give the players of the mod optimal fun capacity.
Suggestions can be made in the appropriate topics.
DO NOT READ IF YOU WANT TO FIND OUT EVERYTHING ON YOUR OWN! This thread contains logical spoilers, though it is not a walkthrough of personal quests and stuff.
Kido v5.2 banter in SoA
* Minsc - 3 times
* Jaheira - 2 times
* Yoshimo - 3 times
* Aerie -3 times
* Anomen - 4 times (2 Knighthood test dependent + for one of them a PC banter)
* Korgan - 3 times (It might be 2, depending on your own 'grip', so to speak)
* Nalia - 2 times
* Jan - 3 times
* Viconia - 3 times
* Haer'Dalis - 3 times
* Keldorn - 1 time (if at all)
* Edwin - 4 times
* Valygar - 3 times
* Mazzy - 2 times
* Cernd - 3 times
* Imoen - 2 times
Kido v5.2 Interjections in SoA
* Just-showing-chaotic-nature interjection (Amn)
* Mad Cleric (Docks District)
* Habib (Docks District)
* Xzar (Docks District)
* React to Xzar's death (Docks District, Jaheira dependent)
* Cyric Cleric Mae'var (Docks District)
* Mae'Var (Docks District)
* Ore Merchant (Waukeen's promenade)
* Spoiled Kid (Waukeen's promenade)
* Black Lotus Dealer (City Gates)
* Belle (Bridge District, Five Flagons Inn)
* Tunderburp (Bridge District, Five Flagons Inn)
* Raelis (Bridge District, Five Flagons Inn)
* Biff the Understudy (Bridge District, Five Flagons Inn)
* Neb (Bridge District)
* Rumar, Tianna and Priss (Slums District, Copper Coronet)
* Cyric Cleric of Slavers Death reaction (Slums)
* Garrick (Temple District) (3 times)
* Talos Acolyte (Temple District)
* Mad thief (Temple District)
* High Watcher Oisig (Temple District, Sewers)
* 3 Temples in Temple District (with different options depending on class, alignment and having said other things before at other temples)
* Wellyn (Graveyard District) (3 times)
* Bodhi's proposal (Graveyard District)
* Alatelo the ryhming mage (Waukeen's promenade)
* Quayle (Waukeen's Promenade, Circus Tent)
* Neeber (Trademeet) (4 times)
* Umar Inhabitant (Umar Hills)
* Mayor of Umar Hills (Umar Hills)
* Kids-wannabe-heroes (Umar Hills)
* Trollcook (Firkraag Dungeon)
* Firkraag (Firkraag Dungeon)
* Seamon (Brynlaw)
* Duel (Brynlaw)
* Desharik (Brynlaw)
* Mad Mage (Brynlaw)
* Drow Inn (Underdark, Ust Nastha)
* Solaufein (Underdark, Ust Nastha)
* Sahuagin (Underdark, City of Caves) (2 times with the high priesteres)
* Yoshimo's betrayel (Spellhold)
* Nalijer Skal interjection (prisoner of Spellhold)
* Aphril (prisoner of Spellhold) (4 times)
* Dili (prisoner of Spellhold)
* Irenicus (within Spellhold)
* Leaving Imoen behind (Spellhold Dungeon)
* Slayer Change (Spellhold)
* Yakkman (SoA) (Watcher's Keep)
* Carston (SoA) (Watcher's Keep) (2 times)
* Conversation before final conflict (Hell)
* First battle Irenicus (Entrance to Tree of Life)
* Irenicus' false death (Tree of Life)
* Reaction to arrival in Hell
Kido v5.2 Banter in ToB
* Minsc - 1 time
* Jaheira - 1 time
* Sarevok - 5 times (2 dependent on Imoens presence and one on redemption of Sarevok)
* Aerie -1 time
* Anomen - 2 times (both Knighthood test dependent + for one of them a PC banter)
* Korgan - 1 time
* Nalia - 2 times
* Jan - 1 time
* Viconia - 1 time
* Haer'Dalis - 2 times
* Keldorn - 1 time (if at all)
* Edwin - 1 time
* Valygar - 1 time
* Mazzy - 1 time
* Cernd - 1 time
* Imoen - 1 time
Kido v5.2 Interjections in ToB
* Reaction to arrival in Saradush
* Volo Biography (Saradush)
* Mellisan (Saradush)
* Gromnir Barrack Orog (Saradush)
* Lazarus (Saradush)
* Yakkman (ToB) (Watcher's Keep)
* Carston (ToB) (Watcher's Keep) (2 times)
* General Jamis Tombelthen (Oasis in Tethyr)
* Balthazar (Amkethran)
* Shepherd (Amkethran)
* Zakee interjection (Amkerthran)
* A Mercenary Captain (Amkethran)
* A small boy (Amkethran)
* Esamon (Amkethran) (2 times)
* Nyalee (Hideout)
* Cyric (Pocket Plane)
* Ascension-related-talk to Player (and it is long!!!! more than one 17" inch screen, with different endings for different alignments) (Throne of Bhaal)
Edited by Deathsangel, 05 December 2007 - 02:50 PM.