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A comprehensive Guide to BP-WeiDu Compatibility

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#101 Azazello


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Posted 30 June 2007 - 07:47 AM

Oh yeah, I remember him doing that. Bad seanas! Bad dog!

I am not sure if that procedure is still needed either (I still use it), but there is no harm in it, is there?, because it just ensures that mods installed after BP use a level-50 extension. Can you think of a scenario where it might interfere with other mods?

#102 -MM-

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Posted 15 December 2007 - 11:19 AM

Hey, I just removed all code from tp2 files of TDD, RoTerror and Big Picture that patch original ToB rules to level 50 ruleset. Also I changed xpcap.2da and xplevel.2da in several mods (Refinements asf.) that patch these files without permission. Can someone please tell me is it safe to start mega mod install with this changes? You will probably ask what's the point of this :) I just can't stand when Edwin got level 50 and Elminster is only 39 o,O

#103 chloemarqz

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Posted 26 November 2009 - 11:22 PM

Why can't we take the 'True Grandmastery' feature, does it cause conflict or is it already included in BD-Weidu?


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#104 -Fern-

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Posted 14 September 2010 - 01:39 PM

Pklease sombedy help me, I"m getting so frustrated with this. I installed G3 bugfixes v4 along with baldurdash, Big Picture, Tortured Souls and Soulfein npc...once I got to plenar Sphere, Telgorias and his friend were undefeatable....I tried to follow the suggestions there, editing the no index reference to MINHP, tried adding those files...nothing helped. I've been using the newest version of BP.

Is there any other way? perhaps I installed the mods in the wrong order? Should I have installed TS BEFORE BG maybe? I installed BG after abnd After BG I also installed that Soulfein guy.

I'd be very grateful for any help because I"m really getting desperate. I've saved my save file from Umar Hills from before I met Valygar and will reinstall but I would be really obliged for a second opinion.

Thank you....

#105 Chevalier


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Posted 14 September 2010 - 03:31 PM

Hold on! Not sure if I can help, but if you reinstall your old save will be broken! Please start a new topic here or more likely here here. Please post your WeiDU.log in the New post.

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#106 Fern

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Posted 14 September 2010 - 04:32 PM

Hold on! Not sure if I can help, but if you reinstall your old save will be broken! Please start a new topic here or more likely here here. Please post your WeiDU.log in the New post.

Thank you! I'll do just that!

#107 Lareth the Infamous

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Posted 05 September 2011 - 07:48 PM

Hello everyone, new poster here.  I've trolled the site for a while, and have learned a great deal about the mods and compatibility issues over the years.  I have a few easy (??) questions about compatibility that I thought could get answered.  Please bear in mind I'm not a strong computer user.

I am planning to use the Big Picture mod along with a slew of other mods.  I know that other 'script' mods are a no-no, so there won't be any of those added (shame too - I really liked COM - Encounters).

1. However, I can't tell from all the info I've read on the site if Big Picture is compatible with any other Mega Modification mods - specifically, Check the Bodies (v. 1.13), and Secret of Bone Hill (v. 2.75).  I was thinking, it might be ok to install these monster-mods *IF* I install them BEFORE Big Picture, but I want to hear what you guys say first, before I screw my install or something.

I haven't seen the topic discussed before, which surprises me.  The vast majority of compatibility questions are concerning 'tactics' mods, for the most part.

2. There are a number of great mods being discussed on the site, whose names keep coming up over and over again.  However, because of the peculiarities of these mods, there are occasional compatibility issues.  

My (admittedly off-the-wall) question is; is there any chance these (troublesome but great) mods shown below will ever be 'bundled' with Big Picture in order to remove many of these crashes and other problems??  The mods in question are the usual suspects:

a. Any tweak pack I ever saw (includes item upgrade and under-reported item mods)
b. Any fixpack I ever saw
c. Unfinished Business        (v. 19)
d. Rogue rebalancing pack     (v. 445)
e. Expanded Thief Stronghold  (v. 2.8)
f. Oversight mod              (v. 13.0)
g. Ajoc's mini-mod            (v.
h. Longer Road                (v. 1.5)
i. Virtue                     (v. 1.9) - possibly older version here
j. Freedom's Reign / Reign of Virtue  (v. 7.1)

I just thought it would be perfect if one day the above mods were all bundled into BP, think of all the compatibility discussions that would no longer be necessary!  Of course, I play around with a much larger number of mods, but the ones I just listed seem to have the most players talking - It'd be perfect if they could be a part of BP, imo.

3. As far as fixpacks and tweak packs are concerned, is there at least one of each that you modders could recommend?  

4. Last but not least.  Should I be adding specific mod files to my override folder only when the mod readme says to?  Not being a strong computer user, I tend to do EXACTLY what the readme says, BUT...sometimes the readme is missing, poorly written, or the author assumes the user knows exactly where to put the game files to begin with.  Is it safe for me to assume that I should never add anything to the override folder unless the readme says so?  Sorry for the newbie-ish question, but it had to be asked.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to running these new mods - and i do mean new - nearly all of them are fresh downloads complete with a lot of newly updated mods (I'm kinda picky about the mod version).

Thank you in advance if you know the answers to above, or just want to speculate.

#108 Jarno Mikkola

Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 06 September 2011 - 02:31 AM

2. ...
My (admittedly off-the-wall) question is; is there any chance these (troublesome but great) mods shown below will ever be 'bundled' with Big Picture in order to remove many of these crashes and other problems?? The mods in question are the usual suspects:

Nope. See the BPv180b is a bundle of old mods yes, but today the Big Picture dream is carried by the BiG World Project(totally outdated topic) with it's own temporarily flawed setup, as it needs manual update, and the BiG World .pdf files in English, Spanish & German.

And if you look, the BPv180b is one option to be installed with the other 300...

Edited by Jarno Mikkola, 06 September 2011 - 02:32 AM.

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#109 Lareth the Infamous

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Posted 06 September 2011 - 07:57 PM

Thank you for the quick reply, Jarno.  

"today the Big Picture dream is carried by the BiG World Project"

I am a bit confused by this statement.  Does this mean that no one cares about Big Picture much now, and it's all this 'Big World Project?'  

Anyways, since Check the Bodies doesn't have any scripts that I am aware of, I don't think it would hurt to install it as long as I install it first.  "Secret of Bone Hill' is another matter, because I'm worried it might screw up the world map or something.  I'm going to go back and check the readme files on these mods.  I have become overly dependent on mod descriptions from websites and hearsay.

I was a bit disappointed to hear that no one would consider bundling the 'troublesome' mods I mentioned in my last post with Big Picture.  Of course, whole sections of some mods might have to be deleted to make them compatible, but isn't Big Picture a compatibility mod to begin with?  

Actually, I would think the real problem with all this combining and bundling would be with the original mod creators - having a problem with their mod being altered so that it could be 'absorbed' into the Big Picture mod.  Still, it's a shame.

I'm anxious for more of you guys to speak up. No need to be shy - my questions are super easy.   :)

Edited by Lareth the Infamous, 06 September 2011 - 07:57 PM.

#110 Jarno Mikkola

Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 06 September 2011 - 08:49 PM

Does this mean that no one cares about Big Picture much now, and it's all this 'BiG World Project?'

Pretty much yeah, see it's better, bigger & more up to date and all that. As the idea was not to combine mod contents, but allow them to be fitted to the frame while all things can be still not installed. So you can choose to install one mod component from here, one from there and so forth.

While, the BP evolved to be the BP AI and the add-on mods.

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#111 agb1

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Posted 20 November 2015 - 07:49 PM

I'm updating conflicts for Big World Setup and I see an entry that doesn't make much sense to me:


Previous BP version incompatibility=C:Tactics(2|4|5|6|7|10|12|16|19|20|21|23|24|25|28|29|35|36):BP(35)


BP 35 is the 'add bags of holding and throwing daggers' component.  Are all of those Tactics components incompatible with BP v181?


For reference, all Tactics components:


@0=Improved Ilyich (requires ToB)
@1=The Ritual (requires ToB)
@2=Improved TorGal and De'Arnisse Keep
@3=Improved Sahuagin City
@4=Improved Bodhi
@5=Improved Irenicus
@6=Improved Guarded Compound in the Temple District
@7=Improved Twisted Rune
@8="Kuroisan", the Acid Kensai
@9="Red Badge" Poison-Based Encounter
@10=Gebhard Blucher's Improved Mae'Var
@11=Gebhard Blucher's Lich in the Docks
@12=Gebhard Blucher's Improved Demon Knights
@13=Kensai Ryu's Tougher Kangaxx and Guardians
@14=Kensai Ryu's Gnome Fighter/Illusionist in the Docks
@15=Kensai Ryu's Improved Crypt King
@16=Ishan's "Always Toughest Random Spawns in Dungeons"
@17=Gebhard Blucher's Random City Encounters
@18=Kensai Ryu's Random Wilderness Encounters
@19=Improved Undead
@20=Improved Golems
@21=Gebhard Blucher's Improved Mind Flayers
@22=Smarter Dragons in SoA
@23=Smarter Beholders
@24=Kensai Ryu's Smarter Vampires
@25=Slightly Smarter Mages and Liches
@26=Fighter-Class Archer Kit
@27=Anti-Paladin Kit
@28=Göran Rimén's Improved Nymphs
@29=Kensai Ryu's Improved Copper Coronet
@30=SimDing0's Improved Oasis
@31=Mike Barnes' Improved Small Teeth Pass
@32=Mike Barnes' Improved North Forest
@33=Mike Barnes' Marching Mountains
@34=Slightly Tougher Demons
@35=Tougher Druid Grove
@36=Tougher Fire Giants
@37=Streamlined Trolls
Any advice welcome.  Thanks!

BiG World Fixpack (community collection of mod fixes and compatibility patches, with user-friendly cross-platform script)


BiG World Setup (tool to automate best-practice installation of Infinity Engine mods on Windows, with conflict analysis)

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#112 micbaldur


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Posted 20 November 2015 - 08:18 PM

Well, if you read BP readme  :whistling: you might notice that Horred updated/rewrote overwriting code and added those components to BP. :D  So those Tactics components are obviously not compatible with BP, couple Tactics components can be used with BP.


From BP readme:


CHARNAMEs excellent adventures in the world of BWP expert-install here


Thanks to Leonardo Watson for making this possible

#113 agb1

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Posted 20 November 2015 - 08:24 PM

We have conflicts entries in BWS for each of the individual Tactics components that are also in BP.  That's why I'm puzzled by the "Previous BP version incompatibility" and BP component 35 conflict entry.  I guess it's just a mistake?

BiG World Fixpack (community collection of mod fixes and compatibility patches, with user-friendly cross-platform script)


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#114 micbaldur


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Posted 20 November 2015 - 08:38 PM

Well current BWP 15.4 pdf says:

Skipping Component installation - already included with Big Picture mod.
This component may or may not be compatible with SCS's "Smarter Priests". Try at own risk.
The Faldorn part ovelaps with SCS's Improved Faldorn

for component 35 "Tougher Druid Grove"


I have:

~SETUP-TACTICS.TP2~ #0 #3 // Improved Sahuagin City: v25; Lol's Update to v26
~SETUP-TACTICS.TP2~ #0 #32 // Mike Barnes' Improved North Forest: v25; Lol's Update to v26
~SETUP-TACTICS.TP2~ #0 #37 // Streamlined Trolls: v25; Lol's Update to v26

~SETUP-TACTICS.TP2~ #0 #26 // Fighter-Class Archer Kit: v25; Lol's Update to v26
~SETUP-TACTICS.TP2~ #0 #27 // Anti-Paladin Kit: v25; Lol's Update to v26

from tactics components installed and almost all BP components.

CHARNAMEs excellent adventures in the world of BWP expert-install here


Thanks to Leonardo Watson for making this possible

#115 agb1

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Posted 20 November 2015 - 08:56 PM

Thanks.  I will disable that conflict line for now.

BiG World Fixpack (community collection of mod fixes and compatibility patches, with user-friendly cross-platform script)


BiG World Setup (tool to automate best-practice installation of Infinity Engine mods on Windows, with conflict analysis)

Latest version:    https://bitbucket.or.../get/master.zip

#116 Quiet

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Posted 02 December 2015 - 01:25 AM

Dig deeper. The problem is not in BP or Tactics mod, but in BWFixpack. Once upon a time when BP was consisted not from a tens of components, but only one component, for better compatibility with the Tactics was created a fix. It checks for the presence in game folder BPBAG04.ITM file (which adds by BP of course) and skips the corresponding Tactics' components. Now, after separation BP into components, BPBAG04.ITM adds by BP's component #35 'add bags of holding and throwing daggers', which has nothing common with Tactics' components. But for some reason this fix is still included in the BWFixpack and therefore BWS is still present this strange conflict, allowing to avoid the pile of questions on the topic "Why I can not install a particular Tactics' component if I did not install the tactical components of BP?".

#117 Lollorian


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Posted 02 December 2015 - 09:01 AM

Lol that was stupid :doh: I'll regenerate the patch this weekend with proper GAME_IS and MOD_IS_INSTALLED predicates :)

"I am the smiley addict, yellow and round, this is my grin :D when I'm usually around :P.
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#118 agb1

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Posted 02 December 2015 - 09:27 AM

While you're at it, the Improved Irenicus in Tactics appears to have no conflict in current BP.

BiG World Fixpack (community collection of mod fixes and compatibility patches, with user-friendly cross-platform script)


BiG World Setup (tool to automate best-practice installation of Infinity Engine mods on Windows, with conflict analysis)

Latest version:    https://bitbucket.or.../get/master.zip

#119 Lollorian


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Posted 05 December 2015 - 09:23 AM

Ok revised patch is up :)


For reference, BP v181-4611's component list:



Components which I recommend to "mark as Expert" are because they overwrite like hell.


Also, recommend installing BP components over corresponding conflicting Tactics components by rule-of-new.

When I say "no conflicts", I specifically mean no conflicts with only BP



Improved Ilyich - conflicts with 440 & 450 (mark as expert)

The Ritual - conflicts with 1450

Improved TorGal - conflicts with 1315

Improved Sahuagin City - no conflict

Improved Bodhi - conflicts with 1030, 1050 & 1070

Improved Irenicus - no conflict

Improved Guarded Compound - conflicts with 1100

Improved Twisted Rune - no conflict

"Kuroisan", the Acid Kensai - conflicts with 1250

"Red Badge" Poison-Based Encounter - conflicts with 1425

Gebhard Blucher's Improved Mae'Var - conflicts with 1300

Gebhard Blucher's Lich in the Docks - conflicts with 1275

Gebhard Blucher's Improved Demon Knights - conflicts with 375 (mark as expert)

Kensai Ryu's Tougher Kangaxx - conflicts with 1225 (mark as expert)

Kensai Ryu's Gnome Fighter/Illusionist in the Docks - conflicts with 1175 (mark as expert)

Kensai Ryu's Improved Crypt King - conflicts with 1120 (mark as expert)

Ishan's "Always Toughest Random Spawns in Dungeons" - no conflict (mark as expert)

Gebhard Blucher's Random City Encounters - conflicts with 1400

Kensai Ryu's Random Wilderness Encounters - conflicts with 1400

Improved Undead - conflicts with 900

Slightly Smarter Golems - conflicts with 600

GB's Improved Mind Flayers - conflicts with 700

Smarter Dragons - conflicts with 400

Smarter Beholders - conflicts with 350

Smarter Vampires - conflicts with 1030, 1040, 1050, 1060 & 1070

Smarter Mages - conflicts with 500

Generic Archer Kit - no conflicts

Anti-Paladin Kit - no conflicts

Göran Rimén's Improved Nymph - no conflicts

Kensai Ryu's Improved Copper Coronet - conflicts with 1100

SimDing0's Improved Oasis - no conflicts

Mike Barnes's Improved Small Teeth Pass - conflicts with 1525

Mike Barnes's Improved North Forest - no conflicts

Mike Barnes's Marching Mountains - no conflicts

Slightly Tougher Demons AI - conflicts with 375

Tougher Druid Grove - conflcits with 1140

Tougher Fire Giants - conflicts with 2600

Streamlined Trolls - no conflicts (consider recommending a certain component in polytweaks over this one though)

"I am the smiley addict, yellow and round, this is my grin :D when I'm usually around :P.
When there's trouble brewing, see me post, cuz it's usually a wall o' yellow and your eyes are toast!!!"


GitHub Links : BWP Fixpack | Lolfixer | BWP Trimpack | RezMod

#120 agb1

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Posted 05 December 2015 - 11:22 AM

Ok revised patch is up :)


Improved Sahuagin City - no conflict

No conflict with BP 750 either?


Improved Twisted Rune - no conflict

No conflict with BP 150 either?


Kensai Ryu's Tougher Kangaxx - conflicts with 1225 (mark as expert)

Does Dark Side of Amn #7 also overwrite files?


Kensai Ryu's Gnome Fighter/Illusionist in the Docks - conflicts with 1175 (mark as expert)

Does Dark Side of Amn #5 also overwrite files?


Kensai Ryu's Improved Crypt King - conflicts with 1120 (mark as expert)

Does Dark Side of Amn #3 also overwrite files?


Smarter Vampires - conflicts with 1030, 1040, 1050, 1060 & 1070

Not also BP 1080 and 1090?


Streamlined Trolls - no conflicts (consider recommending a certain component in polytweaks over this one though)

No conflict with BP 875?  Does this conflict with SCS 8030?


I have a commit ready with these changes.  Thanks for the analysis!

Edited by agb1, 05 December 2015 - 11:35 AM.

BiG World Fixpack (community collection of mod fixes and compatibility patches, with user-friendly cross-platform script)


BiG World Setup (tool to automate best-practice installation of Infinity Engine mods on Windows, with conflict analysis)

Latest version:    https://bitbucket.or.../get/master.zip