Since it was suggested by one of the parties involed that there is not a "modding code of ethics" (be damned if I can find this one now ) I think we are free to proceed.
Let's not forget this:
5- In general, the incompatibility cases are really few, rare and negligible.
Since the author pretty much said that the following mods are "negligible":
Beyond the Law
Kelsey ToB
Kivan and Deheriana
Sheena - Sadly this one is even hosted byt he same site no less....
The Longer Road
Weimer's Item Upgrade
Some other released and unreleased mods I am unaware of. Xan ToB among them, possibly.
(thanks for the list, kulyok!)
It seems everyone except for the author cares abotu compatability
... I thought it might work if we banded together to fix this mod. I don't know about everyone else, but when quite a few of these mods are staples and well established mods, there would be no harm in fixing another author's work. I view intentional incompatability as a bug.
Look, another quote:
I haven't seen anything such as "Hey Sikret, I'll make the changes instead of you, do you want me to?". Making a sacrifice for others, and for a community. This is what lacks in the current world. People are clever, love to comment stuff, and that's it. I don't doubt the importance of contructive criticism and suggestions, but as I said in one of my previous posts, not every post falls into the aforementioned categories.
Besides, seems fixing the mod is everyone's job but the author. Besides, the main people involved in making the mod are too busy
Besides, I like this idea better then the alternative that was suggested modders having to participate in an add-on that is compatable with their mods in form of a patch for this mod.
Nonetheless, I repeat my offer. If authros of such mods want their item upgrade to be compatible with Improved Anvil, I will happily agree to add their items to Improved anvil if they contact me.
This mod as-is might as well be coded in .iap format. It's like we are traveling back in time to the pre-weidu days. When install orders, and compataibility threads (which do not exist in the case) were required.