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Seeking Feedback on This BGT Install

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#1 Torvald

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Posted 02 April 2006 - 09:42 AM

Okay, yes, adding lots of mods can sometimes bust more than my diet, but I haven't played BG2 for a year, so wanted to spice it up a bit with trying a monster mod install based on BGT, NEJ2 & BP. :devil:

Here is the whopping big install I'm planning to use, and am posting it for your feedback. Please let me know if I've accidentally omitted any needed compatibility patches or am trying to install something out of order. Please also let me know if you think any of the extra mods I've tried to stuff into this sausage are too gristly or boring and should be pulled from the list. :doh:

Basic Game Files & Patches:
1. Baldur?s Gate
2. Tales of the Sword Coast
3. Bioware Patch 5512 (only 5-disk set needs patching ? the 3-disk set is OK ?as-is?)
4. Baldur?s Gate 2, Shadows of Amn (SoA)
5. Baldur?s Gate 2 Expansion, Throne of Bhaal (ToB)
6. Bioware Official Patch v26498

Most WeiDu Mods:
7. **Run ?weidu.exe ?update-all? to update all the weidu setup files before running them**
8. Baldurdash WeiDu v1.5
9. Never Ending Journey 2 v4.2b (Quest pack from Ascension 64)
10. NEJ2 v602 patch (or is it v6.0b ?)
11. NEJ2 v3 biffer
12. *** Special edit of the NEJ2 .tp2 file, as follows:

open Setup-NEJ2.tp2 with yr favourite text editor (notepad works fine) and remove the following lines:

?CODEREQUIRE_FILE ~Data/25Dialog.bif~ ~Please install "Throne Of Bhaal" and the official ToB patch before installation of this mod.~
REQUIRE_FILE ~override/Animate.ids~ ~Please install the official ToB patch before installation of this mod.~
REQUIRE_FILE ~override/MusicList.ids~ ~Please install the official ToB patch before installation of this mod.~
REQUIRE_FILE ~override/CLASS.ids~ ~Please install the official ToB patch before installation of this mod.~
REQUIRE_FILE ~override/AreaType.ids~ ~Please install the official ToB patch before installation of this mod.~
REQUIRE_FILE ~override/Spell.ids~ ~Please install the Baldurdash fixpack before installation of this mod.~?

13. BGT-NEJ2 WeiDu compatibility mod v1 (3/16/06)
14. *** Special edit of the BGT-NEJ2 compatibility mod .tp2 file, as follows:

The following lines #8402-05 must be removed from Setup-BGT.tp2

READ_2DA_ENTRY 0 1 2 "slot_name"
SET_2DA_ENTRY 0 1 2 "%slot_name%"+1 //NEXT_AVAILABLE_MOD_SLOT?

15. DSotSC v181 Full ? Dark Side of the Sword Coast
16. NTotSC v142 Full ? Northern Tales of the Sword Coast
17. BG1NPC4BGT WeiDu v111 ? BG1 NPC stuff
18. BG1NPC Music ? NG1 NPC Music
19. Prologue v2 ? Restored prologue textscreen music for BGT-WeiDu
20. BGT-WeiDu Tweak Pack v3 (03/16/06)
21. Ease of Use v32 -- Use old BP rules for Ease of Use options (Install Before NPC Flirt Packs)
>> Install ONLY the following: Infinite weapon/potion/ring/amulet stacking (SoA & ToB), wear magic armor & magic rings, allow multi-player NPC?s to ?wait here? when kicked out, turn off hideous cloak of mirroring, unlimited bag of holding (blucher), Imoen ToB dialogue fix, and female Edwina) (Do NOT install option #5)
22. Crusader Kit Pack v4 (Additional Paladin kits)
23. Wild Mage Kit v14
24. Druidic Sorceror kit
25. Westley Weimer?s Ascension v1.4.21 (New ending to ToB ? tougher, with Irenicus & Bodhi)
26. Freedom?s Reign & Reign of Virute v3 (Two additional shops)
27. Improved Horns of Valhalla v1.2
28. Tzshop (Magnificent Magic Shop) v.01 (I have lite version ? need the full version)
29. Ruad v19 (A brand new blacksmith who forges item upgrades, plus a few brand new items)
30. Underrepresented Items v4 (brings some items from Icewind Dale - darts, maces, halberds)
31. Munch Mod v2.6 (Adds a new wandering peddler, plus alters existing stores and creatures)
32. Exnem Vault Add-ons v5 (adding items to creatures may sometimes not work)
33. Sorcerer?s Place Items ? (Except not Davorans Spell Pack & Shadow Demon?s Spell (Installed only the SP Item Pack)
34. Item Upgrade v32 (allows Cromwell and Cespenar to upgrade additional items)
35. ** Cespy Audio files for Item Upgrade (Can sometimes be too confusing to install)
36. Ajoc?s Minimod v1.6 (Adds a somewhat tongue-in-cheek quest)
37. Planar Sphere v2.22 (min-quests, new spells, and adds a Mage stronghold)
38. Planar Sphere Return v2 (allows player to return to sphere without travel)
39. Key Ring v2
40. Priest Rings v0 (Adds two new Priest rings)
41. Forgotten Wars Items v1.0
42. Selune Armory v1 (A collection of defensive items for Baldur's Gate II)
43. Bag Bonus v1 (Adds a a potion case and an ammo belt to Deidre's in Adventurer?s Mart)
44. Ribald?s Genie v1.0 (Able to teleport to Adventurers Mart to sell items to Ribald-talk5x)
45. Rastor?s RPG Item Pack v2 (Adds some new items)
46. Imoen Romance v1.2
47. Imoen Romance patch v1.201
48. Dark Ritual v1.01 (Adds a store ? don?t use Improved Harper Fight or Cult of Unseeing Eye)
49. Unfinished Business v14 (Except not Valygar/Suna Set, Justifier Kit or Feralan Kit)
50. Shards of Ice v2 (Some additional silly mods)
51. Quest Pack v2.21 (Dialogue = Yes? Combat Enhancement = No?)
52. Oversight v7 (Except not Tougher Sendai (ToB), Cleric Kits, Monk High Level HLA Abilities, and Holy Liberator)
53. G3 Tweak Pack v18 (But do not install SoA worldmap fix, improved Athkatla City Guard, or Identify Everything) (I also skipped helmet animations)
54. New NPC - Tsujatha v10 (Elf ? Evil Necromancer & Romance)
55. New NPC ? Yasraena v7 (Drow ? Female/Good ? she likes to argue over romances)
56. New NPC ? Saerilith v10 ? (Outer planar Paladin human female ? romanceable)
57. New NPC ? Indira v7.1 ? (half-elven, lawful good fighter/mage, lots of very good banters)
58. New NPC ? Finch v2 (Gnome, female neutral good cleric)
59. New NPC ? Murneth v5 (Chaotic evil ooze shapechanger)
60. BG1 NPC Banter v11 (Additional banters for BG1 NPCs)
61. New NPC ? Solaufein v101 (Drow ? Fighter/Mage
62. New NPC ? Yikari v1.1 (Human ? Monk)
63. New NPC ? Hubelpot vBeta1.1 (Human ? Druid)
64. New NPC ? Ghareth v1 (Human ? Fighter/Mage)
65. New NPC ? Kitanya v6.21 (Elf - Wizard Slayer)
66. New NPC ? Tashia v2.05 (Female Elven Sorceress)
67. (***) Install at BG2 - Banter Packs v6 (Adds 50 new banters & adds new inventions for Jan)
68. NPC Flirt v1.01 (Must be installed after Ease of Use)
69. Crossmod Banter v4 (Adds banters & allows only one player romance at a time)
70. AbyStore v2.1 (Unusual Oddities Shop)
71. Mazzy the Paladin v0
72. Jerry Zinger Show v1
73. Shards of Ice v2 (Adds some quests in an Icewind Dale setting)
74. One Pixel Productions v2

The Big Picture WeiDu
75. Big Picture WeiDu v176 (Without Ascension option)

Remaining BG2 WeiDu Mods
76. Song and Silence v1 (Improves Bards & Thieves, and adds more character kits)
77. Phaere?s NPC Portraits v4
78. Redemption v1.2 (New ending to ToB ? allows you to resurrect Irenicus as a friendly NPC)
79. Refinements v3.02 (Install before mix mod, because of shape-shifting option)
80. Mix Mod v5 (Increased ammo, potion, gem, scroll stacking, etc.)
81. Install at BG2 - New NPC ? Keto SoAv2 (Human ? Bard)
82. Ding0s Tweak Pack v16 (Miscellaneous tweaks)
83. Defjam v3 (Experience Tweaker)
84. Longer Road v1.5 (Restores Irenicus as a ToB NPC)
85. BP-BGT Worldmap fix v5
86. Then -- Run ?Setup-GUI.exe? to install your preferred BG2 GUI interface

Thanks in advance! :wub:

"My wife says I have the body of a God - Buddha!"

#2 seanas

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Posted 03 April 2006 - 01:57 AM

looks pretty good: it's gonna take hours to install it all tho :P

some comments:


25. Westley Weimer’s Ascension v1.4.21 (New ending to ToB – tougher, with Irenicus & Bodhi)

there's no need to install this at all unless yr installing some mods which require Ascension before you install BP (a greatly improved versions - ie, a non-broken version - of Ascension is part of BP). unless i'm blind, yr not doing so, so: leave this out.


27. Improved Horns of Valhalla v1.2

this is also included in BP, altho it won't make any difference if you install it or not.


49. Unfinished Business v14 (Except not Valygar/Suna Set, Justifier Kit or Feralan Kit)
51. Quest Pack v2.21 (Dialogue = Yes? Combat Enhancement = No?)
53. G3 Tweak Pack v18 (But do not install SoA worldmap fix, improved Athkatla City Guard, or Identify Everything) (I also skipped helmet animations)

Valygar/Suna Seni is fully compatible with this install (it was only ever TS it had conflicts with); you can install kits if you want, as yr not installing TDD. Sim has said that there's no problem installing the combat enhancements of the quest pack - they'll get overwritten or patched by BP later on anyway. install or not as you choose. G3Tweaks is best left until after BP.


80. Mix Mod v5 (Increased ammo, potion, gem, scroll stacking, etc.)

G3Tweaks does - as far as i know - a much better job of patching all bags/ item stacking: install G3Tweaks here instead, and skip the Mix Mod.

with Redemption and Longer Road, you'll need to manually edit yr SONGLIST.2DA after yr install is finished to avoid a fatal CTD: see asc64's advice here for what you'll need to do.

Edited by seanas, 03 April 2006 - 01:57 AM.

"A simple test of the relative merits of science and religion is to compare lighting your house at night by prayer or electricity" - A. C. Grayling
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|| this is radio seanas || BP Series v3 || seanas at work ||

#3 horred the plague

horred the plague

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Posted 03 April 2006 - 04:32 AM

In the future, please use the BP-BGT forum for your monster installation agenda.

Edited by horred the plague, 03 April 2006 - 04:34 AM.

#4 Torvald

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Posted 03 April 2006 - 05:03 AM

horred the plague, on Apr 3 2006, 07:32 AM, said:

In the future, please use the BP-BGT forum for your monster installation agenda.

Sorry! My mistake. :doh:

I'll contact the moderators and see if they can move this to the BP-BGT forum. :whistling:

Thanks for alerting me.

P.S. Once upon a time, I played an install of Big Picture with several mods on top that added more stores & items, but some of the items were unreasonably powerful. I do like extra stuff (note the size of my install), but not the extra super-cheese items. Are you able to tell if any of the mods I'm trying to install are the ones with the too powerful items? :blink:

Thanks again!

"My wife says I have the body of a God - Buddha!"

#5 UndeadsRUs

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Posted 03 April 2006 - 06:14 AM

Exnems has some overpowered items if I remember accurately...I think there was a ring of instant casting time, a ring of protection +10, some crazy swords, and spells. I think it was Medusa's Gaze, lvl 7, all enemies in area must save vs. death at -28 or be petrified. Slightly overpowered I think.

#6 Creepin

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Posted 03 April 2006 - 10:01 AM

Indeed, Exnem is a hell of cheese, I recommend you avoid it completely unless you like swords of +10Thac0 & 25Str :)
Other item/item upgrade mods here are more or less in line.

The Old Gold - v0.2 WIP (mod for BGT/BWP/BWS)

#7 ronin

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Posted 03 April 2006 - 10:23 AM

Just because some of the items are overpowered does not mean that all the items are so if its overpowered just drop it or dont buy it and enjoy the items that are not overpowered.


#8 Ascension64

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Posted 04 April 2006 - 02:42 AM

Don't edit SONGLIST.2DA unless it REALLY DOES cause the game to not start.

Retired Modder
Note: I do not respond to profile comments/personal messages in regards to troubleshooting my modifications. Please post on the public forums instead.

Baldur's Gate Trilogy-WeiDU and Mods
Throne of Bhaal Extender (TobEx)

Contributions: (NWN2) A Deathstalker (voice acting) - (IWD2) IWD2 NPC Project (soundset editing) - (Misc) SHS PC Soundsets (voice acting)
Legacy: (BG/Tutu/BGT) Beregost Crash Fixer 1.9 (18 Jul 10) - (BG2) Enable conversations with charmed/dominated creatures (18 Jul 10) - (BG2) Experience Corrections (18 Jul 10) - (Misc) Platform Conversion Utility RC2 (13 Feb 10)

#9 pro5

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Posted 04 April 2006 - 03:41 AM

1) Umm.. maybe I'm blind, but where's BGT itself on your installation sequence? It should go before #13 - BGT-NeJ2 compatibility mod. And you only need to edit BGT's tp2, not BGT-NeJ2 tp2.

2) Nej-Biffer v3 should replace step #9 - it must be run instead of v4.2b installer. Then install the v6.02 patch.

3) You're planning to install BOTH Longer Road and Redemption ? I don't think they are supposed to go together, the readme file for Longer Road clearly states these two mods are not compatible.

I'm kinda suprised nobody noticed any of these before me... :blink: :blink: :blink:
Or am I terribly wrong and this installation will work? :cheers:

Edited by pro5, 04 April 2006 - 03:42 AM.

#10 horred the plague

horred the plague

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Posted 04 April 2006 - 04:02 AM

pro5, on Apr 4 2006, 07:41 AM, said:

I'm kinda suprised nobody noticed any of these before me... :blink: :blink: :blink:
Or am I terribly wrong and this installation will work? :cheers:

No, you're right. Our eyes have become blurry from gazing at too many of these long install threads. :lol:

#11 billy3

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Posted 04 April 2006 - 04:08 PM

Torvald, on Apr 2 2006, 01:42 PM, said:

The Big Picture WeiDu
75. Big Picture WeiDu v176 (Without Ascension option)

I take it this means you also installed the WeiDu versions of TDD, SoS and TS?

Would you please post whether you were successful and what problems you ran into during your install? I intend to install this monster as well :D

#12 Torvald

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Posted 05 April 2006 - 10:37 AM

billy3, on Apr 4 2006, 07:08 PM, said:

Torvald, on Apr 2 2006, 01:42 PM, said:

The Big Picture WeiDu
75. Big Picture WeiDu v176 (Without Ascension option)

I take it this means you also installed the WeiDu versions of TDD, SoS and TS?

Would you please post whether you were successful and what problems you ran into during your install? I intend to install this monster as well :D

Well, actually No, I wasn't planning on installing TDD, SoS or TS, as I've already played them before and wanted to try some new quests.

Thanks to all the folks who provided advice, especially for not rubbing my nose in it too much when I accidentally omitted BGT WeiDu 100 from my install list. :doh:

I will most likely pare my install list down, as otherwise my Override folder will get too full and slow my game down. Not to mention that installing all those mods will take at least 2-3 hours - If everything goes right.

The install will probably have to wait until this weekend since my son's computer just went belly up and I'm having to go thru the whole reformat, reinstall Windows, reinstall programs bit for him first. My daughter's computer is also acting up, so I may have to go fix hers too. (Out of our 5 home computers, the only ones working okay are my wife's and mine, so if I don't quickly get theirs fixed, they'll be sneaking on mine after midnight, which tends to lessen it's resistance to spyware, viruses, harddrive crashes, etc.)

Once I've got a working install, I'll come back here and post it, just in case anyone else is curious, brave or foolhardy enough to try the same whopper install. Until then, Cheers! :cheers:

"My wife says I have the body of a God - Buddha!"

#13 billy3

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Posted 05 April 2006 - 05:58 PM

seanas, on Apr 3 2006, 05:57 AM, said:

Valygar/Suna Seni is fully compatible with this install (it was only ever TS it had conflicts with); you can install kits if you want, as yr not installing TDD. Sim has said that there's no problem installing the combat enhancements of the quest pack - they'll get overwritten or patched by BP later on anyway. install or not as you choose. G3Tweaks is best left until after BP.

:huh: So if I install TDD I won't be able to install the Wild Mage v14?

edit: quoted a bit too much :P

Edited by billy3, 05 April 2006 - 05:59 PM.

#14 Arturcic

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Posted 06 April 2006 - 01:32 AM

You can, as long as u don't install the TDD kits. Now it's an optional component. If u do, u can still use some Kit-Remover mod to get rid of them.

#15 --billy3--

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Posted 06 April 2006 - 07:00 AM

Arturcic, on Apr 6 2006, 04:32 AM, said:

You can, as long as u don't install the TDD kits. Now it's an optional component. If u do, u can still use some Kit-Remover mod to get rid of them.

Any idea where I can find the kit remover? More importantly, is it safe to use with a mega install? I'm assuming it is provided the kit(s) removed aren't used by any npcs.

I'd have to remove kits from the class I want to add to (i.e. mage) right?

sorry for the noobness :D, it's been a while since I've tinkered with any of this.

#16 horred the plague

horred the plague

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Posted 06 April 2006 - 10:39 PM

There should be no issue with TDD and WildMage kit mod. The wild mage is not an added kit; merely an enhanced one. The Spellshaper kit is added via conversation, not offered in initial selection.

#17 billy3

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Posted 07 April 2006 - 05:33 AM

horred the plague, on Apr 7 2006, 02:39 AM, said:

There should be no issue with TDD and WildMage kit mod. The wild mage is not an added kit; merely an enhanced one. The Spellshaper kit is added via conversation, not offered in initial selection.

:woot: w000t!

#18 horred the plague

horred the plague

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Posted 07 April 2006 - 05:40 AM

billy3, on Apr 7 2006, 09:33 AM, said:

horred the plague, on Apr 7 2006, 02:39 AM, said:

There should be no issue with TDD and WildMage kit mod. The wild mage is not an added kit; merely an enhanced one. The Spellshaper kit is added via conversation, not offered in initial selection.

:woot: w000t!

I'm currently playing an altered Wild Mage in an install that includes BGT, TDD, and BP--so I've seen it work with my own eyes. ;)

#19 Chevalier


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Posted 07 April 2006 - 02:29 PM


I didn't see where you will install BGT???


13. BGT-NEJ2 WeiDu compatibility mod v1 (3/16/06)
14. *** Special edit of the BGT-NEJ2 compatibility mod .tp2 file, as follows:

The following lines #8402-05 must be removed from Setup-BGT.tp2

READ_2DA_ENTRY 0 1 2 "slot_name"
SET_2DA_ENTRY 0 1 2 "%slot_name%"+1 //NEXT_AVAILABLE_MOD_SLOT?

I think just before you install BGT-NeJ2 comp. mod.


39. Key Ring v2
40. Priest Rings v0 (Adds two new Priest rings)
42. Selune Armory v1 (A collection of defensive items for Baldur's Gate II)

I don't think I have these, where did you get them??

Edited by Chevalier, 07 April 2006 - 02:34 PM.

I Ride for the King!

a.k.a. Chev

#20 X-Calibar

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Posted 07 April 2006 - 04:32 PM

Chevalier, on Apr 7 2006, 06:29 PM, said:


39. Key Ring v2
40. Priest Rings v0 (Adds two new Priest rings)
42. Selune Armory v1 (A collection of defensive items for Baldur's Gate II)

I don't think I have these, where did you get them??

Here they are~

http://forums.rpgdun...php?topic=983.0 - Selune's Armory v1
http://s4.invisionfr...hp?showtopic=16 - A Mod For The Orderly v1 "cliffkey_v2.rar"
http://www.sorcerers...tems_spells.php - Priest Rings for Kenshiro by Baronius