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NeJ2Biffer, v3

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#1 horred the plague

horred the plague

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Posted 30 March 2006 - 08:09 AM

Attached File  NeJ2Biffer_v3.rar   596.44K   19659 downloads

I was doing a complete reinstall of my own, so I thought it was a good time to make this.

From the Changelog:

v3 Updated to weiduv191.

Added support for NeJ2 music files, to the GUI
switcher. The NeJ2 music files will no longer overwrite
your in-game resources by default. They install/uninstall
along with the "NeverEnding Journey" GUI option.
Support for MxLeina songlist entry to come in a
future version (after the songlist APPEND procedure
is perfected).



#2 -Guest-

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Posted 30 March 2006 - 12:05 PM

Sounds like the Final Version of NeJ2Biffer is released. :D
Thanks, Horred! :cheers:

#3 erebusant


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Posted 31 March 2006 - 09:55 AM

Attached File  NeJ2Biffer_v3.rar   596.44K   19659 downloads

I was doing a complete reinstall of my own, so I thought it was a good time to make this.

From the Changelog:

v3 Updated to weiduv191.

Added support for NeJ2 music files, to the GUI
switcher. The NeJ2 music files will no longer overwrite
your in-game resources by default. They install/uninstall
along with the "NeverEnding Journey" GUI option.
Support for MxLeina songlist entry to come in a
future version (after the songlist APPEND procedure
is perfected).



Horred, will there need to be an additional version when Vlad's NEJ2 v605 comes out?

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#4 horred the plague

horred the plague

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Posted 31 March 2006 - 05:05 PM

Horred, will there need to be an additional version when Vlad's NEJ2 v605 comes out?

Perhaps; but I really cannot say until it is released, and we try the biffer out.

#5 Vlad

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Posted 01 April 2006 - 06:05 AM

Horred get the BGT-NeJ2 v2, it is basically all what comprises the new version 6.5. Just change in the dlgfixes.d the following line:




That's all. The next version will be already v7.0 which will include a substantial amount of new material.

#6 horred the plague

horred the plague

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Posted 01 April 2006 - 07:02 AM

Horred get the BGT-NeJ2 v2, it is basically all what comprises the new version 6.5. Just change in the dlgfixes.d the following line:




That's all. The next version will be already v7.0 which will include a substantial amount of new material.

It souldn't need adjustment, then. The biffer runs your Setup-NeJ2.exe, right after setting up the files for GUI Switcher and folders for the Biffing. So, your tp2 changes inthe new version will be taken care of by your own file. ;)

The biggest changes are done in the batch file, and are mostly call for the *.[filetype] variety. So, as long as ogg-wav or tiz-tis files aren't added, no new changes should be necessary. :)

#7 Chevalier


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Posted 16 April 2006 - 04:10 PM

Do you need to run the biffer, to use the Setup-NEJGUI.exe? The biffer won't work for me. :( It creates SETUP~15.exe and tries to run it. With the 191 weidu it creates phantom SETUPs like SETUP~15.exe

I Ride for the King!

a.k.a. Chev

#8 horred the plague

horred the plague

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Posted 17 April 2006 - 02:27 AM

Do you need to run the biffer, to use the Setup-NEJGUI.exe? The biffer won't work for me. :( It creates SETUP~15.exe and tries to run it. With the 191 weidu it creates phantom SETUPs like SETUP~15.exe

If you ran it previously, and have a folder named NeJ2/GUI in your installer (with lots of files in it)--you can fake it. I manually have made a GUI Switcher folder for TuTuGUI, for example.

Has anybody else had this issue beside Chev?

#9 horred the plague

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Posted 21 April 2006 - 02:55 PM

Allow me to clarify a misconception. This biffer is not actually for the specific combination of BP-NeJ2, or BP-BGT-NeJ2 (pure installs). Its main purpose is to simplify installation of BP, NeJ2, and/or BGT---plus other "biffing mods" (TDD, SoS, TS-BP, SoBH, DSotSC, or NTotSC). For these it is almost a necessity (unless you have such a powerful PC that lag caused from 800MB+ biff files is non-existent).

It can "also" be used if you "choose not to" have a very large override folder. As long as you either install BP afterwards,or manually remove those two leftover Bioware spells we all keep talking about from the Setup-NeJ.tp2 file, you should not have issues with it.

#10 1halfelf

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Posted 22 April 2006 - 02:16 PM

OK, dumb question here... I used the NeJBiffer to install the NeJ2v42b par tof NeJ after running the initial parts of the install for NeJv42b and the NeJ2v602 patch, then quitting at the Weidu install. How do I use NeJBiffer to install the 602 patch now? Or do I have to install the 602 patch now?

Slightly confused...

1halfelf :blink:

#11 erebusant


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Posted 22 April 2006 - 03:13 PM

OK, dumb question here... I used the NeJBiffer to install the NeJ2v42b par tof NeJ after running the initial parts of the install for NeJv42b and the NeJ2v602 patch, then quitting at the Weidu install. How do I use NeJBiffer to install the 602 patch now? Or do I have to install the 602 patch now?

Slightly confused...

1halfelf :blink:

1halfelf, the biffer only is used to install and biff NEJ2. the 602 patch needs to be run immediately afterwards, and just run it as you normally would. You don't use the biffer for it. :)

Edited by erebusant, 22 April 2006 - 03:14 PM.

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#12 1halfelf

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Posted 22 April 2006 - 05:34 PM

Thanks! That answers it!

#13 Chevalier


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Posted 23 April 2006 - 12:08 AM

Horred or more likely the Bigg,

This is what I get when I run the biffer. I think it has something to do with when one WeiDU program runs another.

Copying 1 file ...

SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED [Biffing NeJv4.2 files. Rin this INSTEAD OF Setup-NeJ2.exe!
Run Setup-NeJ2.exe FIRST to uninstall!]

Press ENTER to exit.

[F:\BP\SETUP-~2.EXE] WeiDU version 191
[F:\BP\SETUP-~2.EXE] Using scripting style "BG"

The SETUP-~2.EXE.TP@ mod has 11 distinct optional components.
To save time, you can choose what to do with them at a high level rather than being asked about each one.

What should be done with all components that are NOT Yet installed?
[I]nstall them, [S]kip them, [A]sk about each one?

I am runing win98se. I think it has something to do with WeiDU 191 or win98se, not the biffer. Does anyone else get phantom SETUP-~X.EXE or is this just me?

I Ride for the King!

a.k.a. Chev

#14 Golden Thief

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Posted 05 May 2006 - 07:09 PM

Horred your probably already changing this but wanted to say that with the new release of NEJ2v6.5 the Biffer doesn't recognize it because it is named Setup-NEJ2v65 but if you rename it Setup-NEJ2 the biffer works. Just tried so far so good.

#15 horred the plague

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Posted 05 May 2006 - 11:39 PM

I hadn't gotten around to it yet, but yes--it is a simple change to do. It would be better probably to change the one line in the biffer's tp2 file than the NeJ.exe name. That was the point of the biffer, after all--to work around the existing program.

#16 horred the plague

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Posted 24 June 2006 - 06:29 AM

If we get a stable version of NeJ2 for our purposes, besides the v42/v602 combo--I'll update this to match. In case some of you were wondering why this hasn't been updated. ;)

#17 seanas

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Posted 15 October 2006 - 03:31 AM

just refreshing the attachment, as it seems to have died (in the server swap, at a guess). i've made no changes to the biffer, so you still need NEJ2v4.2 and patch v6.02.

Attached Files

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#18 Anomaly

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Posted 15 October 2006 - 06:45 AM

By the way, I have one question :

It can "also" be used if you "choose not to" have a very large override folder. As long as you either install BP afterwards,or manually remove those two leftover Bioware spells we all keep talking about from the Setup-NeJ.tp2 file, you should not have issues with it.

In the case I want the NEJ biffer without BP (to use BG2 FixPack for example or get rid of the NEJ GUI), what are the "two leftover Bioware spells we all keep talking about" ? :wacko:
French translator of: BG2 FixPack, BG2 Tweaks, Baldur's Gate Trilogy-WeiDU, BGT-Tweaks and some minor mods.

#19 erebusant


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Posted 15 October 2006 - 12:06 PM

By the way, I have one question :

It can "also" be used if you "choose not to" have a very large override folder. As long as you either install BP afterwards,or manually remove those two leftover Bioware spells we all keep talking about from the Setup-NeJ.tp2 file, you should not have issues with it.

In the case I want the NEJ biffer without BP (to use BG2 FixPack for example or get rid of the NEJ GUI), what are the "two leftover Bioware spells we all keep talking about" ? :wacko:

They're already removed from the NEJ-SPL temp folder before it gets biffed as follows:

move override\*.spl NEJ-SPL
del NEJ-SPL\SPCL221.SPL /s /q
del NEJ-SPL\SPCL242.SPL /s /q

weidu --make-biff NEJ-SPL
rd NEJ-SPL /s /q

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#20 seden

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Posted 23 October 2006 - 07:15 PM

NeJ2 v6.8 ?

This version is said to be compatible with BGT, but no clue about BP, so it sound like I will need some more research before I'm ready.