Where to Begin;
Character name; Bereth Darkides
Class: Created- Warlock (Warrior/Mage)
Lvl: 33
All Houses Owned in cities
All Unique Armor ( All Daedric except helm, created + Honored Sheild from Bruma)
All Unique Weapon (Fav. Daecric LongSword 27 Dam. + 40 fire dam/hit)
Many other weapons= Bow, Two handed Sword, etc. All Daedric.
Strongest Attribute: Strength= 99
Master Armorer (only need 1 hammer now +25 health to all weapons and armor)
Master Chemist (Can creat potions with only one ingredient)
Skill between 90-100 : Swordsmanship
Fav. Spells: Bereth's Fuel to the fire - 100% reduction to fire immunity in a 15ft area for 15 seconds
Bereth's Immolation - 40 fire damage for 3 seconds (range/1 target)
Bereth's Fireball - 30 fire damage in 15ft area for 3 seconds (touch)
Same type of spells for Lightning
Bereth's Elemental Blast- 30 fire/lightning/cold damage each (range)
Bereths Minor Vanishing - 100% invisibility for 30 seconds
Bereths Lava Walk - 50% immun. to fire/water walk for 30 sec. each
Bereths Turning - Turn lvl 20 undead for 10 seconds
Bereths Shield Arm - Fortify Block 75% for 30 seconds
Bereths Anti Magic Shell - Much like that found in
DnD (ironicaly)
Bereths Wizard Bane - Damage Magic Immunity 30% for 10 seconds/ Silence for 10 seconds
ETC. ( keep in mind I have a few combination created spells and that I have played
DnD for over 30 years. You can imagine what experience and secrets long forgotten is in this mind.)
6 Horses all armored, 3 with elvish, 3 with the other.
Nights of the nine addon keeps and caves etc.
Total overall funds in access of 1 mil (all earned not hacked)
I haven't been killed one time since lvl 18. I ride everywhere and this accounts for killing so many bandits and selling so many items to shops I also think it's more sureal of an experience when you ride everywhere, (I just LOVE IT). When I get attacked it's funny,, *oh look someone else who want's to dieeeeee!
Total Install= Only the three official games with no mods or hacks. (I find most are incompatible with each other and are quite buggy toward my video card.)
I will add pic later!