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Speed problem with CtB/TDD/SoS

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#1 Duality


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Posted 23 March 2006 - 04:11 PM

When I installed CtB/TDD/SoS or just CtB/SoS certain areas of the game slowed to a crawl.
It only seemed to be outdoor areas that were not mod-added. i.e. The slums and the Bridge District were virtually un-playable while all of the interior areas, like the house where you pick up the horn of valhalla were fine. Hlondeth was also fine.

I originally thought it was because I had 18k items in my override folder, but an install of just CtB/SoS had the same problem, although to a lesser extent. And it only had 9k items in the override.
A third install with just CtB and some other mods worked fine, and it too had about 9k items in the override.

Which means the size of the override folder wasn't an issue. Anyone know what the insane slowness was caused by? Could the length of an area .bcs file cause such a massive slowdown?

This is very annoying since I want to play with all three mods installed, but I can't. :(

#2 Azazello


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Posted 23 March 2006 - 11:47 PM

All known reasons for slowdown are in this thread. Try, see which works for you.

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#3 seanas

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Posted 24 March 2006 - 03:39 AM

When I installed CtB/TDD/SoS or just CtB/SoS certain areas of the game slowed to a crawl.
It only seemed to be outdoor areas that were not mod-added. i.e. The slums and the Bridge District were virtually un-playable while all of the interior areas, like the house where you pick up the horn of valhalla were fine. Hlondeth was also fine.

Which means the size of the override folder wasn't an issue. Anyone know what the insane slowness was caused by? Could the length of an area .bcs file cause such a massive slowdown?

just the slums and the bridge district, all Athkatla city areas, or all outdoor areas? it's a script problem for sure, but not due to the length of the script - there'll be a block of code somewhere that is supposed to do something and then increment, but is not incrementing, so it's endlessly repeating. if it's just happening in the slums and the bridge, you could check them yrself (AR0300.bcs and AR0500.bcs) and find what is causing it. if it's all outdoor areas, the culprit may well be BALDUR.bcs.

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#4 -Guest-

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Posted 26 March 2006 - 09:41 PM

Actually, it turned out to be a combination of a 1 gig override with 10k items, and a 500k baldur.bcs. My computer didn't like that at all.
I biff'd the override and removed some un-needed code from baldur.bcs and it works fine now.

#5 Azazello


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Posted 27 March 2006 - 10:22 PM

Y'all keep talking about modifyin' the BALDUR.bcs. But I ain't never seen a thread that tells eggactally what to remove. Point us to a thread, whydoncha?!!

#6 russ



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Posted 28 March 2006 - 07:12 AM

You really shouldn't modify baldur.bcs. Sometimes, however, there is an error in the file (a script block that is missing some kind of parameter and goes on an infinite loop) which causes a slow down of the game. This, though, is very rare. If there is a slow down in the game (assuming you have a computer built in this century, or should I say millenium) the causes are as follows (and usually in this order):

1. A creature or NPC is trying to start a dialogue but there is a missing variable (or some other reason) that is preventing the dialogue from starting.
2. A script is trying to execute a block of code but the code is incomplete and the script is going on an infinite loop.
3. There is too much going on in your game (usually a large battle) and your computer can't keep up.
4. You have too many items in your inventory.
5. There are too many files in your override.

Fixing 1, 2, and 5 require that you have some knowledge of the game engine (if you use NearInfinity you have enough). The solution for 5 is to biff the files. You would need WeiDU and tispack/tisunpack. (If you install mods you have these in your game directory.) Read the WeiDU readme and search in these forums about removing headers in tis files.

Finally, about baldur.bcs, modifying this file to improve performance was mentioned by Horred. If you know enough about the game engine to do what he is doing, you wouldn't be asking the question in the first place.

Edited by russ, 28 March 2006 - 07:12 AM.

#7 Azazello


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Posted 28 March 2006 - 07:49 PM

Still, no one is answering my question: where are people (i.e. Horred) telling what to edit in the baldur.bcs? Linksy, please.

#8 seanas

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Posted 29 March 2006 - 01:01 AM

there are no links as it's not advised unless a: you know it's causing problems; or b: you know what yr doing.

you'll know it's causing problems cos you'll find yr having a specific problem (x) ingame and you'll come here and find a thread that says 'problem (x) is caused by a bad code block in BALDUR.bcs. please edit it it accordingly, or install this patch'.

you'll note there are, as yet, no such problems so described: so unless you want to tinker for yr own benefit (and at yr own risk) there's no reason why you should be modifying BALDUR.bcs.

"A simple test of the relative merits of science and religion is to compare lighting your house at night by prayer or electricity" - A. C. Grayling
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#9 ne2 Luka

ne2 Luka
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Posted 07 April 2006 - 12:02 AM

Well, I too have performance problems. Only my performance is degraded in every area of the game (not sure if it's every area, but most, Irenicus Dungeon for start). I installed:

1. Full BGII SOA+TOB+26498_patch
2. SoS v1.10/TDD v1.10/CtB v1.7
3. TS-BP v6.04.01
4. BP-1.76 - only component 15 - Ascension
4. Weidu Mods:
Redemption v1.1.3
... and bunch of other "small" mods.
5. BP v176
6. Post-BP Weidu mods:
Cleric, G3 Tweaks, Refinements.
7. Worldmap v5.0

Now my override counts 21k files. Is this enough to cause this slowdown?

...If I need to biff (is that the word?) my override, could someone who knows how to do it tell me how?
Otherwise, how else am I going to play the game?

#10 sadun

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Posted 09 April 2006 - 05:34 AM

Horred has posted an excellent batch file for biffing sobh files in below thread

Just change names to something else and use it.

Edited by sadun, 09 April 2006 - 05:35 AM.

#11 seanas

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Posted 09 April 2006 - 06:25 AM

21K items is rarely enough - in my experience, and i have an old and slow laptop - for any slowdown to be caused by the size of the override folder. for my laptop, an override folder of <1GB will cause no slowdown - and i highly doubt with 21K items that yr even close to 1GB (or that yr machine is as slow as mine :P).

other things are much more likely to be the cause - NPC dialogue problems or scripts missing variables (which versions of the mods do you have installed?) or overstuffed bags of holding (not usually a problem in CI, tho), or other programmes chewing yr CPU cycles, such as over-vigilant anti-virus programes. i wouldn't go biffing manually unless you know the override folder is the source of yr problem - and i doubt that it is in this instance. look instead to what you've got installed and what combos... the problem is much more likely to be bad coding from an NPC or an incompatibility between two of yr mods or the other programmes you've got running in the background.

manual biffing is not a panacea for all slowdown problems, but a specific solution to a specific problem: if you've installed the latest weidu versions of all the BP family mods, they'll have automatically biffed everything that needs it; manually biffing is unlikely to help.

Edited by seanas, 10 April 2006 - 03:43 AM.

"A simple test of the relative merits of science and religion is to compare lighting your house at night by prayer or electricity" - A. C. Grayling
"EFF files have saves, too." - CamDawg
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