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Now that BP-Weidu is released...

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#41 raoul82

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Posted 22 March 2006 - 04:21 AM

Ehy I think the Ascension-mods dependance has an easy solution: install component 15 of the Big Picture (Ascension), then install mods that require Ascension (longer road, turnabout, quest pack etc.), then install BP core. Correct me if I'm wrong. Raoul

#42 SimDing0



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Posted 22 March 2006 - 05:35 AM

Right, but that's highly counter-intuitive and not something we should be asking end users to do.
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#43 horred the plague

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Posted 22 March 2006 - 08:05 AM

Right, but that's highly counter-intuitive and not something we should be asking end users to do.

Rather than doing that, skip my Ascension and use Weimer's....for now; if it matters that much. It has worked alright for years. It's only that mine acts more precisely with the original authors' intent, by using Objects that actually work as intended. I also replaced a big handful of Spell(Myself,0) type of useless lines.

I assumed that people did not want to see BP's re-release delayed any further by this, and would rather use an almost-finished BP than the old setup, or not at all. Perhaps I was wrong, but it is difficult to recall it at this time.

My plans for expanding on this center mainly around incorporating the detectable stats into it, and making it even more precise in its calculations. Even that is not "that" big of a deal.

So, again; if BP-Ascension gives you a big conflict with your mod installation---skip it, and use weimer's. Until I'm done with it. ;)

#44 Salk

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Posted 22 March 2006 - 09:19 AM

I am gonna wait...You know, I have been waiting and waiting and waiting and loved to see the mods' (and their authours') evolution so it's absolutely no problem for me. I am 32 years old...I should hope I can wait a little longer :D

And anyway untill some other Mods are not out and stable (mods like Enhanced Creatures, BG1 Unfinished Business and G3's BG2 Fixpack) I am not going to play "seriously"... :)

Cheers! :cheers:

Edited by Salk, 22 March 2006 - 09:22 AM.

#45 Kalindor


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Posted 22 March 2006 - 10:50 PM

And anyway untill some other Mods are not out and stable (mods like Enhanced Creatures, BG1 Unfinished Business and G3's BG2 Fixpack) I am not going to play "seriously"... :)

Mahahah! Have you not caught on yet, my good Salk? Upcoming mod releases are all but a simple ploy to prevent you from ever again playing BGII. Honestly, the barrage of upcoming mods over the years on this and other sites have served more to encourage me to wait and prevent me from playing the game than any other event. Horred, you villain, give me my life back! :D

Edited by Kalindor, 22 March 2006 - 10:51 PM.

#46 -pro5-

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Posted 24 March 2006 - 02:02 PM

Ehy I think the Ascension-mods dependance has an easy solution: install component 15 of the Big Picture (Ascension), then install mods that require Ascension (longer road, turnabout, quest pack etc.), then install BP core. Correct me if I'm wrong. Raoul

That won't work good - component 15 doesn't install "clean" without BP core installed first. (just checked...)

Is it possible to install standard Ascension, then all mods that require / support it (Longer Road, etc.), then install BP including "new" Ascension?

#47 horred the plague

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Posted 25 March 2006 - 12:22 AM

That won't work good - component 15 doesn't install "clean" without BP core installed first. (just checked...)

Is it possible to install standard Ascension, then all mods that require / support it (Longer Road, etc.), then install BP including "new" Ascension?

I won't guarantee that it will work, you may end up with some duplication. In theory, it should.

#48 Hundy

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Posted 25 March 2006 - 12:17 PM

:Bow: Just a quick message of thanks to you Horred. I installed BP-Weidu and it is the best in awhile. I especially like the BP Gui. Again thanks for all the hard work. :cheers:

#49 -Guest-

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Posted 26 March 2006 - 06:08 AM

Ehy I think the Ascension-mods dependance has an easy solution: install component 15 of the Big Picture (Ascension), then install mods that require Ascension (longer road, turnabout, quest pack etc.), then install BP core. Correct me if I'm wrong. Raoul

That won't work good - component 15 doesn't install "clean" without BP core installed first. (just checked...)

Is it possible to install standard Ascension, then all mods that require / support it (Longer Road, etc.), then install BP including "new" Ascension?

Hmm, well that's distressing (duplication is a pretty common bug with Ascension as far as my plays have gone anyway) Would it be possible to install standars Asc, then the mods that do Asc checks, then install BP Asc, then uninstall standard Asc, or would an uninstall of standard also remove the BP version?

#50 horred the plague

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Posted 30 March 2006 - 12:47 PM

Hmm, well that's distressing (duplication is a pretty common bug with Ascension as far as my plays have gone anyway) Would it be possible to install standars Asc, then the mods that do Asc checks, then install BP Asc, then uninstall standard Asc, or would an uninstall of standard also remove the BP version?

This would most likely make a big mess of things. Best thing is to remove Ascension checks from the tp2 file, and install those mods before BP (not tested by yours truly). Next best is to install Ascension-weimer, then those mods, then BP w/ its Ascension.

#51 boospawn

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Posted 02 April 2006 - 11:49 AM

You mention a list of mods that need to be installed after BP. Can you provide a link to that list? I couldn't find it with a search.

#52 amitlath

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Posted 06 April 2006 - 06:50 PM

Yes, I am assuming (you know what they say about that...) that the new releases of the "big mods" are going to be compatible with BGT-WeiDU v1.00. I'll have to hit the readme files.

I didn't find much there, but I see compatability for BGT-weidu is included in 3 of them. Also, RoT support. So, I'm going to take a guess at implied install:

NeJ2(parts 1 & 2)--I've written an auto biffer for this, BTW...
NeJ2v602 patch
RoT (this is just a guess, since it's a december 2005 release)--for future referrence (not ready yet)
NeJ2-BGT compat patch
(maybe SoBH, DSotSC,NTothSC here)
"Small mods"
(The "small mods" noted in BP-weidu readme)

Remember, this is just a guess--the procedure I'm going to try out. Hopefully KD will come along soon and clarify this.


horred, i took a look at the bp-weidu readme in the bp176 rar file and couldnt find the "small mods" that are mentioned above. am i missing something? are the small mods those that were mentioned in the old non-weidu bp install guides (like rov/rot, ease-of-use etc)?


#53 seanas

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Posted 07 April 2006 - 02:46 AM

i'm not sure where the readme link went, but "small mods" basically means "whatever other weidu mods you feel like installing thaty aren't explicitly mentioned on this list" (they're all 'small mods' in comparison to the BP family that ppl call 'big mods').

the exclusions - ie the weidu mods not to install, at this or any other point - are those listed in the various old, non-weidu install guides/ compatibilty guides: anything that overwrites IDS or 2DA files, pretty much (some parts of Ease of Use, some parts of Oversight, maybe a few others that i can't think of right now).

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|| this is radio seanas || BP Series v3 || seanas at work ||

#54 horred the plague

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Posted 07 April 2006 - 04:20 AM

No, they are right--I missed these in the readme file.

From the (already revised, yet to be released) BPv177 ReadMe:

Improved Celestials (they went out of their way to compat with BP, let's give them a fighting chance!
TheBigg Tweaks
TuTu Tweaks (see notes after this list)
D0Tweaks (after TuTu, as Sim suggested somewhere--see notes below)
DefJam (yes, the reduced CRE rewards might double with some of BP's XP-altered overwrite files. All the more reason to keep hex-patching!)
Divine Remix
DefJam and BP will still have some degree of conflict, 100% due to the fact that BP is not complete.
Many of BP's improved CRE files are still of the old-style "overwrite" format, waiting to be converted over.
BP classic had its own unique experience system for creatures. I have decided to remove this, in favor of
a "user's-choice" system like what DefJam offers. Note that BP's rewards are not "necessarily" reduced rewards;
they were evaluated from a chart based on Gygax's original.

Notes about TuTu Tweaks:
Stay away from the following components, as if they were the Plague (pardon pun).
You'll note that most of them come directly from the Ease of Use/BPv161 no-go list.

XP Cap Remover
True Grand Mastery
Anything "Un-Nerfed"

They will wreck your level-50 rules, if you have either TDD or that component of BP installed!

The "low reputation store discount" blatantly overwrites REPMODST.2DA.
I seem to recall some mod adding something to this 2DA, but I'm not sure which. You can use it, just keep an eye out.

Druids get Priest Spells/Progression: The tp2 code looks for presence FILE_EXISTS ~override/Mxspldru.2da~
in order to work it's magic (overwriting mxspldru with mxsplpr, and read/set a 2DAentry).
So, if you used any biffing mod at all, it is highly likely this file got biffed up (it lays around in override in ToB-patched).
If you copy the mxspldru.2da file from your biffs to the override folder before running the installer, this component should work.
This "shouldn't" affect lvl-50 rulesets in any way.

And a note about Refinements (formerly on this list): Refinements will overwrite XPLEVEL and XPCAP 2DA files. These are located in Refinements\Hlab\Shared\Copy folder. If you replace these with the lvl-50 files from BP or TDD, before installing Refinements--it should work fine.

Edited by horred the plague, 07 April 2006 - 04:21 AM.

#55 erebusant


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Posted 09 April 2006 - 08:47 AM

And a note about Refinements (formerly on this list): Refinements will overwrite XPLEVEL and XPCAP 2DA files. These are located in Refinements\Hlab\Shared\Copy folder. If you replace these with the lvl-50 files from BP or TDD, before installing Refinements--it should work fine.

Horred, I was able to find the XPLEVEL.2da in the TDD\RULE directory, but no luck finding the XPCAP.2da anywhere. Any more suggestions of where to look? The only other XPCAP.2da files I found anywhere in my BGII-SoA directory were in Ease (unused) G3Tweaks, and NEJ2\NEJ-BIFF. Thanks for the help.

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#56 horred the plague

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Posted 09 April 2006 - 04:01 PM

Horred, I was able to find the XPLEVEL.2da in the TDD\RULE directory, but no luck finding the XPCAP.2da anywhere. Any more suggestions of where to look? The only other XPCAP.2da files I found anywhere in my BGII-SoA directory were in Ease (unused) G3Tweaks, and NEJ2\NEJ-BIFF. Thanks for the help.

You installed BP, and it wasn't in the override folder? I have BGT and BP only installed; it is in mine.

What is really needed, in the end, is either entries of -1 or some high numbers like TDD and BP add--like 20 million. You could do this manually in any text editor, DLTCEP, or NI if absolutely necessary.

Edited by horred the plague, 10 April 2006 - 01:56 AM.

#57 amitlath

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Posted 10 April 2006 - 01:33 AM

thanks for the information Horred.


#58 erebusant


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Posted 10 April 2006 - 05:24 PM

Horred, I was able to find the XPLEVEL.2da in the TDD\RULE directory, but no luck finding the XPCAP.2da anywhere. Any more suggestions of where to look? The only other XPCAP.2da files I found anywhere in my BGII-SoA directory were in Ease (unused) G3Tweaks, and NEJ2\NEJ-BIFF. Thanks for the help.

You installed BP, and it wasn't in the override folder? I have BGT and BP only installed; it is in mine.

What is really needed, in the end, is either entries of -1 or some high numbers like TDD and BP add--like 20 million. You could do this manually in any text editor, DLTCEP, or NI if absolutely necessary.

So as long as I copy the TDD Rule XPLEVEL.2da to the Refinements\hlab\_shared\copy directory and overwrite the file that is there, and change the XPCAP.2da in the same directory from 2,950,000 to something astronomical like 50,950,000 then Refinements should run fine and not hose anything else up? It appears all the other values are already set to -1. :blink:

Edited by erebusant, 10 April 2006 - 05:25 PM.

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#59 Salk

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Posted 03 May 2006 - 12:43 AM


what is the current situation between BP-WeiDu and Cirerrek's GMinion 1.8 ? Can they be installed together ? Any preference in installation order ? And any plan to hardwire it into BP-WeiDu in the future ?

Thanks! :Bow:

Edited by Salk, 03 May 2006 - 12:45 AM.

#60 horred the plague

horred the plague

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Posted 03 May 2006 - 03:34 AM


what is the current situation between BP-WeiDu and Cirerrek's GMinion 1.8 ? Can they be installed together ? Any preference in installation order ? And any plan to hardwire it into BP-WeiDu in the future ?

Thanks! :Bow:

It probably would be best to put it after BP, so it overwrites the BP-included versions of some of these files. They should be compatible. No plans to wire these in; I have a similar set I'll prbably work with when I get back at things. RL has been an utter bitch this last week or so. :(