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Observations on this Good Mod

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#1 Bill Bisco

Bill Bisco
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Posted 07 March 2006 - 12:19 PM

Well, I played this mod again. This time defeating everything fair and square. I have to apologize for last time. I didn't extract the mod to the BG2 Directory. I just copied and pasted and that was probably a source of a couple of errors.

Well, I appreciated the fact that you made Irenicus high level and with as many spells as you gave him. To me that's what made him useful. Also, I never play with Straight-Classed Wizards Ever! So, becoming aware to the usefulness of Greater Malison, Chaos Sphere, and Horrid Wilting were real eye-openers for me. One of the deterrents to playing a Wizard to me was the fact that I hated resting after every battle. With Irenicus I am not forced to do this. I can cast a time stop, let some spells go, and move on to the next batch and do the same thing. This is very good, and I praise you for that.

I enjoyed his talks. He had a lot to say, but I think that you captured his personality quite well and it was indeed interesting to hear his reactions to my actions. You introduced a plot twist that Bioware didn't think of. And it was a good one and well done.

Hearing Sarevok and Irenicus argue was indeed funny. There's nothing like having your 2 former enemies now serving you and bickering.

The bad ending is truly a great ending. I literally shivered the first time that I saw it. All that work to save the world and having Irenicus take it from me was truly masterful. I can only imagine what it would be like if this mod were an integral part of BG2. I would have liked to have heard the reviews people gave of what happens when you beat the game with Irenicus. They might call is a masterfully dissappointing yet Great and Appropriate ending. In fact, if I were able to make a BG2 ToB movie, that is exactly the ending that I would want to depict.

On another note, redeeming Irenicus is just filled with problems. In my previous run-through, I did everything right except that I told Irenicus that I didn't want him to take Sendai's soul. So, he never asked to take another one and thus the ending I got was assured.

This run-through, I defeated Watcher's Keep before even defeating Yaga-Shura. Did the Deva Quest Correctly, and then proceeded to slay my siblings. Irenicus never once asked me if he could have a soul. I had the Suldanesselar sequence and everything too! And so when it came to the Throne of Baal, well, you know what happens.

I was thinking of how the Viconia romance works. What you say to Viconia determines whether or not she will change alignment. If you talk to her saying that she's good in bed, your score drops by one, but if you say different things, her score will increase. If you have 3 or more, she will turn.

It makes me think of the fact that you Have to do the Deva Quest to Redeem Irenicus. I wholeheartedly agree that it should aid in his redemption, but perhaps not the deciding factor of it all? Maybe how you handle the lich in Amkethran would be significant too.

I noticed that when Demogorgon talked to me, I had no option to give Irenicus away. I would have really liked to. It's really disheartening for a player to get this far, try to redeem Irenicus correctly, but fail due to errors. I mean, if a player goes all the way and completes all of Watcher's Keep and kills Demogorgon, perhaps allowing him/her to give Irenicus up so that s/he could get the endings for the other characters would be an acceptable reward?

Also, I found a bug, when having the flashback to Suldanesselar, I end up seeing two Ellesimes and two Irenicuses. One is stationary while the other tries to move past them.

#2 dorotea


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Posted 19 March 2006 - 08:57 PM

I just wanted to remind you that there are in fact 4 endings - not 2, and the 2 that you have missed are quite amusing as well. I am sorry you have run into trouble again... sigh. Just keep in mind that redeeming the guy has to be INSANELY difficult. In fact as the mod had been in development I sustained numerous attacks from other modders literally yelling their heads off at the fact that I dare to write something as awful and 'not in character' as Irenicus redemption. So, I made it hard. Really hard.

The easiest way to deal with the risk would be not to promise him a soul - then you will not be bound to your promise.

Good luck!

Freedom cannot be equated with goodness, virtue, or perfection. Freedom has its own unique self-contained nature; freedom is freedom ? not universal goodness. Any confusion or deliberate equalization of freedom with goodness and excellence is in itself negation of freedom, and acceptance of the path of restraint and enforcement.

Nikolai Berdyaev - Christian Existentialist, Philosopher of Freedom.

The Longer Road mod
Redemption mod
Bitter Grey Ashes

#3 mero

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Posted 27 October 2006 - 01:34 PM

Well, I've managed to get the good ending and I'm quite satisfied with it.This version is better then in Redemption - not so cruel to  Jon :)  But I thought he would try to meet with Ellesime and she isn't mentioned at all. What happened to the Elven Queen? I'd like them both to have a long chat and forgive each other :hug: