Many cats have been comng up with a few ideas on what can/cannot be done in BG1/BG2. I thought it might be helpful to have a "pinned" post as to what is hardcoded in the game and cannot be changed. I figured I would "sticky" this topic and leave it open so cats could add to it. I'll try to update the main post with the list as much as possible, so they don't have to scroll though what will probably be quite a few posts.
- You cannot make a mod that allows more then six people in a party - Jastey.
- Monk/Sorcerer, Barbarian/Bard (etc) Multi and Dual classes. - SConrad.
- Item usability flags for custom kits. - SConrad.
- Animation slots number and their numerical IDs - King Diamond.
- Number of entries in SONGLIST.2DA (100 physical rows) - King Diamond.
- Hierarchy of random treasure 2DAs and their usability - King Diamond.
- Fixed musiclist.2da - the bigg.
- Newbies that read pinned topics before posting - the bigg.
- Visual Range - Delight.
- Spellbook size - seanas.
- Number of displayed kits - seanas. - "Having more than 9 kits per class in the GUI" would perhaps more accurately be "having more than 9 kits per class per race in the GUI" (since it's perfectly possible to have f.ex 9 fighter kits for humans, and 9 completely different fighter kits for elves). - NiGHTMARE
- Turn undead/ bardsong/ thieving buttons - seanas.
- Having more than 24 HLAs in the GUI - the bigg.
- Having more than 9 kits per class in the GUI - the bigg.
- Changing the count of chapters - the bigg.
- Foot circles are also hardcoded to specific animations - Seifer
- Original walking speed is also there.... - King Diamond
- Changing the buttons to fit your needs, like a ranger using thief skills etc. - Pain Elemental
- image sizes:
tis 60x80 (tho it is safer to use 59x79 as the max size)
bam for inventory items limit of max 64x64. gets all off place if it is bigger - Sir-Kill
Edited by MajorTomSawyer, 04 May 2006 - 11:06 AM.