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Remove Charm from Turn Undead

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#1 Skodmunk

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Posted 05 March 2006 - 05:26 AM

Topic says it all, im tired of having to deal with charmed undead, they anoy more than they help. And its also more fun watching them eksplode in a gory rain of bones and flesh   :devil:

The mod should just remove the Charm part of Turn Undead, not change the fear/destroy part of the ability or change the lvl requirements (priest lvl vs monster lvl, that desides wether or not Turn Undead works)

Ive been trying to look around for an mod that does that, but havent been succesful.
Im not an Mod'er myself so im not sure what theres required for such an mod to work.

Finaly I cant remember any part of the game story the depends on the player to charm an Undead. So it shouldnt interfere with that...

Any insight is welcome   :Bow:

#2 the bigg

the bigg

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Posted 05 March 2006 - 05:29 AM

Hardcoded. It's possible to make an undead immune to all forms of turning, but not to only charm-turning.

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#3 Skodmunk

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Posted 05 March 2006 - 06:20 AM

I had hoped that it wasnt :(
But thx anyway