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Reviving multiplayer

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#61 Kalindor


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Posted 31 March 2006 - 12:58 AM

The Soundset is from Nightmare from Soul Calibur. One Portrait comes from 3rd edition. Don't know where the other one comes from.

You are tempting me to make a Raphael soundset. Do not invoke my wrath. :P

#62 horred the plague

horred the plague

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Posted 31 March 2006 - 01:21 AM

I'm for IRC instead of TeamSpeak (I'd have to get my microphone back from a guitarist; it's my singing mic, but I have audigy2 platinum pro with front interface--so even "real" mic's work :D).

Next week would also be better, but I can pull it off this week. Eastern Time should be 11:00/3:00 actually (in the north, at least), until Sat night/Sun morning (daylight savings time ends this week).

The patch should be makeable within minutes, so no issues there.

I'll check in on IRC when I get home from work tonight (~10:00 PM GMT) and see what the overall concensus is.

#63 Anomaly

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Posted 31 March 2006 - 01:40 AM

I agree that IRC will be easier for all of us. I have tried your chatroom, Bill Bisco, but the window "Do you want to stay" that pops up every 10 minutes is really annoying.

Horred, I suppose you will be on SHS channel, right ? That is : irc.gamesurge.net, channel #spellhold
French translator of: BG2 FixPack, BG2 Tweaks, Baldur's Gate Trilogy-WeiDU, BGT-Tweaks and some minor mods.

#64 horred the plague

horred the plague

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Posted 31 March 2006 - 01:59 AM

I agree that IRC will be easier for all of us. I have tried your chatroom, Bill Bisco, but the window "Do you want to stay" that pops up every 10 minutes is really annoying.

Horred, I suppose you will be on SHS channel, right ? That is : irc.gamesurge.net, channel #spellhold

Sure, I'll be there--I'll check in at Bill's channel as well, popup or not. I also hang out on pocket plane's and G3's channels, from time to time--so when I'm on, I'm easy to find. ;)

#65 Bill Bisco

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Posted 31 March 2006 - 11:55 AM

I tried Downloading mIRC today but it was really confusing. I'm sorry about the pop-up, If you could come onto my Chat room it would be cool

I wouldn't mind Doing IRC, but I will need someone to tell me step by step everything involved to download and work it.
Um, As far as time, well, hopefully once you guys get on, we can discuss Time issues and then maybe we can decided something That will appeal to more people in the future.
I knew that If I didn't just make a commitment or something, that likely nothing would happen.

*Just to let you guys know, I am in the Chatroom now.*

If anyone Wants to Join in Today or Tomorrow at GMT 8:00 PM

Install: Baldurdash Weidu 1.5 (all components)
BGT (all components
BP-Weidu (all components)
The bigg (all components except Petrification fix
Choose Option 2 For Cheesier Limited Wish and Wish
Don't Install the Faster Romances (It gives 3 options)

BGT-BP Chat Room

My IP could be instead.

Your Weidu Log Should Look Something like this

// Log of Currently Installed WeiDU Mods
// The top of the file is the 'oldest' mod
// ~TP2_File~ #language_number #component_number // [Subcomponent Name -> ] Component Name
~SETUP-BD-TOB.TP2~ #0 #0 // Baldurdash Fix Pack for ToB, v1.5 WeiDU
~SETUP-BD-TOB.TP2~ #0 #1 // Textupdatepack -> Baldurdash English Text Update Pack for ToB, v1.4 WeiDU
~SETUP-BGT.TP2~ #0 #0 // Baldur's Gate Trilogy - Core
~SETUP-BPV176.TP2~ #0 #0 // Big Picture AI/Enhancement Mod, version 176 weidu (beta)
~SETUP-BPV176.TP2~ #0 #1 // Improved Suldanessallar
~SETUP-BPV176.TP2~ #0 #2 // Improved Spellhold
~SETUP-BPV176.TP2~ #0 #3 // Wand of Orcus Add-In
~SETUP-BPV176.TP2~ #0 #4 // Improved Small Teeth Pass, by Kensai Ryu
~SETUP-BPV176.TP2~ #0 #5 // Improved Kangaxx Encounter, by Kensai Ryu
~SETUP-BPV176.TP2~ #0 #6 // Kensai Ryu's Improved Crypt King
~SETUP-BPV176.TP2~ #0 #7 // Kensai Ryu's Gnome Fighter/Illusionist in the Docks
~SETUP-BPV176.TP2~ #0 #8 // Improved Random Encounters, by Gebhard Blucher and Kensai Ryu
~SETUP-BPV176.TP2~ #0 #9 // Gebhard Blucher's Lich in the Docks
~SETUP-BPV176.TP2~ #0 #10 // Red Badge, Poison-Based Encounter, by Westley Weimer
~SETUP-BPV176.TP2~ #0 #11 // Kuroisan the Acid Kensai, by Westley Weimer
~SETUP-BPV176.TP2~ #0 #12 // The Ritual, by Westley Weimer
~SETUP-BPV176.TP2~ #0 #13 // Level-50 Ruleset (Code By King Diamond)
~SETUP-BPV176.TP2~ #0 #14 // Ascension for BP
~TB#TWEAKS/TB#TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #100 // Nature's Beauty Tweak. (v2)
~TB#TWEAKS/TB#TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #150 // Imprisonment Fix. (v2)
~TB#TWEAKS/TB#TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #300 // Drop Weapons in Panic Effect Removal. (v2)
~TB#TWEAKS/TB#TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1000 // Unlimited Limited Wish & Wish. (v2)
// Recently Uninstalled: ~TB#TWEAKS/TB#TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1200 // More cheating Wishes: -> Convenient Wish. (v2)
// Recently Uninstalled: ~TB#TWEAKS/TB#TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2000 // Improved Difficulty System. (v2)
~TB#TWEAKS/TB#TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1250 // More cheating Wishes: -> Cheesy Limited Wish & Wish. (v2)
~TB#TWEAKS/TB#TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2000 // Improved Difficulty System. (v2)// Improved Difficulty System. (v2)

Edited by Bill Bisco, 31 March 2006 - 01:38 PM.

#66 dragonian

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Posted 31 March 2006 - 01:50 PM

So tomorow at 8 PM GMT will be a general tryout :). Everyone who wants to play should be there just to tray if everything works correctly and if so play some game. Probeably i would host and my IP is
I might be about half an hour late but be free to come earlier :)

#67 horred the plague

horred the plague

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Posted 31 March 2006 - 05:04 PM

I got the same parse errors when installing TB#Tweaks. I'll make a manual override-drop package to fix this, and post it on one of the ftps before gametime. Erinyes.bcs from bpv176 is fouling up still--even with the fix tp2 code (it was just a quick guess, anyways).

EDIT: Be sure to grab the fixed BPv176.tp2. This also gets rid of the tb#tweaks parse errors. I saw zero errors in the installer part, with bp & tb#.

@Anomaly: This is more recent than the one I DCC sent you. It fixes ERINYES as well, at least in my bp install.

Edited by horred the plague, 31 March 2006 - 09:31 PM.

#68 dragonian

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Posted 01 April 2006 - 03:30 PM

~SETUP-BD-TOB.TP2~ #0 #0 // Baldurdash Fix Pack for ToB, v1.5 WeiDU
~SETUP-BD-TOB.TP2~ #0 #1 // Textupdatepack -> Baldurdash English Text Update Pack for ToB, v1.4 WeiDU
~SETUP-BGT.TP2~ #0 #0 // Baldur's Gate Trilogy - Core
~SETUP-BPV176.TP2~ #0 #0 // Big Picture AI/Enhancement Mod, version 176 weidu (beta)
~SETUP-BPV176.TP2~ #0 #1 // Improved Suldanessallar
~SETUP-BPV176.TP2~ #0 #2 // Improved Spellhold
~SETUP-BPV176.TP2~ #0 #3 // Wand of Orcus Add-In
~SETUP-BPV176.TP2~ #0 #4 // Improved Small Teeth Pass, by Kensai Ryu
~SETUP-BPV176.TP2~ #0 #5 // Improved Kangaxx Encounter, by Kensai Ryu
~SETUP-BPV176.TP2~ #0 #6 // Kensai Ryu's Improved Crypt King
~SETUP-BPV176.TP2~ #0 #7 // Kensai Ryu's Gnome Fighter/Illusionist in the Docks
~SETUP-BPV176.TP2~ #0 #8 // Improved Random Encounters, by Gebhard Blucher and Kensai Ryu
~SETUP-BPV176.TP2~ #0 #9 // Gebhard Blucher's Lich in the Docks
~SETUP-BPV176.TP2~ #0 #10 // Red Badge, Poison-Based Encounter, by Westley Weimer
~SETUP-BPV176.TP2~ #0 #11 // Kuroisan the Acid Kensai, by Westley Weimer
~SETUP-BPV176.TP2~ #0 #12 // The Ritual, by Westley Weimer
~SETUP-BPV176.TP2~ #0 #13 // Level-50 Ruleset (Code By King Diamond)
~SETUP-BPV176.TP2~ #0 #14 // Ascension for BP
~TB#TWEAKS/TB#TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #100 // Nature's Beauty Tweak. (v2)
~TB#TWEAKS/TB#TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #150 // Imprisonment Fix. (v2)
~TB#TWEAKS/TB#TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #300 // Drop Weapons in Panic Effect Removal. (v2)
~TB#TWEAKS/TB#TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1000 // Unlimited Limited Wish & Wish. (v2)
~TB#TWEAKS/TB#TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1250 // More cheating Wishes: -> Cheesy Limited Wish & Wish. (v2)
~TB#TWEAKS/TB#TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2000 // Improved Difficulty System. (v2)
~TB#TWEAKS/TB#TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #200 // Flesh to Stone Fix. (v2)
~SETUP-BGTTWEAK.TP2~ #0 #3 // Tougher Sarevok and Semaj
~SETUP-BGTTWEAK.TP2~ #0 #4 // Major locations explored upon visit
~SETUP-BGTTWEAK.TP2~ #0 #5 // Druid/Ranger-responsive bears in BG1
~SETUP-BGTTWEAK.TP2~ #0 #10 // Bags of the Sword Coast
~SETUP-BGTTWEAK.TP2~ #0 #11 // Altered spawns -> TuTu-style levelled spawns
~SETUP-XPMOD.TP2~ #0 #6 // Locks, Traps and Spells XP Reduction -> Reduce to 25%

The weidu.log for our current game!
those are BD,BGT,BP(everything),Big`s Tweak Pack(everything), BGT Tweaks Pack(Sarevok, Major Locations, Bears,Bags and TuTu spawns), Defjam(25% to locks,traps and spells)

#69 Anomaly

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Posted 01 April 2006 - 05:00 PM

We are three (avenger - thief / mage - bersecker) in Friendly Arm Inn ; if someone is willing to join us, please install mods as listed and create a new PC with 1300 xp. We are looking for one more frontliner, and one mage.

Please create your character in single player mode, buy yourself some basic equipment at Candlekeep's Inn, give you 1300 xp [ CLUAConsole:SetCurrentXP(1300) ] then export it.

Multiplayer is really fun compared to single player game. :D
By the way we play without pausing, it is much better and more exciting !

Next gaming session is Sunday, at 4:00 PM GMT. Join us at Bill Bisco's chat room !

About mods, do not forget :
- edit Setup-BGT.tp2 as appropriate before installing BGT here
- apply BP v176 patch before installing BP here
- apply TB#Tweaks patch before installing tb#tweaks here

Edited by Anomaly, 02 April 2006 - 02:36 AM.

French translator of: BG2 FixPack, BG2 Tweaks, Baldur's Gate Trilogy-WeiDU, BGT-Tweaks and some minor mods.

#70 horred the plague

horred the plague

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Posted 02 April 2006 - 05:04 AM

Just a reminder, about this, before it gets buried by the pther threads.

There is still a couple of hours to get set up and ready for this (as of this post).

This is a LOT more fun than I had anticipated. We are experiencing no lag on my PC, and no issues thus far.

We have room for a couple more, and we're not very far into BG1 yet.

So get off your butts, install the mods, roll a PC, and get ready for a day of pure fun.

We'll meet in BillBisco's chat room (see thread above), and you can get the server IP there (plus any guidance to get you running).

Cheers, hope some people make it and we can play a 6-person party today! :D

#71 dragonian

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Posted 02 April 2006 - 10:41 AM

We are still playing 3 chars cause no one came:)
Maybe next week someone will come ;)
will someone help us on our crusade?:D

Edited by dragonian, 04 April 2006 - 01:20 PM.

#72 -Guest-

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Posted 04 April 2006 - 02:12 PM

We are still playing 3 chars cause no one came:)
Maybe next week someone will come ;)
will someone help us on our crusade?:D

I'll be there if possible as a Sorcerer. However, I am still on vacation and will be most of this weekend. Perhaps it would be better if I joined for the next multiplayer game. D'oh! I was looking forward to this, too. <_<

#73 Anomaly

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Posted 05 April 2006 - 12:35 AM

We are looking for a single-class mage, so a sorcerer can do it. If you can stick with us (a BGT+BP game is very long), you're welcome !

Gaming session are planed saturdays and sundays between 2:00 PM GMT and 10:00 PM GMT. Please note that we play without pause, without save & restore (unless where there is no choice, of course), and at maximum difficulty (improved difficulty system ; game level is normal).

Please install this :
~SETUP-BD-TOB.TP2~ #0 #0 // Baldurdash Fix Pack for ToB, v1.5 WeiDU
~SETUP-BD-TOB.TP2~ #0 #1 // Textupdatepack -> Baldurdash English Text Update Pack for ToB, v1.4 WeiDU
~SETUP-BGT.TP2~ #0 #0 // Baldur's Gate Trilogy - Core
~SETUP-BPV176.TP2~ #0 #0 // Big Picture AI/Enhancement Mod, version 176 weidu (beta)
~SETUP-BPV176.TP2~ #0 #1 // Improved Suldanessallar
~SETUP-BPV176.TP2~ #0 #2 // Improved Spellhold
~SETUP-BPV176.TP2~ #0 #3 // Wand of Orcus Add-In
~SETUP-BPV176.TP2~ #0 #4 // Improved Small Teeth Pass, by Kensai Ryu
~SETUP-BPV176.TP2~ #0 #5 // Improved Kangaxx Encounter, by Kensai Ryu
~SETUP-BPV176.TP2~ #0 #6 // Kensai Ryu's Improved Crypt King
~SETUP-BPV176.TP2~ #0 #7 // Kensai Ryu's Gnome Fighter/Illusionist in the Docks
~SETUP-BPV176.TP2~ #0 #8 // Improved Random Encounters, by Gebhard Blucher and Kensai Ryu
~SETUP-BPV176.TP2~ #0 #9 // Gebhard Blucher's Lich in the Docks
~SETUP-BPV176.TP2~ #0 #10 // Red Badge, Poison-Based Encounter, by Westley Weimer
~SETUP-BPV176.TP2~ #0 #11 // Kuroisan the Acid Kensai, by Westley Weimer
~SETUP-BPV176.TP2~ #0 #12 // The Ritual, by Westley Weimer
~SETUP-BPV176.TP2~ #0 #13 // Level-50 Ruleset (Code By King Diamond)
~SETUP-BPV176.TP2~ #0 #14 // Ascension for BP
~TB#TWEAKS/TB#TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #100 // Nature's Beauty Tweak. (v2)
~TB#TWEAKS/TB#TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #150 // Imprisonment Fix. (v2)
~TB#TWEAKS/TB#TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #300 // Drop Weapons in Panic Effect Removal. (v2)
~TB#TWEAKS/TB#TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1000 // Unlimited Limited Wish & Wish. (v2)
~TB#TWEAKS/TB#TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1250 // More cheating Wishes: -> Cheesy Limited Wish & Wish. (v2)
~TB#TWEAKS/TB#TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2000 // Improved Difficulty System. (v2)
~TB#TWEAKS/TB#TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #200 // Flesh to Stone Fix. (v2)
~SETUP-BGTTWEAK.TP2~ #0 #3 // Tougher Sarevok and Semaj
~SETUP-BGTTWEAK.TP2~ #0 #4 // Major locations explored upon visit
~SETUP-BGTTWEAK.TP2~ #0 #5 // Druid/Ranger-responsive bears in BG1
~SETUP-BGTTWEAK.TP2~ #0 #10 // Bags of the Sword Coast
~SETUP-BGTTWEAK.TP2~ #0 #11 // Altered spawns -> TuTu-style levelled spawns
~SETUP-XPMOD.TP2~ #0 #6 // Locks, Traps and Spells XP Reduction -> Reduce to 25%

About mods, do not forget :
- edit Setup-BGT.tp2 as appropriate before installing BGT here
- apply BP v176 patch before installing BP here
- apply TB#Tweaks patch before installing tb#tweaks here

Start a new single player game with normal difficulty (to get maximum HP), rollup your character, buy some basic equipment at Candlekeep's store, give yourself 15000 XP - CLUAConsole:SetCurrentXP(15000) and export your character.

We have explored Friendly Arm Inn, Beregost, Nashkel and Gnoll Stronghold. Next time we'll be heading for Nashkel Mines.

Next gaming session is Saturday, GMT 2:00 PM. Join us a little earlier (1:30 PM is good) at Bill Bisco's Chat room.
French translator of: BG2 FixPack, BG2 Tweaks, Baldur's Gate Trilogy-WeiDU, BGT-Tweaks and some minor mods.

#74 dragonian

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Posted 07 April 2006 - 08:10 AM

Sory guys but i`m out of town tommorow so i won`t play with you. You can take my char and play with it and i`ll get it on Sunday :)

#75 Gaias

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Posted 07 April 2006 - 02:48 PM

I will join you in a multiplayer game as a sigle class mage. Though I am unsure of what time zone you are refering to for the game session.

Edited by Gaias, 07 April 2006 - 02:50 PM.

#76 Anomaly

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Posted 07 April 2006 - 02:57 PM

Great news ! :D

We are using GMT. So, for example, if we tell you the gaming session starts at 2:00 PM GMT and you are, for example, in GMT -5, the gaming session will start at 9:00 AM on your local time.

You'll be ready tomorrow to play at 2:00 PM GMT ? Have you installed the same mods ? Join us tomorrow at our chatroom. :)

Edited by Anomaly, 07 April 2006 - 02:58 PM.

French translator of: BG2 FixPack, BG2 Tweaks, Baldur's Gate Trilogy-WeiDU, BGT-Tweaks and some minor mods.

#77 Gaias

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Posted 07 April 2006 - 03:09 PM

Hmmm. From your description of how GMT works, it would put me at 7:00 AM. This is not doable for me as I will be at work (I know, sucks to work the weekends) It would seem that I could not make it after all. :(

Well I can make it on Sunday (just read the whole post :P). But for me to make it on Saturday it would have to be at GMT 9:00 PM. One day is better than nothing I suppose. :)

Edited by Gaias, 07 April 2006 - 03:15 PM.

#78 Anomaly

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Posted 07 April 2006 - 03:47 PM

Well I guess you are in GMT -7 then :whistling:

Since dragonian and me are in GMT +2 this explains that we have some problems to find a common time. :doh:

You work all Saturday's mornings, or just this Saturday ? In the latter case, this is not a problem, since dragonian cannot play tomorrow anyway (we will miss you dragonian :crying:).

And you can play all Sunday (well from 2:00 PM GMT to 10:00 PM GMT) ?

In any case, try to go to the chatroom at 9:00 PM GMT tomorrow (as soon as you can, in fact). We may find a solution for you. They are several possibilities : players can temporary play other players's characters (but we will need to pause if someone is controlling more than one character), or we can kick out a character for some time and reimport it later when its player is there.
French translator of: BG2 FixPack, BG2 Tweaks, Baldur's Gate Trilogy-WeiDU, BGT-Tweaks and some minor mods.

#79 Kalindor


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Posted 07 April 2006 - 05:44 PM

Please keep a slot open for me as I have not forsaken you and will join the next session of your grand adventure when I return home from my vacation Sunday evening. That was me earlier posting as "guest"... I forgot to log in on this old laptop. ;)

#80 Bill Bisco

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Posted 07 April 2006 - 10:03 PM

No Worries. At the Very Worst, there will end up being 7 players. If that happens, then you guys can just open 2 games, one with 3 and another with 4