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Reviving multiplayer

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#41 trurl

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Posted 30 March 2006 - 04:02 AM

i could play the following: (in order of preference)
wild mage
monk or kensai
bounty hunter or dualled swashbuckler

#42 dragonian

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Posted 30 March 2006 - 05:34 AM

Anomaly: Improved Difficulty System let`s us play on any level we like(even easy) still geting encounters like we would be playing impossible. SO we get normal dmg, normal everything BUT we get the most difficult encounters made in BP :)
About a class.
Probeably a palladin or a monk(if monk i also would like to have oversight`s high level monk`s abilities)

#43 Anomaly

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Posted 30 March 2006 - 06:06 AM

Ah, you're right. I was not remembering correctly. I am used to "Normal" difficulty mode, to get 100% learning spells and (the most important) full hit points on level up. I think these settings are more appropriate than core D&D rules for a computer role-playing game, especially with difficulty-enhancing mods like Big Picture-WeiDU. :)

We have to decide lots of things :
- Who is willing to play (if more than 6 people, two or more gaming session are needed, unless some people quits the game after a while)
- Planning
- Mods (obviously)
- Classes (we must have a well-rounded party)
- Difficulty setting (and eventually improved difficulty system setting)
- Who is the Bhaalspawn (a strong character is of course prefered :lol:)
- Party alignment (good, neutral or evil ?)
- Pause usage policy (and don't forget auto-pause settings)
French translator of: BG2 FixPack, BG2 Tweaks, Baldur's Gate Trilogy-WeiDU, BGT-Tweaks and some minor mods.

#44 wellunhappy

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Posted 30 March 2006 - 07:10 AM

Ah, you're right. I was not remembering correctly. I am used to "Normal" difficulty mode, to get 100% learning spells and (the most important) full hit points on level up. I think these settings are more appropriate than core D&D rules for a computer role-playing game, especially with difficulty-enhancing mods like Big Picture-WeiDU. :)

We have to decide lots of things :
- Who is willing to play (if more than 6 people, two or more gaming session are needed, unless some people quits the game after a while)
- Planning
- Mods (obviously)
- Classes (we must have a well-rounded party)
- Difficulty setting (and eventually improved difficulty system setting)
- Who is the Bhaalspawn (a strong character is of course prefered :lol:)
- Party alignment (good, neutral or evil ?)
- Pause usage policy (and don't forget auto-pause settings)

i like the way you seem to be organising this and it will take massive organising i tried to do something similar but i ended up square dancing on the black and white tiles in my friends kitchen...ermm. thats probably confusing the matter, but anyway i think its difficult to put together and i wish you luck.

i'm kinda retired but i would be interested in a couple of weekends but there is no way i can commit to a start to finish game. i generally play axe wielding barbarians or cool assassins(neutral)

#45 horred the plague

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Posted 30 March 2006 - 07:48 AM

If set in "Normal" mode, many of the BP encounters are missed. Hard Core has the most, and a little support for HARD-->INSANE (more as I go).

I also am a fan of Max HP. Give me the worst possible scenario to get out of, but don't take my HP!

The Max HP component of TuTu Tweaks can take care of this, BTW.

My PC pref's for multiplayer:

Rogue or Mage/Thief
Ranger or Archer
Cleric or Druid

Weekends are open ATM--this may change in the future, but they are open for now.

Alignment? I don't really care, I can adapt.

I don't need to be the Bhaalspawn, but playing with me could provide a source of pre-release BP patches/enhancements... :whistling:

Pause? It has no place in Multiplayer games. Then again, I'm a seasoned veteran of NWN servers. ;)

Mods? BP and BGT would be my only "for sure" votes. I wouldn't mind trying NeJ2, but the multiplayer support is limited I've heard. Again, I'm pretty quick on "patch-making", and I'm not lacking in places to ftp upload--so this is not an impossibility.

I've expressed some dislikes already, but I'm more flexible on those.

#46 Bill Bisco

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Posted 30 March 2006 - 09:38 AM

I too find that Double Damage from Monsters is not Personally Desirable. I would like to see a mod which makes all Monsters Do Half Damage as well as make HP Maximum so that playing on Insane Could Be Fun.

Now, if someone Adjusts the slider back to normal and then levels up, will that person get max HP? If so then we could always have the game at Core Difficulty (so that we get many of the BP encounters) and then put it down whenever someone needed to level.

That might be annoying having to constantly adjust the Bar too. So, Install Max HP Component of Tutu Tweaks? What do you guys think? If we won't get enough feedback, then we'll skip this.

We have to decide lots of things :
- Who is willing to play (if more than 6 people, two or more gaming session are needed, unless some people quits the game after a while)
- Planning
- Mods (obviously)
- Classes (we must have a well-rounded party)
- Difficulty setting (and eventually improved difficulty system setting)
- Who is the Bhaalspawn (a strong character is of course prefered laugh.gif)
- Party alignment (good, neutral or evil ?)
- Pause usage policy (and don't forget auto-pause settings)

-We will find out who is willing once it is time to play :lol:
- Planning begins now
- Mods For Simplicity and Ease, let's say that we'll have BGT and BP-Weidu (Maybe Tutu Tweaks with enough support)

- Here is what I suggest for starting a party. Make a character and an alternate (Perhaps a Second Alternate). If it appears that the rest of the party is well-rounded, then Just play your Favorite Type of Character.

Secondly, I'm very flexible. I like to play a lot of things. If a party does not have a Cleric or Thief, then I would gladly play a Cleric/Thief (Can you backstab with a Club?). Tis no Big Deal!

- Well, I think it might be fun to be a Second Banana, but if Needed I could be the Bhaalspawn.

- Alignment is not terribly important, it's just how other people feel about losing reputation. So, just be whatever you want.

- Everyone should be able to pause if needed, but yes it would be preferable to use it sparingly if possible. (I guess this will also mean that I'll need to get in touch with my hotkeys as well ^_^ )

But i would say that we should also install one more thing smile.gif
The Bigg`s Tweak Pack because of it`s Improved Difficulty System - It set`s the mod`s that use the difficulty system to one that we wnat and we are still able not to get 200% demage on Impossible level...

I think that this would be a good mod. Yet, if we can't get the BP encounters then it's probably not worth it.

- monk but in that case I would really like to have Oversight's Monks High Level Abilities if we plan to get to TOB levels, especially with BP-Ascension, since fighters HLA for Monks are really poor.

- druid (avenger) but I will need to edit my character to overcome the erroneous -4 penalty to strength and constitution caused by Baldurdash-WeiDU (should be -2 only).

- cleric/ranger (multiclass)

Well, I've never had a Problem with Monk HLAs. To me Whirlwind Attack is The Best HLA of All. It saves so much time in battles. But, if you could live without the Oversight mod that would be good.

Or, If you wouldn't mind playing an Avenger, I'd say go ahead and make a character with the Proper Adjustments and then We'll be good to go :)

For Mods, once again, let's just say that BGT and BP are the ones we want, Tutu Max HP if everyone says that's what they want.

For Times Here's some Ideas of Mine

1. GMT: 4:00 PM
2. GMT: 8:00 PM
3. GMT: 5:00 AM

1. 10:00 AM Central Time and 6:00 Poland Time
2. 2:00 PM Central Time and 10 PM Poland Time
3. 11:00 PM Central Time 7:00 AM Poland Time

Mutiple Times are a good idea because people inevitably will not be available at different times.

Anywho these are my intial thoughts on times, It would probably be good to Coalesce this into 2 different times.

As far as Days Go. How about Starting Friday at GMT 8:00 PM or GMT 5:00 AM Or We could Could just start on Saturday. is my IP just in case.

Any of you guys Have Instant Messaging? That'd make it really easy to find out if a game is currently up.

aim = Malisapheron
yahoo = Malisapheron
msn = bill_bisco@hotmail.com
icq =244467761

#47 dragonian

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Posted 30 March 2006 - 11:21 AM

I only have xfire about instant msg.
The Bigg`s Tweak Pack SHOULD trigger all BP encounters but this has to be confirmed by Horred :). If it`s so we will play at normal level getting HP, 100% spell learning, and normal dmg and still get all BP encounters and it would be great for me :).
I can live without Oversight so i`ll play Palladin or an Archer(i really like this chars :) )
So if i`m right we should play:
1. BGT
2. BP
3. Bigg`s Tweak Pack
Talking about the Times all that you proposed are good for me :)

It doesn`t matter for me who is bhallspawn(Horred could be cause of all faster upcoming files :) ) or the alligment( but when i`ll play Palladin i won`t have much choice :) )

#48 horred the plague

horred the plague

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Posted 30 March 2006 - 12:07 PM

I thought of a couple other things to consider/compare:

1: Your time zone (esp. if we end up with > 1 group)
2: Your basic computer stats
Your RAM/CPU, and connection speed, should be considered in who plays the Bhaalspawn--they'll be the host machine after all.

This propably rules me out as Bhaalspawn, as I have a decent-at-best PC and ADSL. I think I'd rather play support crew anyways, I have an unfair advantage as guide (I wrote parts of the "map" :D). But if we encounter difficulties in play, I'll be glad to head the "game restoration front". :cheers:

I looked through Bigg's Improved Difficulty package. If installed after BP, it should work just fine. Difficulty slider is not the only consideration in BP's encounters (XP and/or level, and number in party are used sometimes as well) anyways.

Another mod consideration--does anybody like to play any of the (non-TDD) custom kits? And I am convinced that the TDD kits will work without TDD-"the mod". That's how I wrote that part, originally. All CLAB spells are being added at the same times as the kits. As is the rest of the pertinent info.

I could also make a special package, sliced out of TDD, that would only install the kit or kits that anybody intended to use. Special combo-packages (bits and pieces from >1 mod) are also not out-of-question. As long as we all install this package, everything should work fine.

Consider some of the possibilities, and whether this sort of thing would appeal to all or not.

P.S: GMT 8:00 on weekends is best for me. 4:00 is manageable w/ enough coffee.

Edited by horred the plague, 30 March 2006 - 12:29 PM.

#49 Anomaly

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Posted 30 March 2006 - 12:17 PM

Timezone: GMT +2
Internet Connection: 512K ADSL, dynamic IP, and I can be disconnected (one minute later I regain Internet access but with a new IP...)
Computer: AMD AthlonXP 1,5Ghz / RAM 256 MB

So, I cannot host at all ! I hope that if I am disconnected, I can rejoin the game in progress without problems.

Well, I think I will play a Avenger then. 10/18/16/6/18/15, darts and daggers. You have your healer :lol: (but also ranged attacks, offensive magic, and later summoner).

About instant messenger, I only have ICQ : 277835624
(We can also meet us on IRC, since we don't need to register).

About time :
1. GMT 4:00 PM : Good but I may have to leave for 15-30 minutes at some time
2. GMT 8:00 PM : Excellent
3. GMT 5:00 AM : Too early for me :(

About day : no problem

About alignment : I would prefer a good-aligned party, but since my character is True Neutral, you can do what you want.

About mods :
BGT and BP are mandatory. Do we install Baldurdash-WeiDU ? (before BGT of course)
Improved Difficulty System : maybe (bg2 difficulty system set to 'Normal')
Tutu tweaks : Unlimited stacking (for ammos, jewerly and such) and bottomless bags of holding would be nice, but I can live without them.

About kits, I find that standard ones are fine.
French translator of: BG2 FixPack, BG2 Tweaks, Baldur's Gate Trilogy-WeiDU, BGT-Tweaks and some minor mods.

#50 Kalindor


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Posted 30 March 2006 - 12:35 PM

Another mod consideration--does anybody like to play any of the (non-TDD) custom kits? And I am convinced that the TDD kits will work without TDD-"the mod". That's how I wrote that part, originally. All CLAB spells are being added at the same times as the kits. As is the rest of the pertinent info.

Sorcerer seems to be a popular choice. I am also very happy being a druid.

In terms of the other mods, I personally enjoy the Divine Remix and Song and Silence kits/rules. I also think highly of the armor modification and HLA components of Refinements.

Like I said, my time schedule is flexible. Preferably not 5-8 in the morning Eastern Time, but I shall accomodate.

#51 Bill Bisco

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Posted 30 March 2006 - 01:44 PM

Timezone: GMT -6 (US Central)
Internet Connection: 24-64ish MBps Wireless,
Computer: Inspiron 6000 1596 MHz / RAM 512 MB

I Can Probably Host if Needed. We'd find out for sure, but I probably can

About alignment : I would prefer a good-aligned party, but since my character is True Neutral, you can do what you want.

I don't mind being in a good-aligned party, although I might want to help a few people meet their ends. Perhaps Drizzt (and maybe twice :devil: ) but it's not a big deal.

Sorcerer seems to be a popular choice. I am also very happy being a druid.

In terms of the other mods, I personally enjoy the Divine Remix and Song and Silence kits/rules. I also think highly of the armor modification and HLA components of Refinements.

I haven't tried Divine Remix, but on the other hand how much is it really going to add unless you want the kits too? And I guess the problem with its kits is that you can't separate them from the rest of the mod :wacko:

Song and Silence has some nice kits, but this is really only worth it if you personally have a kit that you want to use.

I haven't tried Refinements, maybe it is quite good; I don't know. If other people wanted this installed then I will have no problem installing it.

So anywho, if You're Interested in a Sorceror or a Druid, perhaps Divine Remix and Song and Silence won't be too important to you? If they are, then maybe we can work something out.

How about this......

I'll Install BaldurDash Weidu, Baldur's Gate Trilogy, The Big Picture (all components), and Then The Bigg Tweak Pack (all Components)

This will be good since we'll get BG1, Improved AI and Encounters, as well as making it so that the game won't go away if the BhaalSpawn Protagonist Is Imprisoned or Petrified. Similarly, it means that We'll get Max HP and whatnot while still getting the harder encounters.


Alright, I'll go ahead and set a date and Mods. This is subject to debate.

Let's Install

BD Weidu
BP (all components)
The Bigg Tweak Pack (all Components)

This Will happen at 8:00 PM GMT on Friday and 4:00 PM GMT and 8:00 PM GMT on Saturday.
My IP is

Any of the Above can be changed. If you guys want to add other things, just say so and I'll readjust. If someone else wants to host, or has better ideas for times, or thinks that 8:00 GMT would be the best time overall and not include the others, that would be okay too. I am taking the initiative in this just to get the ball rolling. Anything above is by all means subject to debate.

And Yes, It would be a Good Idea to Have a Chat Room or Something that we could all go to during this time, in case someone was late or we had a full game or something.

So where is a good one? (Also if you want IRC how do I work it exactly? I've never used it)

#52 dragonian

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Posted 30 March 2006 - 01:46 PM

GMT +2
Internet Connection 752/752
Computer AMD Athlon 2400+ 512MB RAM
If it`s needed i can be a bhallspawn(a palladin then - he won`t die to quickly)
Exactly i would like to be a Lord from the TDD kits but i don`t have to play him :)
If Horred says the Improved Difficulty Sytem should work then i would vote for it to be in our game :).
As i posted after Bill i`ll edit my post. I know that i can host so this is no problem for me. I also think that we could comunicate by Teamspeak or something like that. I have serwer for Teamspeak so it wouldn`t be hard to make a channel just for us ;).
Probeably GMT 8.00 is a best time.
About the components
1. BD
3. BP(all)
4. B:TP(not all because simproved flesh to stone doesn`t work correctly as far as i remeber, we can install rest :) )
5. Maybe some character kits :)

Edited by dragonian, 30 March 2006 - 01:53 PM.

#53 Kalindor


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Posted 30 March 2006 - 02:02 PM

The mod setup looks good to me. When you say Friday do you mean tomorrow or next Friday?

#54 Anomaly

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Posted 30 March 2006 - 02:36 PM

I also think that we could comunicate by Teamspeak or something like that. I have serwer for Teamspeak so it wouldn`t be hard to make a channel just for us ;).

Well, it would be a major problem for me... I can write in English, but I cannot speak English. :( That's why I would prefer IRC, select whatever server you want and create a channel.

I can also confirm that "Flesh to stone Fix" from tb#tweaks is buggy. The author said it himself. Beware, there is a patch : http://www.shsforums...showtopic=18505

1. BD-WeiDU
2. BGT-WeiDU
3. BP-WeiDU (all)
4. tb#tweaks (without stone-to-flesh)

Is fine to me.
French translator of: BG2 FixPack, BG2 Tweaks, Baldur's Gate Trilogy-WeiDU, BGT-Tweaks and some minor mods.

#55 Bill Bisco

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Posted 30 March 2006 - 04:06 PM

As i posted after Bill i`ll edit my post. I know that i can host so this is no problem for me. I also think that we could comunicate by Teamspeak or something like that. I have serwer for Teamspeak so it wouldn`t be hard to make a channel just for us wink.gif.

Do You Want to Host?, that'd be just fine with me :)

If you want to Be a Lord and if Horred Can Make that Kit Available standalone, then Yes, that'd Be Fine :)

1. BD-WeiDU
2. BGT-WeiDU
3. BP-WeiDU (all)
4. tb#tweaks (all but stone-to-flesh)

Sounds Fine To me, and an Extra Kit if Horred Can make it in Time.

The mod setup looks good to me. When you say Friday do you mean tomorrow or next Friday?

I meant Tomorrow. I would only be able to play for 3.5 Hours on Friday. But my Saturday is completely free for GMT 4:00 PM and 8:00 PM

I don't think that I can do Teamspeak because I don't have a Microphone :(

If you could Set up a Channel in IRC and Post the Link for All of Us That would Be Great! (Btw, I know nothing about it).

#56 Kalindor


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Posted 30 March 2006 - 05:26 PM

Let's see... it would be 2:00AM for me in eastern time, then?
I have Teamspeak as well, but I will have to locate a microphone for use with it. It is improbable that I will have one tomorrow. Probably later, though.

Tomorrow will probably work for me, but I am unsure as to my availability on Saturday. Perhaps if I cannot make it on Saturday we can CLUA an appropriate amount of experience the next time we play. I am going to be driving my parents and siblings to Florida for a vacation, you see. :) If I do not make it to the game due to my vacation plans, i'll just catch the next one (whenever that is).

#57 Bill Bisco

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Posted 30 March 2006 - 05:45 PM

No, In Eastern Time. It would be 12:00 PM (Noon) If you can't make it to Saturday, it is okay. CLUA is definitely a tool that we would use so that you had appropriate XP

#58 Kalindor


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Posted 30 March 2006 - 06:16 PM

Well, I can definently make noon. Saturday's availability all depends on the hotel having internet access. :) Time to hit the installation...

Edited by Kalindor, 30 March 2006 - 06:17 PM.

#59 Bill Bisco

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Posted 30 March 2006 - 08:47 PM

Alright, Apparently The Bigg's Mod Gives You more than 1 option in Certain Cases.

Choose Option 2 For Cheesier Limited Wish and Wish
Don't Install the Faster Romances (It gives 3 options)

Oh guys, I just made A chatroom. It's pretty cool and Easy. Here it is

BGT-BP Chatroom

Anywho, I'll be on that tomorrow at the times we said earlier. GMT: 8:00 PM and we'll try again for Saturday. If you guys disagree with some of the Bigg Tweak Components, then come on there and we can make adjustments as necessary.

Oh yeah, and if you guys want to, you can put those portraits in your Portrait Folder, and Those Sounds in Your Sounds Folder so that you will be able to Hear and See My Character's Portrait :)

The Soundset is from Nightmare from Soul Calibur. One Portrait comes from 3rd edition. Don't know where the other one comes from.

Attached Files

Edited by Bill Bisco, 30 March 2006 - 08:56 PM.

#60 dragonian

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Posted 30 March 2006 - 09:46 PM

Today I cannot play with you :(.
I have limited upload in my network cause i downloaded to much and i`m not able to host or even to download the needed files. Tomorow i can play though because my limitations are to the first day of the month(and it`s tommorow). But i would prefer starting this thing next week ;)