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Reviving multiplayer

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#1 coralzombie

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Posted 24 February 2006 - 12:07 PM

Hello all, the idea recently came into my head to maybe give those old dice a roll one more time before retiring back into the shadows that i came from. You know the place im talking about. the single player world where we all feel the most comfortable either soloing the game with our custom built characters or running through every last romance banter in our attempt to "conquer" the game. So i have decided that maybe, if say there were enough people, and maybe i liked most of them. i would flex my rather medium internet hosting muscle and maybe start bringing multiplayer possibilties back into bg2. So, im posting this to see how interested in it the rest of you are. the questions im trying to answer are.

How many people would be interested.
What are the most common mods people would like to use.
What are the average times of day that most would be able to play, how long etc.

I will leave this post alone for the next week or so, i'd like to see what kind of answers i get

As a after thought, my current resources allow for a 200 player limit.

Also im not going to be answering any questions untill after i have formed a general opinion of wether or not there are enough people to warrant me doing this.

i remember those good old days when we all sat in my basement smoking cigars drinking koolaid and playing ad&d with our stubby pencils.
rest in peace E.D

#2 spika_da_hypa

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Posted 02 March 2006 - 01:36 PM

heh, i'll give it a shot, i played multiplayer before was quite fun,

as for the mods i wud suggest bg2 + tob + the big picture

im always bored at some time or another and wud give it a go

just contact me

msn = spike591@hotmail.com

aim = adamshaferspike

icq = 168282810

Edited by spika_da_hypa, 03 March 2006 - 08:18 AM.

#3 horred the plague

horred the plague

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Posted 02 March 2006 - 07:27 PM

I'm definitely interested in trying BP-BGT in multiplayer, maybe with a few other mods as well. First, I need to get BP-weidu to a stable (even if still unfinished) base, and get it released.

#4 Kalindor


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Posted 02 March 2006 - 11:22 PM

I'm up for it, definently. It's tough to get people back together after that first session, though. I vote to wait for BP-WeiDU as well to save us all some installation headaches. :)

#5 dragonian

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Posted 03 March 2006 - 08:34 AM

Iw ould like to play BGT-BP and some other mods(Secrets of the Bonehill,Northern Tales Of The Sword Coast,Dark Side Of the Sword Coast)

#6 spika_da_hypa

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Posted 03 March 2006 - 01:31 PM

i need to buy bg1+expansion for this

#7 Bill Bisco

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Posted 06 March 2006 - 04:53 PM

It's worth it. The feeling of playing BG1 in the BG2 engine for the first time is truly awesome.

#8 horred the plague

horred the plague

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Posted 06 March 2006 - 05:14 PM

It's worth it. The feeling of playing BG1 in the BG2 engine for the first time is truly awesome.

I never played BG1 any other way. :P

I started a game once, but went quickly back to BGT.

#9 melkor_morgoth75



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Posted 06 March 2006 - 11:33 PM

I never played BG1 any other way. :P

I started a game once, but went quickly back to BGT.

You Should have played at least once horred, at least to see differences between BG1 game and BG2 game :P

I'm in the opposite situation anyway ... always played BG1, never played BG2 but with BGT :P


Tired of the same boring spawned creatures u face in BG? Try BGSpawn

#10 coralzombie

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Posted 22 March 2006 - 05:14 PM

woohoo its been a few weeks since i was able to review this post/poll and see how the answers are coming. Although im not surprised to see some of the people who responded,,, i am surprised to see the small number of people who actually put in their opinion. well since i have some legal things to take care of .. ( no worries) before i can commit my servers to any kind of multiplayer gaming. ill let this post ride for 2 more weeks. basically if i dont get enough responses or inquiries only 2 things can happen.

1 ill forget it and go back to multiplayer with my buddy
2 ill run a small set of servers and host a smallish group of gamers, namely the ones who even bothered to give me an opinon, because when you get right down to it. the people who activily particpate in this are the ones who wil most likely even show up when its game time.

im out to have fun with my money not waste it .... CHeerS

woohoo its been a few weeks since i was able to review this post/poll and see how the answers are coming. Although im not surprised to see some of the people who responded,,, i am surprised to see the small number of people who actually put in their opinion. well since i have some legal things to take care of .. ( no worries) before i can commit my servers to any kind of multiplayer gaming. ill let this post ride for 2 more weeks. basically if i dont get enough responses or inquiries only 2 things can happen.

1 ill forget it and go back to multiplayer with my buddy
2 ill run a small set of servers and host a smallish group of gamers, namely the ones who even bothered to give me an opinon, because when you get right down to it. the people who activily particpate in this are the ones who wil most likely even show up when its game time.

im out to have fun with my money not waste it .... CHeerS

PPS why dont we sticky a install order for the BP and smallish mods on this forum maybe if we put it waaaaaaaaaaaay up at the top we wont be seeing as many repetitive, dumb, nub nub questions about install order and we will not have new posts about it constantly taking up space.

ppps on second thought we better put it in RED AND ALL CAPS or maybe even have a giant finger pointing at the topic for those near sighted people. +) CHeerS again

i remember those good old days when we all sat in my basement smoking cigars drinking koolaid and playing ad&d with our stubby pencils.
rest in peace E.D

#11 Bill Bisco

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Posted 26 March 2006 - 05:50 PM

Actually I think that it would be a lot of fun to play Baldur's gate with a group of people, or even just another person! My time is limited but I would be interested.

I would just need to know what mods you guys are wanting installed. I have held off a little before installing the new Super-Mods simply because I wanted to hold out and see what problems were developing. Apparently there are still some.

Anywho, why would there need to be a server? Couldn't we just TC/IP it?

#12 Chevalier


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Posted 26 March 2006 - 06:54 PM

Lets start:

Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat


What Mods you think we should play?

Please start posting when you think you might be avalible regularly and what mods.

I Ride for the King!

a.k.a. Chev

#13 dragonian

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Posted 27 March 2006 - 01:23 AM

Probeably a friend of mine would also like to play with us.

#14 Chevalier


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Posted 27 March 2006 - 02:30 AM


Cool but post when and maybe what version of BP you would want to play. We might set up a few games here. ;)

I Ride for the King!

a.k.a. Chev

#15 dragonian

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Posted 27 March 2006 - 07:28 AM

Probeably at weekends cause then most people will have time. And also we need to compare time cause when in Poland(i live here) is 17.00 in US is about 9.00 AM so we need to know when exactly :)
About the mods. For me it would be good to install BP ,TDD ,CTB ,SOS, NToTSC,DToTSC and maybe TS.

#16 Kalindor


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Posted 27 March 2006 - 10:04 AM

Probeably at weekends cause then most people will have time. And also we need to compare time cause when in Poland(i live here) is 17.00 in US is about 9.00 AM so we need to know when exactly :)
About the mods. For me it would be good to install BP ,TDD ,CTB ,SOS, NToTSC,DToTSC and maybe TS.

Weekends would be better. I live in the USA on Eastern Time (GMT -5:00). I am not a stranger to staying up until the wee hours of the morning, however. Consider my time schedule flexible. ;)

Edited by Kalindor, 27 March 2006 - 10:08 AM.

#17 dragonian

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Posted 27 March 2006 - 12:00 PM

In Poland it is GMT +2:00

#18 Bill Bisco

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Posted 27 March 2006 - 08:25 PM

I live in Central so it's GMT-6

About the mods. For me it would be good to install BP ,TDD ,CTB ,SOS, NToTSC,DToTSC and maybe TS.

Hmm, I admit that I like NSoTSC and DSOTSC just for the items. Baldur's Gate Trilogy will add a lot to Multiplayer, but I have to ask how much will these other mods add to it? Granted, I haven't played them that much except for TS.

What about adding NEJ2 to the Mix. How stable is it with the rest of the Big Picture?

I am free at 9:00 AM (GMT 15:00) or at 2:00 PM (GMT 18:00) some days. I guess the problem is that a good time would be 6:00 PM but that is 12:00 GMT.

Anywho, if we are going to have Big Mods installed, my vote would be to have NEJ2, TDD, CTB, SOS, and TS as well as BGT.

Or, I could live with just BGT and NEJ2. Or I could live with a Vanilla Game too. But, I'll do whatever you guys want.

But, anywho, we do need to decide what mods we want first of all.

Edit: Reading some of these BP is making me think too. Perhaps we should wait a bit as well. It seems like some bugfixes and updates are going on

Edited by Bill Bisco, 27 March 2006 - 08:32 PM.

#19 -Guest-

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Posted 27 March 2006 - 10:37 PM

...Anywho, if we are going to have Big Mods installed, my vote would be to have NEJ2, TDD, CTB, SOS, and TS as well as BGT.

NeJ2 seems to be not compatible with CtB (animation issues at least)

#20 Bill Bisco

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Posted 28 March 2006 - 07:32 AM

Really? I thought Horred had the Entire Big Picture with NEJ2 working fine :wacko: