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Alright, Horred what's the gameplan....?

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#41 horred the plague

horred the plague

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Posted 19 March 2006 - 10:10 AM

Great news indeed, sound like marsh will be a very intersting month for the IE modding community :)

Go to iegmc, and grab all the files. 4 big mod updates by King Diamond, and one new mod by yours truly. :o

#42 Salk

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Posted 19 March 2006 - 11:07 AM

Wow...What a sunday! :Bow:

#43 -Xerxandi-

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Posted 19 March 2006 - 03:12 PM

unless we wish to rewrite the engine, like GemRB et.al

You know, I can't help but wonder where all this hard work could go after the modding community has perfected the Weidu BGT with every mod working etc, so GemRB really interests me...

I know the initial GemRB intent is just to get it to run the original games... but I can't help but think if this engine (albeit an IE clone) could lead your modding into a completely license-free and legal domain (even allowing modders who want to make a living to 100% legally sell their non-d&d-based total conversion games along with the engine if the quality justified it).... hmmm. The IE is such a great engine with so few core games that I'm just wondering about the future and where all this is all leading. Any thoughts I'd love to hear 'em.

Also, thanks for the preview of the BP-Readme!

OH-MY-GOD I see the full Beta has been released!:woot:

#44 SimDing0



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Posted 19 March 2006 - 04:18 PM

(even allowing modders who want to make a living to 100% legally sell their non-d&d-based total conversion games along with the engine if the quality justified it)

Word on the street is that there's currently a commercial IE-style game in development by a number of prolific community members.
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#45 -Guest-

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Posted 20 March 2006 - 08:15 PM

iegmc? Sorry if the answer to this is painfully obvious, but I can't seem to find the BP-Weidu download, all the expected mirrors led to the non-Weidu version. Is the Beta version (the one you've just released) available only for official testers or am I missing something?

#46 -Guest-

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Posted 20 March 2006 - 08:19 PM

iegmc? Sorry if the answer to this is painfully obvious, but I can't seem to find the BP-Weidu download, all the expected mirrors led to the non-Weidu version. Is the Beta version (the one you've just released) available only for official testers or am I missing something?

:rolleyes: Heh, ahh, sorry about that I just found the download site. Thanks for all the great work btw, this day's been long in coming. ^_^

#47 horred the plague

horred the plague

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Posted 20 March 2006 - 08:21 PM

iegmc? Sorry if the answer to this is painfully obvious, but I can't seem to find the BP-Weidu download, all the expected mirrors led to the non-Weidu version. Is the Beta version (the one you've just released) available only for official testers or am I missing something?

You're missing something... :lol:

As an American, this is the link I keep handy (in my favorites folder). There are links around the world. IEGMC is the number 1 IE mod source that I know of, not sure what mirrors you "expected" to find it on.

#48 -Guest_Ben-

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Posted 20 March 2006 - 08:31 PM

You're missing something... :lol:

As an American, *this* is the link I keep handy (in my favorites folder). There are links around the world. IEGMC is the number 1 IE mod source that I know of, not sure what mirrors you "expected" to find it on.

The SHS hosted downloads section gives you version 161, and then clicking on the Infinnity Engine Modlist brings you to this forum. But thanks for the directory, I found it just a couple of seconds before you posted. :doh:

#49 pro5

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Posted 04 April 2006 - 10:35 AM

The (currently) 15 components of BP-weidu:

BP Core AI
Improved Spellhold
Improved Suldanessallar
Wand of Orcus
-----(all BP originals)-----
Small Teeth Pass by Kensai Ryu (KR)
Improved Kangaxx - KR
Improved Crypt King--KR
Gnome Fighter/Illusionist--KR
Improved Encounters (combo of City & Wilderness) -- KR and GB
Lich in the Docks -- Gebhard Blucher (GB)
Red Badge -- Westley Weimer (WW)
Kuroisan -- WW
The Ritual -- WW(?)
Level-50 ruleset -- void if TDD is installed
Ascension -- David Gaider and IEEAIS

Note that each of these components differs slightly from the original. All those non-weimer Tactics components were taken from original sources, not Tactics. I have author's permission to do what I please, and I have exercised it. Mostly bugfixes, but some actual improvements.

Still hardwired into BP (and there to stay):

Improved Mind Flayers -- GB
Improved Dragons -- KR
Improved Copper Coronet -- KR (goes nice with BP's Improved Slavers compound :D)
Improved Horns of Valhalla -- Cirerrek
Improved Tanner's -- Jacky-O (only appears in BP)
Improved Nymphs -- BP original--I never looked at Tactics version, so hard to say what differs
Improved Golems -- WW
Improved Undead -- WW (I didn't start with his work as a base, but he did it first)
Improved Drow -- KR (I believe D0Tweaks offers this component these days, so don't double up)
Horred's Lair (another BP original)
Improved Bodhi/Vampire Lair -- My own, nothing to do with Tactics
Improved Ilyich -- another BP original, entirely different from Tactics (not anywhere near as overpowered IMO, but much cooler :new_thumbs: )
Improved Beholders Lair -- My own AI for them (not Xyx'). Many recent improvements. Woe if you try this on INSANE with high-lvl party! *I'm also considering fusing SimDing0's eyestalk scripts with my own.* :o
(Slightly) Improved Sahuagin City -- a recent addition, not as tough as Tactics version


Horred, does current BP version improve Sendai, along with other ToB opponents?

In other words, should I use "Improved Sendai" component from Oversight or it's not needed? (I think original Sendai is too weak compared to other "improved" members of the Five).
Also if it's not included, when is it best to install it (Oversight, I mean) - before or after BP?

Edited by pro5, 04 April 2006 - 10:42 AM.

#50 seanas

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Posted 05 April 2006 - 03:55 AM

Horred, does current BP version improve Sendai, along with other ToB opponents?

only generically - as in, only thru the basic AI improvements; there's no specific Sendai improvement. that said...

In other words, should I use "Improved Sendai" component from Oversight or it's not needed? (I think original Sendai is too weak compared to other "improved" members of the Five).
Also if it's not included, when is it best to install it (Oversight, I mean) - before or after BP?

dont install improved sendai - it's an old-school install-breaker: it overwrites the IDS files that all the new weidu mods have patched with its own set.

if you must install it, do so before BP, and before you install it, backup all the IDS files you find in yr override folder; and replace them once the improved sendai install is finished. i can't swear this wont break improved sendai, but it's better than breaking everything else.

"A simple test of the relative merits of science and religion is to compare lighting your house at night by prayer or electricity" - A. C. Grayling
"EFF files have saves, too." - CamDawg
|| this is radio seanas || BP Series v3 || seanas at work ||

#51 pro5

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Posted 05 April 2006 - 05:11 AM

dont install improved sendai - it's an old-school install-breaker: it overwrites the IDS files that all the new weidu mods have patched with its own set.

if you must install it, do so before BP, and before you install it, backup all the IDS files you find in yr override folder; and replace them once the improved sendai install is finished. i can't swear this wont break improved sendai, but it's better than breaking everything else.

From the looks of the TP2, it only replaces one IDS file (STATS.IDS).

I couldn't find mention of this file in TP2's of any mods installed prior to Oversight, so hopefully this won't be game-breaking in my case. :P
But thanks for the warning, I'll probably skip it next time...

#52 horred the plague

horred the plague

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Posted 05 April 2006 - 05:45 PM

You usually don't find mentions of the file, in packages that overwrite files like IDS. You see things like:

COPY ~BPv176/BAM~ ~override~

#53 pro5

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Posted 06 April 2006 - 01:35 AM

You usually don't find mentions of the file, in packages that overwrite files like IDS. You see things like:

COPY ~BPv176/BAM~ ~override~

But it still should be mentioned in .DEBUG file, right? I checked those, too.

Just in case I'm attaching my WeiDU.log and Oversight tp2. :unsure:
This install is kinda experimental, as I'm trying some mods I never used before. Still, I wouldn't want to reinstall everything once again, it sure does take quite some time. :whistling:

Attached Files

Edited by pro5, 06 April 2006 - 02:35 AM.

#54 wellunhappy

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Posted 06 April 2006 - 05:36 AM

The (currently) 15 components of BP-weidu:

Wand of Orcus

i'm curious as this is a new componenet i'm not familier with so what is this wand?? what does it do and is there a big nasty encouter in getting it? :devil:

#55 X-Calibar

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Posted 06 April 2006 - 07:36 AM


Wand of Orcus. What's this ?

My very first mod EVAR, done for the old "TeamBG modding school" back in 2002. I got a gold medal for it (ooo, shiney!)
A remake of the 1E wand of the demon prince of the dead. You'll find it....in a very dangerous place. It has both some cool abilities and penalties, including a small chance of spawning the demon prince himself! Be sure he's "glad" to see you're enjoying his Wand so...

NOTE: I've cleaned this up somewhat from its original IAP version (some very strange things happened during 4-year storage! )


4: Wand of Orcus

My first mod ever! Included for nostalgia sake, as well as being pretty nifty. It adds the pnp classic rod
of the demon prince to a specific location in the game. The wand has some rather powerful abilities and penalties;
including a slight chance of summoning the Wand's previous owner--Prince Orcus himself. Perhaps he has come to
congratulate you on your deft usage of his fine weapon....

I was wondering myself...
Now if I could just find this location :D
[don't tell me!]

Edited by X-Calibar, 06 April 2006 - 07:38 AM.

#56 mildImp

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Posted 06 April 2006 - 11:44 AM


Just curious on when you anticipate the next full release?

thanks for the hard work!

#57 horred the plague

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Posted 06 April 2006 - 10:27 PM


Just curious on when you anticipate the next full release?

thanks for the hard work!

I don't anticipate a time frame (the joys of volunteer modding :D)


#58 mildImp

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Posted 07 April 2006 - 07:39 AM

fair enough. just curious about where it stood I guess. I guess I will just run with the current offering and look forward to the updates.

#59 Chevalier


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Posted 07 April 2006 - 03:08 PM

mildImp and others,

Let me speak for Horred a bit. He has a LOT of work he wants to do on BP. Let him work at his own pace. I don't think we will see a new release soon ( I may be wrong here), unless a game breaking bug is found that needs to be fixed.

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#60 ne2 Luka

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Posted 08 April 2006 - 03:54 AM

Well, today I tested BP v1.76. Unfortunately, BP v1.76 has massive performance issues. It doesn't biff it's files from the override. Before BP, I had about 6 files in override; now there are 7977. Before BP there was no performance degradation, it ran very smoothly. Now I can barely move.

So, my humble question would be: How to make it work? I know how to manualy biff overide with WEIDU, but it doesn't seem to work well (or am I missing something).

Perhaps this post doesn't belong in here, but since everyone in here is so overjoyed with it, perhaps someone in here would have advice.